Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Same old boring weather here in Portland. We just had the driest April since 1956 with only .39" of rain. It sucks. We need some damn rain. We got a little last night but it didn't do squat. A few more showers later this week but they won't amount to much. Not much on the horizon as far as getting the precipitation we need. I'm getting worried we're going to have a repeat of last year or worse with the fires. I only had to deal with the smoke but others lost everything they had in the fires. It was horrible. Unfortunately all the predictions are looking grim for states all across the western United States.

Pray for rain.

It was pretty windy here yesterday too. The wife and I go down to the riverhouse to walk most days. Less traffic and it's a couple three degrees cooler. But it's next to a big field, and when the wind is up, the blowing sand is a pain in the eyes. We went down yesterday but had to stay on the driveway.

Today it's not so windy, but at 0955 it's mostly cloudy, 83F with 76% humidity. Forecast high low of 89/70F with 35% chance of rain today, 50% tonight and 70% tomorrow. 10 day forecast high low of 89/56F with 4 days of possible rain. As of late, we've got none of the rain forecast, so we will see. It's drying out fast with all the windy weather.

If the thunderstorms pass us by today, there is a good chance we will have our 2nd 90 degree day of the season.
Where is your location Injinji?
The thunderstorms didn't arrive until 10 last night, so we did hit 90 degrees yesterday. It was crazy hot last night until the front passed through. Lots of wind when they got here, but not much rain. We are under a flash flood watch though. A lot more fell to the north of us, and it will be coming down the river in a few days.

At 0810 it's raining, 68F with 92% humidity. Forecast high low of 88/66F with 95% chance of rain today, 50% tonight and 40% tomorrow.

I'm going to try to get in some discing done at down at the riverhouse this morning. I picked up limbs yesterday afternoon so no excuses not to get it done. Lots of veggies ready to be transplanted, and no place to put them. I've got about a two hour window before the thunderstorms get here, so I need to bite the bullet and get out there.
Same old boring weather here in Portland. We just had the driest April since 1956 with only .39" of rain. It sucks. We need some damn rain. We got a little last night but it didn't do squat. A few more showers later this week but they won't amount to much. Not much on the horizon as far as getting the precipitation we need. I'm getting worried we're going to have a repeat of last year or worse with the fires. I only had to deal with the smoke but others lost everything they had in the fires. It was horrible. Unfortunately all the predictions are looking grim for states all across the western United States.

Pray for rain.


Yeah it's likely to get worse. And there will be severe water shortages.

I remember about five years ago some were trying to resurrect the water pipeline from the Columbia River through Oregon to California. It's something some people have been trying to do for decades. California wouldn't need the water if they would stop watering all the grass. Same thing with Arizona and Nevada. All these golf courses draining the Colorado river just so people can putt a ball on a green. Then there are the agricultural crops. Almonds are not a necessity so they may need to rethink what they grow. It takes almost 2000 gallons of water to produce a pound of Almonds. That type of agriculture is just not sustainable. It would be one thing if they were consumed here but most are exported overseas. Let other countries waste their water growing Almonds. I like Almonds but water is more important.
Yeah it's likely to get worse. And there will be severe water shortages.

I remember about five years ago some were trying to resurrect the water pipeline from the Columbia River through Oregon to California. It's something some people have been trying to do for decades. California wouldn't need the water if they would stop watering all the grass. Same thing with Arizona and Nevada. All these golf courses draining the Colorado river just so people can putt a ball on a green. Then there are the agricultural crops. Almonds are not a necessity so they may need to rethink what they grow. It takes almost 2000 gallons of water to produce a pound of Almonds. That type of agriculture is just not sustainable. It would be one thing if they were consumed here but most are exported overseas. Let other countries waste their water growing Almonds. I like Almonds but water is more important.
Farmers need to quit fucking pouring water on the ground and calling it agriculture. One of the single biggest acts of water conservation would be outlawing center pivot style irrigation in favor of drip irrigation. It would save 95% of the water.

Another thing that must change is water rights law; as it stands, if a farmer doesn't use their allotment, they can lose it permanently. That sets up a DISincentive to conserve, a clearly perverse and harmful outcome.

We must declare western lawns and the city ordinances and neighborhood covenants that mandate them invalid.

Personally I have nothing against exporting agricultural products. I agree that those who benefit must bear the costs involved. This is an idea that should include all industries, especially tech.
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Farmers need to quit fucking pouring water on the ground and calling it agriculture. One of the single biggest acts of water conservation would be outlawing center pivot style irrigation in favor of drip irrigation. It would save 95% of the water.

Another thing that must change is water rights law; as it stands, if a farmer doesn't use their allotment, they can lose it permanently. That sets up a DISincentive to conserve, a clearly perverse and harmful outcome.

We must declare western lawns and the city ordinances and neighborhood covenants that mandate them invalid.

Personally I have nothing against existing agricultural products. I agree that those who benefit must bear the costs involved. This is an idea that should include all industries, especially tech.

I agree. You right about wasting water with poor outdated irrigation methods. But drip irrigation would cost money and since they already have rights to the water why not just waste away and not foot the expense. At the same time water is wasted everywhere by everyone. I used to grow drain to waste coco. I was wasting water using poor irrigation methods. I switched to blumats and no more waste. Although I didn't switch to blumats to save water I switched because it made things easier. Saving water was just a result.

Most of my vegetable garden will all be on a drip system this summer. I've been having to water since mid April. I don't remember ever having to water so much so early. April Showers didn't bring May flowers the hose did this year. I told the lady to enjoy the green grass while she can because I'm not watering it over the summer. I've got my front watering system all dialed in so no overspray gets on any pavement. Everything is strategically placed to only target the plants. I'm letting the front yard go brown as well. Fortunately where I live most of the neighbors understand things and don't water their yard either so I fit right in.
. . . . . . . Same thing with Arizona and Nevada. All these golf courses draining the Colorado river just so people can putt a ball on a green. . . . . . .
Night Crawler, an AZ based hiker is doing a trail out there right now. When he sees water features outside a store, he will say, too much water means it's too high priced for me.
A very nice day today with lots of sun and a high of 82F. Low tonight is forecast to be 55F, but tomorrow night is supposed to dip down to 49F. Most likely our last really cool nights in a long time.
It was a bit over 80 in Northern Colorado today, partly cloudy, just all around nice. So of course I spent most of it inside lol

Looks like we'll be getting some cool weather starting Sunday. I'm fine with that; this spring has been unseasonably warm and dry.

Nowhere near as bad as elsewhere in the Southwest, though.
We got down to 48F this morning. I slept down at the riverhouse with the doors open. Had to get up and find my down about 0500.

At 1000 it's sunny, 72F with 32% humidity. Forecast high low of 83/55F with no chance of rain until Monday. We went down and walked this morning when it was still in the 60's. Really good looking day.
We got out early and got in our morning walk at the riverhouse before the rain. (then a nice nap on the couch once it started) It's up to .34" already with 1 inch forecast for the day.

At 1130 it's raining, 67F with 90% humidity. Forecast high low of 78/65F with 100% chance of rain today, 50% tonight and 60% tomorrow.
We got up to 93F today. At 2140 it's clear, 75F with 62% humidity. My 10 day has highs in the 90's and lows in the 60's across the board. Chance of rain Saturday and Tuesday. It's getting dry in a hurry here.
Northern Colorado checking in; sunny, gorgeous and warm; it was great for a nice hike and picnic in the mountains today!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend to the fullest!
We got a surprise eight tenths of an inch this morning. Really nice to wake up to rain when it was only 20% chance forecast.

At 1120 it's partly cloudy, 82F with 66% humidity. Forecast high low of 89/59F with 15% chance of rain today, none tonight or tomorrow. There are scattered thunderstorms forecast for five days starting Wednesday. Will be happy if we get one of them.
It's been raining in NoCo on and off all day. Is always appreciated.
That's good to hear. My 10 day has 7 days of possible rain starting Thursday, but I wouldn't bet on it getting here. The odds always go down as it get's closer. It's drying up fast here. The river is dropping. It's to half the depth it was in the recent high water. Yet the pond is still full. I was down there picking huckleberries and had to bushwhack to keep from getting wet feet. The trail around the edge of the woods was underwater. I guess that means our water table is still doing pretty good.
At 0915 it's sunny, 75F with 68% humidity. Forecast high low of 91/65F with no chance of rain until Thursday. I slept with the windows open and the fans running down at the riverhouse. It started out really hot, but I had to pull the sheet up over me sometime during the night. (I've got the AC set to come on about 88F just to keep it from smelling musky, but I'm not cooling it when I never go inside until nighttime)