

Well-Known Member

Covid-19 attaches to the angiotensin converting receptor to enter lung cells

If you are on an ACE inhibitor medication it may assist the virus

Now might be a great time to discuss changing to an Angiotensin Receptor Blocker such as Losartan with your physician.
Those damn angiotensins! I hate when that happens. Seriously, it's great you're passing on helpful info. I'm all Pfizered-up........gave me a good buzz.


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Staff member
@curious2garden ^ he feels fine, me, not so much. i feel like I got hit by a bus, what can I take or do to feel better? I’m chugging sugar free gaterade and water :cry: ps Pfizer first dose and to my knowledge I haven’t had covid.
Ouch so sorry you're hurting try some acetaminophen, and an antihistamine. My go to is usually diphenhydramine but in this instance I find the Alka Seltzer Cold with acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine and phenylephrine seems to work best.


Well-Known Member
Ouch so sorry you're hurting try some acetaminophen, and an antihistamine. My go to is usually diphenhydramine but in this instance I find the Alka Seltzer Cold with acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine and phenylephrine seems to work best.
I’m kind of all fucked up right now, I’ve got elevated liver enzymes (that’s a whole nother mess) pain relievers I can’t take. Are the ones you mentioned safe for me with my jacked up liver enzymes?


Well-Known Member
I did not like doing the glass door visits... like seeing my parents in a zoo lol. Do your grandkids know they'll be able to see you soon?
Their mom is still hesitant, my Mrs is a few weeks behind me in the vaccine regimen. Her second is the 23rd. Their mom won't let them text me on facebook anymore because she is an angry I haven't really talked to them.