I vote yes on hand washing, and for no name calling.
Well there hasn't been any name calling. This is a common misconception among many people - they believe that their ideas and their statements are the same thing as themselves. Smart people have stupid ideas. And doing or saying something stupid doesn't make you less intelligent.
Nor does illustrating someone else's stupid idea make your illustration any kind of judgment of them. Nowhere did anyone say "this is a stupid idea and you're stupid to have said it" because that wasn't the case.
When people become so enamored with their own ideas that they cannot bear criticism of those ideas they become self-destructive. I don't particularly enjoy having my mistakes pointed out, but I would much rather have them pointed out before I make them than afterwards.
See, both statements are not directed at people. They're directed at "that" - a pronoun not used to indicate a human unless you're being particularly insulting by insinuating that the person is also genderless.
Say I grew an ugly plant. If someones says "that's ugly" they're not telling me that I'm ugly. They're talking about my plant. That might offend me a little because hey, I grew it and it turned out ugly, but it's still true and I have to own up to that. I've grown lots of ugly plants. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth and I'm not going to take offense if someone knows the truth.
Smoking in the grow room is a stupid idea. It simply is. Suggesting that it is okay - especially after someone has very clearly explained why it's not - is not a very bright thing to do. It doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes it bad advice.
In this case it was important to make it abundantly clear that the advice was bad and should not be followed.