can i overwater coco/rock mix.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
You CAN overwater coco. This last run of mine I almost fucked over because some rookie on here was boasting feeds 3x a day in coco and really pushed this “hydro coco” thing. My plants were almost compromised.

it’s the last time I listen to anyone on RIU about coco
So where do you get this great coco knowledge ?


Well-Known Member
The part where no information is good on RIU so you find it ...where?
I said in regards to coco coir - much information is wrong.

You have people growing in perlite shouting advice for overwatering coco.

My experience far outweighs yours and you seem like you are just trolling RIU at every turn

Just my 2 cents
This is a very brave statement.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I check ur experience quickly it seems you are in the wrong threads you are well versed in politics and dry humor.

thanks for the bait but your work is half dead
Maybe you should just find a site you like ?
We will be fine without your vast skills :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
My parents would pity yours
This is the saddest response of a comment I have ever seen!

I know you and your friends don’t like my genuine contributions here. Heck you guys even tried to pin me out a Trump supporter!

the only other 70 year old I know that grows cannabis humbly admits he can never grow a thing like in my garden.