January 6th, 2021


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Prosecutors Bring Conspiracy Charges Against Oath Keepers for 1/6 Attack, What are the Implications

Prosecutors announced in a recent court filing that they have "substantial evidence" that the Oath Keepers militia group was involved in a conspiracy to attack the US Capitol on January 6.

Here is an explanation of the law of conspiracy and why this important development moves things in the direction of justice.


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So much of their white privilege was unconscious to them, they assume they are special, the ones who are not so far gone come around pretty quick when the FBI comes calling. They took selfies, posted self incriminating evidence, gave press interviews and confessed to friends, at least initially! This bitch is pretty far gone, prison will come as a shock to her, the length of her sentence will come as a bigger shock. I bet she freaks out at sentencing and goes full Karen.

Also she's not a blond, look at her eyebrows. :lol:
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Experts Analyze New Information on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys Linked to Capitol Insurrection

Investigation of the January 6 Capitol insurrection has yielded new information on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and military-affiliated suspects linked to the crimes perpetrated that day.


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Appropriate song I think for this thread, me thinks

God bless you all/ stay safe & survive
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I think many of the oath keepers and proud boys will be swearing oaths on sentencing for conspiracy to commit sedition. Prosecutors are trying real hard to tie these clowns with Trump's asshole's like Stone, perhaps Don Jr. and of course Trump himself. The government can't overlook these crimes and they can't overlook Trump's roll in sedition and insurrection, it would set a very bad precedent moving forward and cannot be allowed to stand. The heat will be on the oath keepers and others to squeal their heads off, they will sing if they have a song. Some of these assholes could be looking at 20 years in the slammer and that will definitely get their attention.

They felt so white privileged, that they too thought they were above the law, just like Trump, reality is gonna bitch slap Trump and them soon. They committed their crimes brazenly and in public for the most part and crowed about it in the media and to friends, even took selfies and tweeted, just like Trump who committed many crimes in the open too.


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What A Survey Of Georgia Voters Says About The Current Political Moment

Political scientist Rachel Bitecofer discusses a new survey of Georgia voters on the 2020 election at the January 6 riot.


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Tim Miller: Capitol Riot Deniers ‘Are Telling A Lie So Their Political Project Can Go On’

Contributor to The Bulwark Tim Miller, senior opinion writer for The Boston Globe Kim Atkins, and former Senator Claire McCaskill discuss attempts by the former president and his allies to whitewash what happened on January 6th.


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But they were more than willing to accept the spoils if they were successful. They only thing wrong with their thinking is they thought they could not lose.


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I bet she's right. She'll not serve a single day in jail.