In Response to all the Naked Chick Avatars...

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Well-Known Member
Wiki I think your impromptu attempt to show blatant sexual hypocrisy is working, I see a definite double standard...


Who agrees?
I would totally agree with that! That would be...omg, hold on, wait for it....FAIR!!!

So what exactly is it when someone posts a shot of some random chicks twat?

DISGUST more like it :spew:

I personally give props to wicked for doing that. If everyone who is complaining doesnt like it - then dont look at it. Everyone is adults on this site and personally I just think its something new for everyone to bitch about... just sayin.
ForEVER we have to look at tits and ya I admit myself the womans body is a lot prettier than a mans...but the point is....who cares. Geez where are we at church? Its not like its a throbbin cock with jiz flowing out of it and its actually kinda funny.
Thank you jamiemichelle :hug:


Well-Known Member
go ahead brother...I could give two shits less what you thin of me homie. i am here to support my friend wikid....what you have to say to me has zero bearing on my life...I live in paradise...have a great career...have plenty of friends and great family...and I make a lot of money doin it at a little over seven years older than get over yourself and take a pill my really isnt that important..but if it is to you..then feel free to fill me in on how you feel about me...I may at least get a good laugh out of what you have to say.

lol u know its not really your fault lol its kinda funny tho well as i have said b4 alot of my friends come and go at my house and i leave this site at homepage and keep it loged in and my friends like this site also, and i guess u said somethink to me one day cos we have 2 names on top of my screen to pay out the following name, u were one of them for some reason i dont even know who put it there but it gives me somethink to do, kinda childish yet but lets not keep hijacking wiki's thread ok ?


Well-Known Member
Hence the reason you've done what you've done Wikid...and mad props for it too...

At least you put a humorous spin on it...

I think the Zorro Cock is hilarious!


Well-Known Member
Man it makes you question if its really 2008...almost 09

Little bitch males these days wanna talk about runnin trains and pullin ho's and being cool with their beers and blunts and sexy wanna be avatars of skanks...

But one little cute innocent avatar of a simple penis wearing a robber mask on a weed leaf makes them offended...WTF

They dont act like their scared of a dick in the room when they talk about their gang bangin and pimp stories but their scared of one in costume on screen? Effing moronic...
You go Wiki


Well-Known Member
Wiki I think your impromptu attempt to show blatant sexual hypocrisy is working, I see a definite double standard...


Who agrees?
That's a hint of sexual inuendo?
fair is fair, I'll give you that.....
Wheres all the pussy shots huh? wheres the pink to justify a hard cock shot? but why stop there? Lets see how far we can take this double standard freedom fight!!!!
...I want to be like wiki and take my own stance for double standards.



Well-Known Member
Thats just wrong man ....shows the immaturity you operate with...

Comparing something offending LIKE that to this simple avatar is just wrong
you FUCKING suck, BAN!!!

Which one are you, the one getting cornholed and poled, middle front or back, I bet front.?


Well-Known Member
That is no where close to a naked chick or penis avatar! You took it from mini avatar to huge gay orgy.

Im not gonna lie, I personally have a problem with avatars with grumpy dudes wearin a confederate flag bandana...just sayin....


Well-Known Member
That's a hint of sexual inuendo?
fair is fair, I'll give you that.....
Wheres all the pussy shots huh? wheres the pink to justify a hard cock shot? but why stop there? Lets see how far we can take this double standard freedom fight!!!!
...I want to be like wiki and take my own stance for double standards.
Well thanks for sharing big boy :wink:

But seriously, think about it. When censoring occurs, they censor a woman's tits and her pussy. When they censor a man, they only censor his cock.

So really a cock shot is all I could do. Showing a man's bare chest is not the same as showing a woman's bare chest.

I'm sorry you guys have less private parts than us, don't blame me.


Well-Known Member
That's a hint of sexual inuendo?
fair is fair, I'll give you that.....
Wheres all the pussy shots huh? wheres the pink to justify a hard cock shot? but why stop there? Lets see how far we can take this double standard freedom fight!!!!
...I want to be like wiki and take my own stance for double standards.

hey man..if thats what you are into so be it...i am not one to judge..that is my dick in the hey...its not like we all dont commit felonies in out underwear on a daily basis by growing pot...I think if thats what you are into...then have at it...btw...lemme are the dude with the cock in his ass with his cock in another guys ass...that takes talent...I should rep+ you for that one but I have to vomit now


Well-Known Member
Thats just wrong man ....shows the immaturity you operate with...

Comparing something offending to this is just wrong you FUCKING suck, BAN!!!
Oh, it's different because it's offending you?
Funny how you just entered into my position huh?
is it just worng and showed my immaturity?
Kinda like the op?
sounds like a double standard to me.

cock shots for everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh, it's different because it's offending you?
Funny how you just entered into my position huh?
is it just worng and showed my immaturity?
Kinda like the op?
sounds like a double standard to me.

cock shots for everyone!!!

I think if you really want to prove your point you should have to do it with AV sized photos. Mine is an AV homie, get your porn off my thread please :grin:


Well-Known Member
Oh, it's different because it's offending you?
Funny how you just entered into my position huh?
is it just worng and showed my immaturity?
Kinda like the op?
sounds like a double standard to me.

cock shots for everyone!!!
You really think this is comparable? Seriously. Your a effing moron, there is no comparison between several homos in obvious sexualy acts and a simple almost cartoon looking avatar...
if thats your defense and reasoning you have no logic,.
Your taking it to the most severe extreme because you know there is a double standard...

That pic you posted is not only offensive to everyone but has no taste.
Her avatar is not even sexual, it is set in parody/satire. simple comedy with really no sex involved...
your just insane to try to compare.
And you still suck by trying, its people like you who make the double standard exist, and then have outlandish reasons for doing it..
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