Mandatory Covid Vaccination is coming!


Well-Known Member
It will soon be time to stop coddling the antivaccers, once we get the vaccination rate above 70%, the US and Canada should make vaccination against covid mandatory for all adults and children when it is safe to do so. As soon as the vaccines come out of emergency use statues, they should be made mandatory.

The government can even indemnify those few who die with a million bucks paid to their families. The rights of the collective are more important than the rights of the individual in this case. Covid is not a private matter, it's not something you can keep to yourself, that makes it a public matter and everybody's business. Most of those who have been vaccinated will support this, who needs variant factories running around loose.

There may be medical reasons for not getting the vaccination, but doctors should be audited and those not complying honestly should have their licenses removed if the issue false credentials or exemptions. Those with medical issues like allergies can have their vaccines administered in a hospital.

Just because people believe bullshit is no reason not to have them vaccinated, being afraid of needles is not an acceptable excuse. Neither is white or religious privilege or thinking your immune system is superior. Time for serum testing and proper proof of vaccination that can also double for a standard national voter ID. No voter ID no vote.

Don't like it? Tough shit.
you seem to be a good dude but you never say mandatory to a 'Murican. we'll fight you for it.

signed the GOP.
I want a certain reaction from a certain group and want to move the conversation on vaccination to a new plane. ;) The time for questions is over, we now know the important answers, vaccines work very well and are safe, much safer than many common drugs. I figure tying POV to a national standard voter ID is a great idea! I mean the republicans are all for voter ID and I figure the feds should provide one! :lol:
I want a certain reaction from a certain group and want to move the conversation on vaccination to a new plane. ;) The time for questions is over, we now know the important answers, vaccines work very well and are safe, much safer than many common drugs. I figure tying POV to a national standard voter ID is a great idea! I mean the republicans are all for voter ID and I figure the feds should provide one! :lol:

we have 1/2 of this country that still think trump is a genius and the virus is a hoax. we're fucked. and by close proximity, you are too.

we still have a bunch of morons that say vaxs for kids cause autism. i'd close the border with the US if i were you. lol
It's expected in Canada that the vaccination rate will end up between 80% and as high as the low 90%s. That's not enough, even the stupid should be protected. We don't let the mentally ill harm themselves and others, nor should we let the ignorant, misinformed and stupid do the same. After everybody who wants a vaccine gets one the government should act when over 75% are vaccinated. There are no constitutional issues with this imposition of the majority on the minority, in Canada or America either.
we have 1/2 of this country that still think trump is a genius and the virus is a hoax. we're fucked. and by close proximity, you are too.

we still have a bunch of morons that say vaxs for kids cause autism. i'd close the border with the US if i were you. lol
Consider this a fun thread and a place to discuss ideas on public health. Getting the globe vaccinated is far more important than trying to save the lives of assholes in Canada or America. Personally I don't think we should waste vaccines on such people. I'm more interested in the voter ID idea for America, since the republicans want to fuck with the right to vote everywhere they can, I say help them! :lol: Too bad that republicans are the most vaccine resistant and are counterfeiting POV documents. Time for serum tests and proper POV photo IDs that can double as a national voter ID card too!

Now I'm all in favor of this for Canada too, even though the experts expect our vaccination rate could be as high as 90%. You need to be proactive with these assholes, just like you need to be proactive with Putin and keep him busy in his own backyard. They are at civil war with the country and should suffer the consequences of waging war. War is Hell, make it that way for them.
Could you be required to get the COVID vaccine?

Dan Haggerty answers viewer questions about vaccine refusal.
Around 70% of Canadians think covid vaccinations should be mandatory, just incase anybody thinks I'm an outlier here. That's well over a super majority folks and one likely to increase, since the poll is a few weeks old and not many were vaccinated back then. I figure when about 70% of Americans are vaccinated they will feel the same way, it will be a super majority and hard for a government to ignore. The courts will be alright with federal mandatory vaccinations too in Canada and America, since there's precedent.

Having your POV vaccination card double as your standardized federal voter photo ID would be helpful and convenient too, no vaccination, no card, no card, no vote! It will help the states with their voter ID efforts tremendously by providing a national standard ID that can't be forged and will end the scourge of massive voter fraud in America! This problem of voter fraud is so serious an issue that there are hundreds of new restrictive voting laws being passed in the states. The federal government should step up to the plate and help the states to secure elections while killing two birds with one stone!
Will mandatory vaccinations become a condition of employment in some sectors?
Polling shows a growing number of Canadians believe the COVID-19 vaccine should be mandatory...
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My premise is that a large portion of the population are too stupid to to make this decision on their own and many are just bad citizens who lack social responsibility. We could have saved many lives by enforcing mask mandates and locking up anti lockdown and anti mask protesters, including the religious ones. People did protest over other issues during the pandemic, wearing masks and practicing social distancing. Agitating against public health measures while breaking the law and deliberately creating dangerous public health situations, should be met with immediate internment.
Western News - Ethics of mandatory vaccinations: benefits may not outweigh challenges (

Ethics of mandatory vaccinations: benefits may not outweigh challenges
New WHO policy brief led by Western’s Maxwell Smith provides ethical guidance for countries and organizations.

By Jeff Renaud

April 19, 2021
Vaccines are one of the most effective tools for protecting people against COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). But should vaccines be made mandatory in order to increase vaccination rates and achieve public health goals?

A new policy brief published by WHO, led by Western University’s Maxwell Smith, provides ethical guidance for countries and organizations who may be considering making COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory, and if so, under which conditions, for whom and in what contexts.

“We are in a very fortunate position with several COVID-19 vaccines that are effective in preventing severe disease, hospitalization, and death. This has caused some to consider whether vaccinations should be made mandatory, particularly in vulnerable settings like long-term care homes and hospitals, in order to increase uptake and protect the most vulnerable,” said Smith, a Western health studies professor currently serving on Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution task force.

Mandatory vaccination is unlikely to be ethically justified among the general public given limited supply and because it is unclear that a mandate is necessary to achieve public health objectives, says Smith.

Vaccination mandates rarely force individuals to be vaccinated or are accompanied by criminal penalties in the case of noncompliance. Rather, mandatory vaccination policies make vaccination a condition of, for example, attending school or working in particular industries or settings, like health care.

Smith says mandatory vaccination is not ethically justified at the moment in schools because vaccines are not currently authorized for children.

He does, however, suggest mandatory vaccination in health care settings may be ethically justified, but if vaccination is made a condition of employment, there is a possibility that this could lead to some attrition, which could threaten an already overburdened health work force.

Governments and institutional policymakers should use arguments to encourage voluntary vaccination against COVID-19 before contemplating mandatory vaccination, says Smith. A number of ethical considerations and caveats should be explicitly discussed and addressed through ethical analysis when considering whether mandatory COVID-19 vaccination is an ethically justifiable policy option.

“Making vaccination mandatory can be ethically justified. Several childhood vaccinations have been made mandatory as a condition of attending school, including in Ontario, and other vaccinations are required as a condition of employment in health care settings,” said Smith. “But, we need to think about the potential consequences of making COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory, including if this could threaten public trust or lead to reductions in our already overwhelmed health workforce.”

The policy brief, titled COVID-19 and mandatory vaccination: ethical considerations and caveats, identifies six ethical considerations that should guide decisions about whether to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory, including:

Necessity and proportionality: Mandatory vaccination should be considered only if it is necessary for, and proportionate to, the achievement of an important public health goal (e.g., protecting the most vulnerable; protecting health care capacity; herd immunity).

Sufficient evidence of vaccine safety: Data should be available that demonstrate the vaccine being mandated has been found to be safe in the populations for whom the vaccine is to be made mandatory.

Sufficient evidence of vaccine efficacy and effectiveness: Data on efficacy and effectiveness should be available that show the vaccine is efficacious in the population for whom vaccination is to be mandated and that the vaccine is an effective means of achieving an important public health goal.

Sufficient supply: Supply of the vaccine should be sufficient and reliable, with reasonable, free access for those for whom it is to be made mandatory.

Public trust: Policymakers should carefully consider the effect that mandating vaccination could have on public confidence and public trust.

Ethical processes of decision-making: Legitimate public health authorities contemplating mandatory vaccination policies should use transparent, deliberative procedures to consider these ethical issues outlined in an explicit ethical analysis.
Finally I will need an ID to buy cereal.
I figure a QR code laser burned on the forehead of the vaccine resistant would be effective too! :lol: Or a number, preface it with 666 or something for vaccine resistant. Under my plan your photo POV card would double as you federal voter ID, good in all 50 states as proof of identity. The federal government must help the states to end the scourge of massive voter fraud and make the new federal voter ID the only form of voter ID acceptable!

I know it sounds radical Baldrick, but this scourge of massive voter fraud must end!
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I figure a QR code laser burned on the forehead of the vaccine resistant would be effective too! :lol: Or a number, preface it with 666 or something for vaccine resistant. Under my plan your photo POV card would double as you federal voter ID, good in all 50 states as proof of identify. The federal government must help the states to end the scourge of massive voter fraud and make the new federal voter ID the only form of voter ID acceptable!

I know it sounds radical Baldrick, but this scourge of massive voter fraud must end!

agreeing with most of what you say but can u show any proof of massive voter fraud?

I also heard Canada is making anyone crossing the border to show proof of vax now, and why is Canada so behind in getting everyone from my understanding Michigan is way ahead in doing round 2 of shots

Edit: I mean entire population isn’t that much, more people in Cali than all of Canada
It will soon be time to stop coddling the antivaccers, once we get the vaccination rate above 70%, the US and Canada should make vaccination against covid mandatory for all adults and children when it is safe to do so. As soon as the vaccines come out of emergency use statues, they should be made mandatory.

The government can even indemnify those few who die with a million bucks paid to their families. The rights of the collective are more important than the rights of the individual in this case. Covid is not a private matter, it's not something you can keep to yourself, that makes it a public matter and everybody's business. Most of those who have been vaccinated will support this, who needs variant factories running around loose.

There may be medical reasons for not getting the vaccination, but doctors should be audited and those not complying honestly should have their licenses removed if the issue false credentials or exemptions. Those with medical issues like allergies can have their vaccines administered in a hospital.

Just because people believe bullshit is no reason not to have them vaccinated, being afraid of needles is not an acceptable excuse. Neither is white or religious privilege or thinking your immune system is superior. Time for serum testing and proper proof of vaccination that can also double for a standard national voter ID. No voter ID no vote.

Don't like it? Tough shit.
Can you tell me one thing that's in the covid-19 vaccine. It has never been tested except for now the people that are taking it he warning what the government's having them put in it Doom days are coming
agreeing with most of what you say but can u show any proof of massive voter fraud?

I also heard Canada is making anyone crossing the border to show proof of vax now, and why is Canada so behind in getting everyone from my understanding Michigan is way ahead in doing round 2 of shots
The massive voter fraud is bullshit, I'm just saying that if they wanna play that game, then two can tango. War is Hell and those who make war on their country should get a little taste of Hell, instead of a free fucking ride.

Canada does not produce vaccines domestically anymore, but that is about to change, never again.
As for border restrictions, there are many vaccine resistant people in America, most are republicans and they are also forging and encouraging the forging POV documents. Vaccine passports should be secure documents.

By the end of summer Canada might have as high as 80- even 90% of adults vaccinated and America might have 70% inoculated. Having POV at the border will drive up vaccination rates on both sides.

This thread is a place for those antivaccers who troll the vaccine question thread to get their teeth into some red meat and I await their arrival. :lol:
Can you tell me one thing that's in the covid-19 vaccine. It has never been tested except for now the people that are taking it he warning what the government's having them put in it Doom days are coming
It has been tested and found to be safe and effective, all phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials have been completed on all approved vaccines in Canada and America. Studies were telescoped, meaning done in parallel and not sequentially with gaps, as is the usual case when time is not of the essence.

The contents of the vaccines varies with the type of vaccine and the specific brand. The two mRNA vaccines have an mRNA strand with some added sequences to improve efficacy, encapsulated and stabilized in a liposome, a fat bubble in plain English. Most of the ingredients in the Pfizer vaccine are just the chemical names for various fats that make up the Nano sized liposomes.

The other two approved vaccines, the Astra Zeneca and the J&J are weakened adenovirus (common cold) vectored vaccines that are genetically modified to produce the viral spike proteins that our immune system reacts to.

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients:
lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine, and cholesterol),
potassium chloride,
monobasic potassium phosphate,
sodium chloride, (salt)
dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate,
sucrose. (sugar)

Astra Zeneca
AstraZeneca / COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccine: What you should know -

  • Medicinal ingredient
    • Adenovirus vector vaccine
  • Non-medicinal ingredients
    • disodium edetate dihydrate (EDTA)
    • ethanol
    • L-histidine
    • L-histidine hydrochloride monohydrate
    • magnesium chloride hexahydrate
    • polysorbate 80
    • sodium chloride (salt)
    • sucrose (sugar)
    • water for injection
If you are worried about the ingredients, read the ingredients on a typical processed food package.
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The massive voter fraud is bullshit, I'm just saying that if they wanna play that game, then two can tango. War is Hell and those who make war on their country should get a little taste of Hell, instead of a free fucking ride.

Canada does not produce vaccines domestically anymore, but that is about to change, never again.
As for border restrictions, there are many vaccine resistant people in America, most are republicans and they are also forging and encouraging the forging POV documents. Vaccine passports should be secure documents.

By the end of summer Canada might have as high as 80- even 90% of adults vaccinated and America might have 70% inoculated. Having POV at the border will drive up vaccination rates on both sides.

This thread is a place for those antivaccers who troll the vaccine question thread to get their teeth into some red meat and I await their arrival. :lol:
lol got ya I didn’t quite see the sarcasm there it went over my head but anyway very good bud carry on lol
@DIY-HP-LED I don't think mandatory vaccines would be compatible with the culture south of the Canadian border. It's kinda opposite there. For example, mandatory vaccines as a condition of employment would be seen as an incredible breach of individual independence and "freedom" in the USA, while mandatory drug tests for the "evil marijuana" is a normal condition of employment there because.... well I guess freedom doesn't include what you do off work in your spare time?

Sorry I'm not sure why. I've never understood the differences in perception of what freedom is between the two countries so gave up trying long ago.
They can mandatory all they want. All I have to do is say, "BUT JESUS!!!" and then I get a free pass into your house and can eat all your food and stuff and there's nothing you can do about it.

That's America in a nutshell right now; a poor understanding of our own rights with zero understanding of other people's rights. And that's what happens when civics has been out of classrooms for thirty years, you end up with a bunch of dumb and selfish forty year old's.