I think it all comes down to the lesser of 2 evils, for me anyways.
The vaccine is not even approved by the FDA and they tell you that when they give it. "It's an experimental drug" is what they told me....But I'd rather take my chances with an unknown vaccine that is working for most people, and has had some testing, than take my chances with a virus that has proven it can seriously harm or kill me...Plus I'm turning 60 this year, have COPD and a few other health issues. If I was 30 and healthy I'd probably be questioning whether to get one also.
Just think of all the college kids that are being forced to get vaccinated if they want an education. That's kind of fucked up forcing them too, but by the same token the virus went crazy here last fall when they returned and that's not right either.
I also got a "active pass" from NYS which is proof of vaccination on my cell phone, which I just used at my dentists to prove I am vaccinated, but I noticed it expires 10/08/2021. It will be expired before it's even approved probably, and we'll be needing another shot this fall.
Unfortunately I think covid is here to stay. I hope I'm wrong.