Are my plants underwatered or overwatered??

I don't have the facilty too clone my lights are on 18/6 I will attach a picture of my other plants that were defoliated last week, I would have the space too keep the other clones when the current ones are ready too flip
You really don’t need anything other than a solo cup & dirt to clone, actually really just water! 18/6 is fine for clones. If you look at my journal below you’ll see a couple different stupid simple easy ways to clone.
They are about 3 feet tall
Those little plants are not gonna catch up unless you do something super drastic like cut the plants in half. Even then they still may not catch up! You need to rethink your flowering strategy. Either just flip the 3 foot tall plants now and call it a loss on the little plants or Buy another tent & light.
What's to say I couldnt try and sort these out over the next 3 weeks, if they don't sort themself out I'll flower the full room in anyway and hope for better on my next grow?
If you water your Coco properly you should have plants that look more like this at 7 weeks from seed

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I think you got lucky with the strain on your first batch and it has a very high tolerance for drought and only requires minimum nutrition.

Have you watered your plants to run off yet or are you still thinking about it?
I wouldn't want plants like that at 7 weeks my plants are the same age as yours and double the size, and why would you think I got lucky, why would you assume this is my first grow, I never once said that. Take your negativity and vainity to another post cause your boring me bro