January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
The most beautiful part of all of this is that they are federal crimes and most are felonies.

That means that each and every one of them will be forbidden to own firearms for the rest of their lives. That will hurt them far more than the few years in prison they'll wind up doing.

What's more, most will lose their ability to vote as well.

It's a win, win, win.
I predict a sudden interest in black powder weapons.


Well-Known Member
The most beautiful part of all of this is that they are federal crimes and most are felonies.

That means that each and every one of them will be forbidden to own firearms for the rest of their lives. That will hurt them far more than the few years in prison they'll wind up doing.

What's more, most will lose their ability to vote as well.

It's a win, win, win.
Yeah so that's going to come back to bite more than one of them when they don't adhere to those laws. Remember that 18yo kid facing a stack of felonies? You live rural in the south and shooting is something almost all of them enjoy, now he's facing the possibility of never being able to own a gun or shoot ever again with his entire life in front of him? Man, talk about a "welcome to the NFL" moment where someone gets crushed on their first play.


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Evidence Is Trending Toward Sedition Charges For Some Jan. 6 Attackers, Says Fmr. Lead Investigator

Michael R. Sherwin, the federal prosecutor who was heading the Justice Department’s investigation into the January 6 riot, says 'evidence is trending' toward charges of sedition for some participants.


Well-Known Member
Hate seeing that shit, just brings up all that anger again. I wonder if we need to reconsider the necessity of political leaders having a common workplace, or perhaps they need the Janet/Area51 deal where they're flying in/out of a base everyday.


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Justice Dept. Reportedly Considering Sedition Charges Against Jan 6 Suspects

Former U.S. Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal says “seditious conspiracy” is the right label for the January 6th Capitol insurrection. “You have these people who launched an armed assault to try and prevent the people in Congress from doing their job. It’s often hard to make these cases but I think this is one in which the evidence is supportive of a seditious conspiracy charge and the label should be used.”


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We Now Know Trump/Barr Holdover Michael Sherwin Went Rogue, Giving Unapproved 60 Minutes Interview

For those of us who worked at the Department of Justice, we were shocked when we saw former Acting DC US Attorney Michael Sherwin give an interview to 60 Minutes discussing the evidence in the ongoing investigation in the Capitol attack. DOJ rules prohibit commenting on ongoing investigations without prior approval from the DOJ leadership. Given the new CNN reporting, we now know that Sherwin DID NOT get the required approval from the leadership of the Department of Justice before sitting for the 60 minutes interview. What are the consequences to the investigation and to Sherwin himself of such a flagrant violation of DOJ rules? Here are some possibilities . . .


Well-Known Member
We Now Know Trump/Barr Holdover Michael Sherwin Went Rogue, Giving Unapproved 60 Minutes Interview

For those of us who worked at the Department of Justice, we were shocked when we saw former Acting DC US Attorney Michael Sherwin give an interview to 60 Minutes discussing the evidence in the ongoing investigation in the Capitol attack. DOJ rules prohibit commenting on ongoing investigations without prior approval from the DOJ leadership. Given the new CNN reporting, we now know that Sherwin DID NOT get the required approval from the leadership of the Department of Justice before sitting for the 60 minutes interview. What are the consequences to the investigation and to Sherwin himself of such a flagrant violation of DOJ rules? Here are some possibilities . . .
I wondered about that when I heard the story. Not cool at all.


Well-Known Member
House committees ask Biden for Trump records surrounding Jan. 6
A coalition of House committees is asking the White House and 16 other agencies to turn over a trove of documents from the Trump administration related to the electoral vote count and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The request, spearheaded by the House Oversight Committee, asks White House chief of staff Ron Klain to share documents “relating to the counting of the Electoral College vote on Jan. 6 or the potential for demonstrations, violence or attacks in the National Capital Region.”

The request includes the Office of the Vice President, and seeks all communications between Dec. 1 and Inauguration Day, specifically asking to relay “communications, if any, with participants in the events of Jan. 6” or their associates.

The request, joined also by the Intelligence, Homeland Security, Judiciary, Armed Services and House Administration committees, was sent to a number of other agencies, as well. The 16 agencies asked to turn over similar documents include the Department of Justice, the FBI, the National Guard, the Pentagon, U.S. Capitol Police, the sergeants at arms for both chambers, and D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department.


Well-Known Member
When the lie is so obvious and repeatedly shown on TV to be untrue it cuts into his base support, everybody saw the footage of the capital sacking, they were Trumpers and they were violent. Another case of don't believe what your lying eyes tell ya, believe me instead. The trouble is this is all out in the open and on video, it's different than the "stop the steal" big lie, there is no ambiguity here.

Trump: Rioters in deadly Capitol insurrection posed ‘zero threat’
The former president’s remarks represent perhaps his most serious distortion yet of the events of Jan. 6.

Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed Thursday that his supporters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 posed “zero threat” — despite the fact that five people died as a result of the violent insurrection, including a Capitol Police officer.

“It was zero threat. Right from the start, it was zero threat,” Trump told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “Look, they went in — they shouldn’t have done it — some of them went in, and they’re hugging and kissing the police and the guards, you know? They had great relationships. A lot of the people were waved in, and then they walked in, and they walked out.”

The former president’s remarks represent perhaps his most serious distortion yet of the events of Jan. 6, when a mob of pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol in an effort to halt the congressional certification of President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

Trump himself urged his supporters to march on the Capitol in a fiery speech outside the White House prior to the siege. “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” Trump said, among other incendiary statements. One week later, the House impeached him for a second time for inciting the insurrection.

Trump was acquitted by the Senate, but his trial in the chamber presented previously unseen video showing just how close the rioters came to lawmakers and then-Vice President Mike Pence. House impeachment managers also showed footage of violence by the rioters against responding law enforcement officers.

Earlier Thursday, seven House committees launched a sweeping investigation into the federal government’s handling of the insurrection, which law enforcement officials have testified was exacerbated by the Pentagon delaying the deployment of National Guard troops and federal intelligence authorities providing insufficient warnings of the attack.

Prosecutors have arrested more than 300 participants in the Capitol attack, and the former leader of the Justice Department’s Jan. 6 investigation said in an interview Sunday that he believes evidence would support a charge of “seditious conspiracy” against some of the rioters. The head of the Capitol Police officers’ union has indicated that roughly 140 officers were injured in the insurrection.