Apparently you haven't paid any attention in the past 4 years to this movement called cancel culture. I've lost count of the numbers of times the news reported teachers and professors being fired, suspended, and reprimanded for discussing the Conservative point of view in the class room. (Try using a search engine that doesn't censor all right leaning media, duckduckgo is the best I've found for finding articles that Google shadowbans and blacklists). Just watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix--the heads of big tech openly and honestly tell you different people are seeing different versions of reality based on what the algorithms assume about the user, I problem big tech said they were going to address.
The problem is that one small district, Pelossi's district of the San Francisco Bay, also known as Silicon Valley, has the ability to shape the consciousness of the entire free world by which websites it chooses to allow on its search results. Google quit producing thousands of search results several years ago, and now usually only shows 50 or fewer search results. Executives at Google have admitted they give preferential treatment to links promoting a social justice agenda. And Project Veritas has exposed numerous corporations that are actively involved in censoring Conservative positions. Google has fired employees for simply being involved in Project Vertas. Even Karl Marx was more moderate than the modern leftist movement, recognizing the necessity of dialectics--hearing both sides of an issues (thesis and antithesis) to reach a conclusion (synthesis). Silicon Valley has become much more like Stalinists than Marxists or liberals, in actually silencing nearly all compelling Conservative points of view and perspectives from their platforms. All of the great philosophers recognized there were two sides to every story, and that progress can only come through hearing both sides. Have you even seen The Social Dilemma on Netflix where the heads of big tech admitted disinformation and polarization which was amplified through social media algorithms started civil wars in Asia or South America? If you don't realize there are two sides to every story, then you are simply ignorant. If you realize their are two sides, but willfully choose to only hear one side, then you're simply a bigot. But when there is a movement of over 70 million Americans all saying the same thing--that the media is lying about Trump by taking sound bites way out of context and censoring all media outlets that say otherwise--then you should probably search your own heart and soul for why you have so much bias and prejudice against Conservatives...