Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Plenty of sunshine this morning. At 1010 it's sunny, 60F with 38% humidity. Forecast high of 66F, a low of 35F in the morning with no chance of rain. There was a light frost on the truck this morning, so most likely will get the same the next two morning. Highs back into 70's and 80's by the middle of next week.
I miss making syrup. The BIL still has a working mill at his farm, but our old mill hasn't been used in 50 years. This one is almost exactly like ours, down to how it was driven.

Wow was that cane syrup good on pancakes an toast? What i make here is Maple syrup.
Wow was that cane syrup good on pancakes an toast? What i make here is Maple syrup.
I was raised with it, so it seemed normal as a kid, but now it taste too dark to me. My granddaddy was a syrup cooker. And the BIL has taken over the cooking at his farm since his dad is so old. You have to be very careful with the heat, or you will get too dark.

I hear the price of maple syrup has got so high there are lots of thefts now. That would be pretty crazy, having to guard your syrup.
I hear the price of maple syrup has got so high there are lots of thefts now. That would be pretty crazy, having to guard your syrup.
That's a sign of things to come; climate change is doing a real number on the old forests. You know how hard it is to find actual caviar anymore? Is because the fish that it comes from are all but gone. They had the misfortune of being very slow growing...
The last week here has been seasonal, and if the weather forecasters are right (don't bet on it lol) we're supposed to get a big dump of snow this weekend. That's actually common in March and April and we need all the moisture we can get. It's a mega drought, after all...
The last week here has been seasonal, and if the weather forecasters are right (don't bet on it lol) we're supposed to get a big dump of snow this weekend. That's actually common in March and April and we need all the moisture we can get. It's a mega drought, after all...
I heard on the news that there was a couple three feet forecast for the higher mountains.

Sister is headed to Denver in a few days. Only for a month or so this trip. So some peace and quiet. It's funny, she will call everyday when she's across the road. But when in Co she never calls. Cost is the same. lol

I will miss her doing a goodly part of our shopping for us. But I will be getting my jab next week, so maybe I will do it myself soon.
Another nice day here. At 915 it's sunny, 69F with 57% humidity. Forecast high low of 78/50F with no chance of rain until early next week. I'm planting viney stuff and transplanting peppers and citrus today. (I toasted two trays of tomatoes and peppers last week with too much sun, so will have to replant next good above ground day)
38°F here in Portland right now. It's supposed to get up around 60°F during the day and sunny for the next few days and then rain for awhile. But no freezing temps or snow. I think most of us on the west coast are out of the winter snow weather. But a ton of rain is on the way. I'll take the rain over some of the freezing temps, flooding, tornadoes, etc... that much of the rest of the country gets.
I heard on the news that there was a couple three feet forecast for the higher mountains.

Sister is headed to Denver in a few days. Only for a month or so this trip. So some peace and quiet. It's funny, she will call everyday when she's across the road. But when in Co she never calls. Cost is the same. lol

I will miss her doing a goodly part of our shopping for us. But I will be getting my jab next week, so maybe I will do it myself soon.
If you come all the way to Colorado, I'm in Ft Collins, about 60 miles north of Denver. Hit me up and maybe we can grab a beer.
If you come all the way to Colorado, I'm in Ft Collins, about 60 miles north of Denver. Hit me up and maybe we can grab a beer.
Thanks for the invite. My tether is not that long though. My wife doesn't travel well, so we don't get far from home anymore. I guess the last time I was out there was 1979. Sister and BIL #2 was moving to Florida, so I flew out to help with the driving. I've been a couple three times in all. They lived in Boulder and Longmont back then. Sister went back without BIL #2 and lived in Co Springs the next 20 odd years.
We're going to have our warmest day of the year. It's supposed to get up to 65°F. Yesterday was nice and sunny as well and I was outside doing yard work in a t-shirt.

Warm and dry here. At 1405 it's sunny, 82F with 36% humidity. Forecast high low of 83/53F. Chance of rain Tuesday through Thursday.
I guess we are not all created equal after all. My aequus nox got here a few days early.

Length of day 12 hours 0 minutes with tomorrow being 1 minute 52 seconds longer.
It's hot and windy here today. We drove down to the riverhouse to walk, but there was a pretty good sandstorm going on, so we didn't walk. My next door farmer has plowed about 1000 acres, but hasn't got any of it planted yet. There was a good 1/4 acre blowing over on my land.

At 1640 it's partly cloudy, 80F with 56% humidity (and 15mph winds). Forecast low of 66F with 35% chance of rain tonight, 40% tomorrow and 70% tomorrow night. Thunderstorms possible before day on Thursday.
Yesterday was my first 90 degree day of the year. From here on out, it will be the norm, not the exception. This morning at 0830 it's sunny, 71F with 70% humidity. Forecast high low of 88/64F with a 50/50 chance of rain tonight and tomorrow. Ten day forecast high low of 88/52F with three days of possible rain.

A couple of three days ago we had a bad storm blow through. Broke 4 trees at the riverhouse. But nothing but pepper plants were impacted. So glad we had all the trees close to the house cut. No pictures of those, but this small tree was down across the creek trail.

It has been very windy in the Sacramento area for about three days now. 88 high with high winds all day. 71 now and the wind died down also.
It was pretty windy here yesterday too. The wife and I go down to the riverhouse to walk most days. Less traffic and it's a couple three degrees cooler. But it's next to a big field, and when the wind is up, the blowing sand is a pain in the eyes. We went down yesterday but had to stay on the driveway.

Today it's not so windy, but at 0955 it's mostly cloudy, 83F with 76% humidity. Forecast high low of 89/70F with 35% chance of rain today, 50% tonight and 70% tomorrow. 10 day forecast high low of 89/56F with 4 days of possible rain. As of late, we've got none of the rain forecast, so we will see. It's drying out fast with all the windy weather.

If the thunderstorms pass us by today, there is a good chance we will have our 2nd 90 degree day of the season.