Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
So there was no other forum? Thats no fun we like stirring the yanks up.

Black Dog
View attachment 4900677
What an amazing looking plant mate, definitely sticking that on my list of strains to try in a future grow. Kudos!

Mine pales in comparison, but the girls are stacking on a bit more weight and some more frost. Some of the pistils are browning up, so things appear to be on track.


They are starting to get a nice aroma happening, this critter that hangs out near the shed door approves. :)

Hey All ,, Howzitgoing,,,, I felt that us Aussie growers needed a network thread.... no matter how you soil, hydro or some other way ..please feel free to post your photos and experiences with growing the plant we all LOVE.... or just introduce yourself and say Giday
I myself am in the south east of our beautiful island/continent...... and I grow mostly indoors,,,but am planning on outdoor guerrilla style grow this summer,,,,,its almost upon us...its gonna be a hot one .....bongsmilie
Hey bro my first grow with White Widow 5 weeks 4 days in flower

