150 gallon RO res 2ed floor of house with two 50 gallon mix tanks

Would a setup like this be too much for a second floor of a house to hold that much water? Plan on putting a 150gallon RO res and two 50 gallon mix tanks in my bathroom upstairs would that be too heavy?
That's over 2,000lbs of water assuming all three tanks are full. I'm not sure what the standard load limit for a residential second floor is though. I do know a standard bathtub is about 42 gallons so it would be like putting 6 bathtubs in your bathroom. Seems sketch.
Every pint weighs a pound or every litre a kilogram.
250 UK gallon would be around 1.25 tons if my figures are correct.
Every pint weighs a pound or every litre a kilogram.
250 UK gallon would be around 1.25 tons if my figures are correct.
A us gallon of water weighs just over 8 lbs so its quite a bit more than a UK gallon.

Wait, I think I fucked that up. A UK gallon (imperial?) is like 4.2l compared to 3.8 for the us gallon.
That's over 2,000lbs of water assuming all three tanks are full. I'm not sure what the standard load limit for a residential second floor is though. I do know a standard bathtub is about 42 gallons so it would be like putting 6 bathtubs in your bathroom. Seems sketch.

yeh does sound sketch haha I prob won’t try n risk
It then n do two 50 gallon tanks or something