I was using Soil Savvy test off of Amazon, but some people made fun of me for it. It worked perfectly well for me over the years though. It's very easy to read and it's mostly accurate. Professionals use Logan Labs, but it's hard to read unless you know the values of what everything is supposed to be. I'm getting a better idea of how to use Logan Labs now. The agronomist that I was using helped fill in some of the blanks that I had, like I didn't know that Mn and Fe was supposed to be 150ppm each on the saturated paste test and it's only $50. I am using Bryant Mason"The soil Doctor". He is cannabis focused and he gave me recommendations using organic fertilizers which was very helpful. He also got me using gypsum, soy bean meal, and neem meal which I have not been using. I was dealing with low N, Ca, Mn, Fe, and B. I never would have known because I was stuck on Mn and Fe, so a soil test got me back on track. My stuff was looking worse than yours, so don't feel bad about it lol.
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