VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

well VV its been a while how have you been doing i see all is well. after you get the card done christmas is coming up you can send me one of those historic cards!!! ;)
hell yea, come pass that shit down here in texas , thats wy those ppl down here in office aint wortha shit, hell they need to smoke instead of being an alchoholic.,lol.:blsmoke:
By a 2 to 1 margin, we kicked their ass. Ohio is one of the next targets for MMJ. Doea Ohio have the ballot inititaive? VV:blsmoke:

I don't think so...

But who knows, Ohio is finally a democratic state, so hopefully it will follow suit.

What are the conditions to the mmj in Michigan, or hasn't it got to the proposed laws and regulation of cannabis?

I don't know where to search for this info.
I don't think so...

But who knows, Ohio is finally a democratic state, so hopefully it will follow suit.

What are the conditions to the mmj in Michigan, or hasn't it got to the proposed laws and regulation of cannabis?

I don't know where to search for this info.
Ohio Patient Network - Home

Our website has the full text of the initiative which has now been passed into law, amending our State Constitution to protect Doctors that 'recommend' Medical Marihuana and patients that use it with their Doctors recommendation.
Basics, 12 plants, + 2 1/2 oz, identification card, seeya. Caregiver can be designated by patient, caregiver can grow for up to 5 patients. And possess the 2 1/2 oz per patient.
I think it is worth reading, anyone that ever did read it while I was collecting signatures to put it on the ballot, signed the petition, there are additional penalties written in to the initiative for anyone committing fraud ( selling weed). You are allowed to re-coop the expenses of growing if you are a caregiver. This bill is about Medical access to Marijuana, even had to misspell it because that is the way our state spelled it in the old laws. The opposition tried to bring that up as an issue...once...by a judge...he probably didn't want to bring it up again. :eyesmoke:
Everyone needs to fill out this form,
and fire it off to your congressman.

Contact congress to support the decrim marijuana House Bill 5843

I think this will get done quickly when Obama takes office.


I think we have to keep the pressure on. Obama's transtion team is finding out that a lot more people care about this than they may have thought before, several of the organizations have received responses that say he is going to stop the DEA from arresting Patients, that is as far as they have gone to this point.
And I caution everyone, do not let the "Legal Sale" of Marijuana be decided at the Federal Level, do it at State Level. VV:blsmoke:
I saw Obama giving a speech a few years ago,
he was getting applause from every statement he made,
until he mentioned he wanted to change the drug laws, silence..................
he never spoke about it again,
but you know he wants to,
if he can just get some applause.

We gotta keep the pressure on, NOW !

Every email they get, increases our shout for justice.

... I tell ya its a conspiracy, I did what I was supposed to do, I saved 6 widow cindys as possible mothers, cloned them, rooted the clones, and moved them into flowering, of course I took extra clones, to compensate for the 50% that would be male, 5 out of the 6 turned out to be goddamn females. I have 3 Grape Purple Cindys and 3 BigGurls, moved them into flowering 5 out of those 6 turn out to be goddamn females. These were planted in Rapid Rooters as you can see in this cut-away view of the only male in that group. And of course I have extra clones of those, you remember the little clones. I now have about 80 clones setting root for 50 spots, I tell ya its a conspiracy, they are trying to overgrow my room. Seems like they want me to spend all of my time with just the female plants....well someone.....could take a clone or so I suppose....maybe that would piss them off and they would try harder.....:cuss::eyesmoke:.
Well...the wild wood flower grew wild on the farm, we never knowed what it was called, some said it was a flower, some said it was a weed, me, I didn't give it much thought. One day I was sitting there talking and reached out for a weed to chew on, thing got blurry and things got fuzzy, and then everything was gone. My brother looked over and said, man whats wrong with your eyes. I said I don't know, I was chewin on a weed, he said let me give it a try. Spent the rest of that day and half that night tryin to find my brother Bill....and the blues are decent smoke.:blsmoke: The widow/cindys look awesome, and the juicy fruit is still in the pipeline, soon. VV:eyesmoke:


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And that's a bad thing how???

How stoned are you? :mrgreen:

So, with a 12 plant limit, and being able to grow for 5 patients, i count 60 plants... that's a lot! :blsmoke:
I would love a few of those clones.

I'll stick them in my new contraption.

I have some cuttings in it,
but they haven't rooted yet.

If you got rooted clones,
I'll stick some in this:

I got 14 feet to grow up.

I'm saving this WW male for you.

He is still very young, and not showing many balls yet.
Damn Earl... :mrgreen:

Does Dirtbag Brian work at a glass studio, I was looking on eBay for glass marbles, and ShortBus Glass popped up, pretty decent collection.
And that's a bad thing how???

How stoned are you? :mrgreen:

So, with a 12 plant limit, and being able to grow for 5 patients, i count 60 plants... that's a lot! :blsmoke:

.....What can I say, its decent smoke. Now you see why I say I may have to consider changing to your method instead of the way I am doing it now. The way I read it, and the way I talk about it is that mothers and clones are the incidental's and should not count. Instead of total yield I would have to be concerned about plant counts. I had thrown those out the window when I read Al B's thread. 4x23 + clones and mothers is already over that 99 plant count, if I got busted I would be goin down. The way I figure a good cloning operation should be able to supply a couple of other grow, turn 15 plants every two weeks. VV:blsmoke:
I think DirtBag found that site as well and did order from them, just not a glass man myself. I will have some, the problem is what they are in now. 3" rockwool blocks or Rapid rooters move up to 3" pots with coco-coir. Not sure how those would go in your system since you built it after I visited. What size net pots do you have? VV