Is my stealing justified?


New Member
just dont steal anymore....
It always amazes me that people need to be told NOT to steal. Unless you are Buddhist or Hindu, you only get one life, use it wisely. You shouldn't need to be told not to steal. At least anyone past the age of 5.

There is nothing lower in the human society than a thief. PERIOD. :-|

Stealing creates a cognitive dissonance within the offending individual.

This dissonance builds up in thieves and the adjustments that are needed to be able to live with yourself for doing things which you truly know are wrong, create more and more problems for the thief. It's a poor proposition in which a short term goal is achieved only to lose everything later.

Don't steal :evil:
Don't lie :evil:
Call ur mom on your birthday (hi mom), mebbe send a card. :roll:

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
this guy is a fukking piece of shyt! you give weed smokers every where a bad name. Who cares if her sister gave HER the house that YOU live in? Get a job and quit being a low life piece of shyt bum.


Well-Known Member
I would say no man. You act like your the man and the head of the house hold because you shelled out 600 hundred bucks for the move or whatever, and because you buy weed most of the time. First off, mom's rules ARE the rules. Second off, you need to remember she's paying to keep your precious little head warm and dry.

You mean to tell me you pay for groceries and her car payments, insurance, utilities and the rest of her bills? Wow...I guess chivalry isn't dead. Dude grow a pair, move out, and start supporting yourself. Don't be a fucking mooch, because that's what you are. Or move back in with your own mom and quit yer bitchin'.


Well-Known Member
I say you shouldnt steal.. but i'm not gonna dump on you.. what's been done has been done.. and it's not like you havent paid for any yourself, like you said..,

when you're living with someone, something everyone forgets, is that just because you took the money you worked for, and bought something.. doesnt mean the other person in the house didn;t help buy it biproxy

If rents 400 a month, you make 600 a month, I pay half the rent, half the water, half the lights and half the gas.. then I just helped you buy an ounce.. cause if I wasnt living there, you couldnt afford the shit...

I fuckin hate people that don;t think about the WHOLE over-all picture... but, what can you do? Murder's illegal

If I wa syou, in order to avoid this from happening again, i'd lay it down that she pay's half of everything every month, and I buy my own weed and smoke it when I want to, and I'd let it be known that if I find her fuckin greasy fuckin lip's on my shit i'mma fuckin bust her goddamn head.. but thats just me...

Let her pay for her shit, you pay fopr your shit, and fuck her,... or you can go back to how long she has been living there, how much you've gave her, and remind her how much of my money goes for shit around the house, figure it all up and show it to her


Well-Known Member
You took without permission and thats is a big no no if ya living in my crib. Very disrespectful and ungrateful. You need a common ground somewhere.....this is me

Bro moved in with me from, started selling MJ. I PURCHASED from him because this was his means of making bread. If he wasnt home I would go in his supply...weigh it out...LEAVE the MONEY and tell him. COOL

He stopped selling..I had to purchase from someone else. When he wanted to smoke he would call/text/email me while I was at work and ask permission to get a bleezy. Worked out fine. Honesty goes a long, long, long way.

He is grateful I let him live with me while he is down on his luck. HE DOESNT PAY RENT BUT HE DOESNT STEAL FROM ME EITHER.



Well-Known Member
no not really get your own sac and dont steal hers if she wanted you to smoke iut she would have left you some that ill probably get you kicked out if she finds out