What did you accomplish today?

Must have been a cleaning bug in the air today...I spent the afternoon giving my bedroom a deep cleaning and it took all afternoon! And did several loads of laundry.

Just went and grabbed a "take & bake" pizza from the market...No cooking tonight!
My son decided to pull out a bunch of wood I had stacked up to see if the termites were in it. Yes they were. He was using the miter saw to chunk off the bad spots to go in the fire pit. I sprayed under where they came out of hoping that will keep them out for awhile. He always finds stuff for me to do...lol.
yeah you guys probably have big problems with termites. We have them here but they are not too common, and only seem to like certain woods as food. Usually they do minor damage here, but I have seen some fairly extensive damage a few times. They probably don't like the cold.
yeah you guys probably have big problems with termites. We have them here but they are not too common, and only seem to like certain woods as food. Usually they do minor damage here, but I have seen some fairly extensive damage a few times. They probably don't like the cold.
We have a lot of subterranean in the valley, the other type stay in the woods pretty much. These will make a dirt covered tunnel to get to wood, they don't like sunlight.
They flew a 135 R model into the ground on base here once, I guess they skipped two engines off the ground on a touch and go and they made the mistake of turning into the side with the damaged engines. It couldn't pull out with no power on the down side.

One of hubs babies. They lost #3 with a turbine wheel failure and when it separated from the engine it went through #4 cowling on one side, and through the fuselage on the other. Then started a fire in the palletized cargo. They were at max gross take off weight, when this occurred at less than 1000 ft. They inched the flaps up by degree and made back.

Another one of his babies did a dutch roll when its' yaw damper failed. He lived in interesting times.

Hub said to tell you he was in Iso docks for the first and Job Control for the second.
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