Taking clones. NEED a mother? or just clones from clones? +rep


Well-Known Member
I've noticed alot of people keep mother plants. I just wanna know why they do this, instead of just taking a clone per cloned plant?


Well-Known Member
i took all my new clones from older clones in my flowering room
as of now i have no mothers i have 5 plants in flower and a shitload of clones


Well-Known Member
You don't NEED a mother but you need the plant to be a decent size to clone it (obviously) therefore its easier to do with a mother. A good idea is to keep taking clones and then after the mother gets big flower it and make another clone a mother.


Well-Known Member
Also, a mother plant would ensure that all of the plants are the same strain and will have the same growth traits, that's why people keep mother plants.


Active Member
I heard that genectic get weaker and the plant decrease in overall quality when clone from clone. For only a few time it's nothing noticible but if you plan to use this method for more then 15-10 times maybe it better to have a mother because after this point the plant that will result may look vary different.


Well-Known Member
yeah that is true, when you make an order of seeds and lets say you get 20 well you take the best out of all the females and use that as your mother to ensure that the good genes get passed on. Taking clones from clones will make your quality go down with time


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how taking clones from clones would make your genetics any weaker. I don't believe you can keep one mother plant for 30 years time. So wouldn't you have to get another mother, say, from a clone you took from that mother? I know people who ordered seeds 15 years ago and haven't ever gotten any again. I would think that the clones they're using now are the same as the first mother plant? hm. I am no pro though.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how taking clones from clones would make your genetics any weaker. I don't believe you can keep one mother plant for 30 years time. So wouldn't you have to get another mother, say, from a clone you took from that mother? I know people who ordered seeds 15 years ago and haven't ever gotten any again. I would think that the clones they're using now are the same as the first mother plant? hm. I am no pro though.

You are correct. Clones are just that. A clone. Genetically identical to its donor. There is no degradation with cloning like regular breeding.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I keep a couple mothers at any 1 time. I keep them for about 6 months - take lots of clones and eventually flower them. One of the reasons I do this is if something horrible happened it could screw up the timing for my perpetual grow. When I have a clone that is spectacular, rather than flower it I put it in line for a mother. In this way I have improved my plants by only taking clones from the best of the best. It is similar to the way that a particular plant may have good genetics but there is room for improvement. You would not want to intentionally make a mother from the runt of the bunch. It is going to be flowered eventually anyway once it has served the purpose. By cloning only the best genetics you eventually improve the strain. I have seen pictures of mother plants that were 12 years old. I have improved the genetics of the 2 original clones that I got about 2 years ago. It is all about which traits best suit your growing style and further the genetics you want to emphasize. I love science! That is what makes us different from commercial growers. I am all about quality before quantity.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, I've just never had a mother plant before.. But.. if u keep taking clones off a mother, does it eventually become just a bear plant? or do new braches grow out after taking the clone, making it so you can continuously take clones?


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, I've just never had a mother plant before.. But.. if u keep taking clones off a mother, does it eventually become just a bear plant? or do new braches grow out after taking the clone, making it so you can continuously take clones?

IT comes back pretty fast actually. If a plant is in fiull veg you can chop the shit out of it and it will come back. They do got really thick stems after awhile and need replaced. Usually a clone is setup as a new mom when this happens. Some flower old moms but I will be tossing mine. I do not have room to flower a 5-6ft plant.


Well-Known Member
ok so i got 6 mothers under one t5ho and i can keep them alive for ever in a year or 2 i will air layer and replant the same mother. i do not know about taking clone from clone it might not be a good road to go down. i do not ever flower my mothers.


Active Member
dont throw your mommy put i can spare the space jk
i have the space but yeah its yours do what you do grow freely homefries


Well-Known Member
Taking clones from clones is fine, and will not lead to noticeable degredation, unless you repeatedly take clones from flowering plants. (ie:- veg > flower > take clone, and repeat the process with the clone.) The flowering process is what leads to genetic deterioration.


Well-Known Member
take the top 3 inches of a branch, leave nodes on the branch so two more branches will grow from that spot, then get some cubes theres a few kinds, i went to the local hydroshop for mine, get rooting gel and a hummidity dome, youll be chill once ya catch the hang of it. imagine having never to waste time on a male, and have your favorite strongest most resiliant plant forever to be available. all females all the time as many as you reasonably want.

i took clones and clipped the tops of these plants and they came out wonderful. so far. thank god.

