General flower questions.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. It’s been a little bit since I’ve been here. Strand is Bubba Kush. Light is a Chinese knockoff 240W QB(turned all the way down right now). I’m wanting to flip in about a week-ish. I have a few questions though:
1.) Should I do a flush before I flip? I’ve read a bunch on here and another forum and have found totally mixed opinions. My plan is to give her one more watering with just water then flip. Flower nutes the next time I water after that.

2.) Is it ok to leave my light dimmed all the way down? Or should I turn it up for flower?I plan on leaving it at the same height. Tent is 2x4x6.

3.) When I start with the flower nutes, is it ok to feed full strength from the start or should I feed 1/2 strength and work up like I did in Veg? Feeding FF Trio + Kelp Me Kelp You. Soil is Happy Frog.

Thanks for any and all suggestions and advice!



Well-Known Member
Ok cool so I’m right on track there. This is only my second time growing and my first grow didn’t pan out. I’m not measuring EC. I just follow the FF schedule and put the recommended amounts in water in a 1 gallon water jug with tap water(for the Cal). So no I haven’t been measuring EC.


Well-Known Member
Almost at the end of Week 1 and there’s some droopiness to her today. Past few days she’s been perky and happy. Soil still feels moist. Think she’s hungry? Fed last Veg nutes 5 days ago. Do y’all think it’s ready for flower nutes? RH has stayed between 35-50. Temps have been in the 60s-70s.



Well-Known Member
Week 1 flower in the books. She’s looking strong IMO. Definitely stretching.
I always love to see that fresh new lime Green growth of the pre flower stretch! Your gal looks good and healthy. I wouldn't think it's to late for a little LST. Looks like ya have room for it. Little labor for more yeild??
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Well-Known Member
Almost at the end of Week 1 and there’s some droopiness to her today. Past few days she’s been perky and happy. Soil still feels moist. Think she’s hungry? Fed last Veg nutes 5 days ago. Do y’all think it’s ready for flower nutes? RH has stayed between 35-50. Temps have been in the 60s-70s.
How far is the light now and what %


Well-Known Member
I always love to see that fresh new line Green growth of the pre flower stretch! Your gal looks good and healthy. I wouldn't think it's to late for a little LST. Looks like ya have room for it. Little labor for more yeild??
Thanks! I tied a couple branches down before I flipped. Might tie 2-3 more down and get some more yield like you’re saying.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. It’s been a little bit since I’ve been here. Strand is Bubba Kush. Light is a Chinese knockoff 240W QB(turned all the way down right now). I’m wanting to flip in about a week-ish. I have a few questions though:
1.) Should I do a flush before I flip? I’ve read a bunch on here and another forum and have found totally mixed opinions. My plan is to give her one more watering with just water then flip. Flower nutes the next time I water after that.

2.) Is it ok to leave my light dimmed all the way down? Or should I turn it up for flower?I plan on leaving it at the same height. Tent is 2x4x6.

3.) When I start with the flower nutes, is it ok to feed full strength from the start or should I feed 1/2 strength and work up like I did in Veg? Feeding FF Trio + Kelp Me Kelp You. Soil is Happy Frog.

Thanks for any and all suggestions and advice!
If you flipped to flower than yes crank your light to full blast. One last full veg. feeding wi half bloom n cal/mag source at week 2 of pre flower stretch. Then just bloom nutes/cal-mag source from there to the finish line. I use dry nutes though, which is a very different feeding schedule as compared to bottled nutes. Hope that helps ya a bit.


Well-Known Member
Well that wasn’t much labor at all! Tied down two new branches and tightened my original two.
Nice, now those glossy nitrogen filled foliage that's just uncovered will make your girl just explode with more vigorous growth. In a good way I mean.