Blew my breaker, plug grounded?

I have two cats. 6 of those blue plug in things. The mice don’t care about the sound or the cats. Electrician said based on the size of turds, the cats are more likely afraid of the apparently very large mice/rats than they are of the cats. You guys don’t understand if I don’t get rid of them this will only continue to happen. It could cause a fire next time. It arced right on insulation. I don’t want to kill anything. I don’t even kill bugs. But these mice are causing me more problems than I think they are worth keeping around, unfortunately. I love animals. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Here's a totally humane way to kill them and get a little revenge after fucking your shit up. Well humane for anything but mice, lol. Only costs $5 and you could probably make one tonight, because I'm sure you have this shit. You could get really sadistic and throw some acid in that water too, lol. But that's fuckin wrong, lol. Bad enough they're gonna slowly drown, lol. But I'd be wanting some Justice!

Gonna get some glue traps too. Knowing they run along the walls from multiple people now, line those bitches up. Throw some snap traps in between Incase they zig zag because they are mutant mice I think so it’s possible. I just lay in bed listening to em scratch. Get up, beat the wall where I hear it, rinse and repeat. Scratch scratch scratch..... I get up screaming beating the walls you motherfuckers gonna learn today bam bam bam, but they never learn.....
Gonna get some glue traps too. Knowing they run along the walls from multiple people now, line those bitches up. Throw some snap traps in between Incase they zig zag because they are mutant mice I think so it’s possible. I just lay in bed listening to em scratch. Get up, beat the wall where I hear it, rinse and repeat. Scratch scratch scratch..... I get up screaming beating the walls you motherfuckers gonna learn today bam bam bam, but they never learn.....
Since they wanna play without electricity here's another homemade option.

Here's a totally humane way to kill them and get a little revenge after fucking your shit up. Well humane for anything but mice, lol. Only costs $5 and you could probably make one tonight, because I'm sure you have this shit. You could get really sadistic and throw some acid in that water too, lol. But that's fuckin wrong, lol. Bad enough they're gonna slowly drown, lol. But I'd be wanting some Justice!

Just keep kids away. Open buckets are a bad idea.
So mice shitting on your stuff you'll deal with? How about damage? Like the moab thread? That could be a fire......loss of life.....yours, your that ok? I respect all things, but when it comes down to it poison works.
Yeah, the neighbor's used rat poison many years ago. Killed my cat. He was the best cat I've ever had. Found him outside one morning dead with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He either ate the poison or ate a mouse who'd eaten poison. Don't use poison for rodents please. I still miss that cat, he really was the best.
Yeah, the neighbor's used rat poison many years ago. Killed my cat. He was the best cat I've ever had. Found him outside one morning dead with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He either ate the poison or ate a mouse who'd eaten poison. Don't use poison for rodents please. I still miss that cat, he really was the best.
That sucks ass man. That's what I'm talking about. I would be pissed if my neighbor poisoned my cat with some bullshit. My cat eats mice when he catches them and he's the coolest cat I've even known. He's like 18 years old in human years now and still a lively energetic spoiled cat. Well when he's not being lazy. He's chillin now. I had to wake him up for his pic, so he's not really into it, lol.

One of my old neighbors actually set up a trap and trapped him and took him to the pound. We worried for a few day and called around. Finally one place said they had a black cat. We went to check and it was him. As soon as he saw us he started whining and meowing. Let's just say I was pissed when I found our what happened.

I was ready to beat my neighbors ass when I came home. He was having a party. Well let's just say he got the message and said he would NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! LOL. If you know me, you know not to fuck with my animals.

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That sucks ass man. That's what I'm talking about. I would be pissed if my neighbor poisoned my cat with some bullshit. My cat eats mice when he catches them and he's the coolest cat I've even known. He's like 18 years old in human years now and still a lively energetic spoiled cat. Well when he's not being lazy. He's chillin now. I had to wake him up for his pic, so he's not really into it, lol.

One of my old neighbors actually set up a trap and trapped him and took him to the pound. We worried for a few day and called around. Finally one place said they had a black cat. We went to check and it was him. As soon as he saw us he started whining and meowing. Let's just say I was pissed when I found our what happened.

I was ready to beat my neighbors ass when I came home. He was having a party. Well let's just say he got the message and said he would NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! LOL. If you know me, you know not to fuck with my animals.

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Your cat looks quite a bit like the cat I lost (Max). Max was a small "black" cat, but he wasn't really totally black, he was more of a really dark striped cat, but you could only see the stripes in certain reflections in the sunlight. When I got max as a kitten, I wasn't even thinking about getting a cat, but some hippy girl was giving away kittens on the street, a nd when I saw Max it was love at first sight (for both of us). I have three cats now, and they don't get to go outside. I feel kind of bad for that, but I've just lost too many cats over the years from free roaming.
Your cat looks quite a bit like the cat I lost (Max). Max was a small "black" cat, but he wasn't really totally black, he was more of a really dark striped cat, but you could only see the stripes in certain reflections in the sunlight. When I got max as a kitten, I wasn't even thinking about getting a cat, but some hippy girl was giving away kittens on the street, a nd when I saw Max it was love at first sight (for both of us). I have three cats now, and they don't get to go outside. I feel kind of bad for that, but I've just lost too many cats over the years from free roaming.
Be proud you keep your cat indoors. They are predators and too many of them are hurting the wildlife. This is our black cat Merlin, got him as a rescue one Halloween while taking the kids out. He lived 22 years and was around 25lbs in his prime.
Your cat looks quite a bit like the cat I lost (Max). Max was a small "black" cat, but he wasn't really totally black, he was more of a really dark striped cat, but you could only see the stripes in certain reflections in the sunlight. When I got max as a kitten, I wasn't even thinking about getting a cat, but some hippy girl was giving away kittens on the street, a nd when I saw Max it was love at first sight (for both of us). I have three cats now, and they don't get to go outside. I feel kind of bad for that, but I've just lost too many cats over the years from free roaming.
We were living in SD at the time and my cool ass grey cat Toker was just killed by a car. A couple weeks later I opened the front door to go out and smoke a cig and this tiny black kitten was freezing and meowing like crazy. He was super desperate. I saw him and let him in right away and hooked him up. I think that's partly why he's so cool. He loves everybody. But hates other cats, lol.
We were living in SD at the time and my cool ass grey cat Toker was just killed by a car. A couple weeks later I opened the front door to go out and smoke a cig and this tiny black kitten was freezing and meowing like crazy. He was super desperate. I saw him and let him in right away and hooked him up. I think that's partly why he's so cool. He loves everybody. But hates other cats, lol.
Nice. Our most recent cat, the kids found on the street halloween night (2019) while we were out trick or treating. He was the perfect little orange Halloween kitten, around 8-weeks old. We tried to find the owners, but never did, so kept the little guy.
We were living in SD at the time and my cool ass grey cat Toker was just killed by a car. A couple weeks later I opened the front door to go out and smoke a cig and this tiny black kitten was freezing and meowing like crazy. He was super desperate. I saw him and let him in right away and hooked him up. I think that's partly why he's so cool. He loves everybody. But hates other cats, lol.
LOL, I've noticed that weed growers generally seem to like cats.
So is letting the kids eat poison, lol.

Another bad idea is toilets, and 90% of the things around your house. If you're dumb enough to let your toddler drown in a bucket or a toilet, that's on you, lol. I just assume people would have a little common sense.

I knew you would say that......your kid isn't going behind the fridge or under the oven. A bucket can't go in the places you'd put'd have to be in a spot kids have access to.

Yeah, the neighbor's used rat poison many years ago. Killed my cat. He was the best cat I've ever had. Found him outside one morning dead with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He either ate the poison or ate a mouse who'd eaten poison. Don't use poison for rodents please. I still miss that cat, he really was the best.

That sucks.......outdoor cats don't last out here.