Why does YouTube and their owners NOT want you to see this?


Well-Known Member
1) then why is it still up?
2) zeitgeist is copyrighted.

funny title, great marketing tool

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I can't believe anyone took the time to put that piece of shit film together

and that anyone actually believes that without actually checking some facts or any other source besides a "controversial" film...


Well-Known Member
it gets flagged because its regurgitation of the same old shit people use to push paganism and astrology...
if that guy read the bible he would know all that crap he just supposedly proved is mentioned...
false prophets
false gods
similar births and beliefs
fake miracles
it boils down to faith, be a leader and figure it out for yourslef dont try to push crap on someone and mix up astrology or stars or SUN with FAITH

It gets flagged because its unoriginal and repetitive just like every other PROOF laden conspiracy therory...
looks like a copy and paste of the first 2 minutes of the
esoteric agenda
which is 2 hours and twice as proven
that video sux

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's an excerpt from Zeitgeist.The avatar myth has been documented before.Jesus Christ is just a regurgitation of such myths.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Jesus Myth - The Case Against Historical Christ
Here's an excerpt from this page....
1. The Emperors Gratian, Valentinian, and Theodosius to the people of the City of Constantinople.
We desire that all peoples subject to Our benign Empire shall live under the same religion that the Divine Peter, the Apostle, gave to the Romans, and which the said religion declares was introduced by himself, and which it is well known that the Pontiff Damasus, and Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, a man of apostolic sanctity, embraced; that is to say, in accordance with the rules of apostolic discipline and the evangelical doctrine, we should believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit constitute a single Deity, endowed with equal majesty, and united in the Holy Trinity.
(1) We order all those who follow this law to assume the name of Catholic Christians, and considering others as demented and insane, We order that they shall bear the infamy of heresy; and when the Divine vengeance which they merit has been appeased, they shall afterwards be punished in accordance with Our resentment, which we have acquired from the judgment of Heaven.
Dated at Thessalonica, on the third of the Kalends of March, during the Consulate of Gratian, Consul for the fifth time, and Theodosius.
2. The Same Emperors to Eutropius, Prætorian Prefect.
Let no place be afforded to heretics for the conduct of their ceremonies, and let no occasion be offered for them to display the insanity of their obstinate minds. Let all persons know that if any privilege has been fraudulently obtained by means of any rescript whatsoever, by persons of this kind, it will not be valid. Let all bodies of heretics be prevented from holding unlawful assemblies, and let the name of the only and the greatest God be celebrated everywhere, and let the observance of the Nicene Creed, recently transmitted by Our ancestors, and firmly established by the testimony and practice of Divine Religion, always remain secure.
(1) Moreover, he who is an adherent of the Nicene Faith, and a true believer in the Catholic religion, should be understood to be one who believes that Almighty God and Christ, the Son of God, are one person, God of God, Light of Light; and let no one, by rejection, dishonor the Holy Spirit, whom we expect, and have received from the Supreme Parent of all things, in whom the sentiment of a pure and undefiled faith flourishes, as well as the belief in the undivided substance of a Holy Trinity, which true believers indicate by the Greek word .... These things, indeed, do not require further proof, and should be respected.
(2) Let those who do not accept these doctrines cease to apply the name of true religion to their fraudulent belief; and let them be branded with their open crimes, and, having been removed from the threshhold of all churches, be utterly excluded from them, as We forbid all heretics to hold unlawful assemblies within cities. If, however, any seditious outbreak should be attempted, We order them to be driven outside the walls of the City, with relentless violence, and We direct that all Catholic churches, throughout the entire world, shall be placed under the control of the orthodox bishops who have embraced the Nicene Creed.
Given at Constantinople, on the fourth of the Ides of January, under the Consulate of Flavius Eucharius and Flavius Syagrius.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
And another.
The following is the text of the letter of the Emperor Justinian, Victorious, Pious, Happy, Renowned, Triumphant, always Augustus, to John, Patriarch, and most Holy Archbishop of the fair City of Rome:
(1) Therefore, We present to Your Holiness the fact that certain infidels and persons who do not belong to the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God have, like Jews and apostates, dared to dispute matters which are properly accepted, glorified, and preached by all priests in accordance with your doctrines, denying that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, and that Our Lord was born of the Holy Spirit and of the Holy, Glorious, and always Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and became a man and was crucified, and that he is one of the persons of the Holy Trinity, who are all of one substance, and who should be adored and exalted along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and that he is consubstantial with the Father according to divinity, and consubstantial with ourselves according to humanity, and susceptible of the sufferings of the flesh, but not susceptible of the same as a deity. For these persons refusing to acknowledge Our Lord Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, and Our Lord as one of the Holy Trinity, and of the same substance with the other persons composing it, appear to follow the evil doctrine of Nestor, who asserts that there is one Son of God according to grace, whom he styles the Word of God, and another Son whom he calls Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jesus birth and resurection has been predicted in the Old Testament. its easy to see why many religions follow the same story ;line. A lot of religions also have a variation on the story of Noahs Ark and the flood. It just proves that the Bible is still the Big Cheese on planet Earth.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
These religions all PRE-DATE Christianity.Christianity has always stolen Holidays and myths from other religions, to make their religion more palatable.When it began, CHristians were few and far between.Persuasian was used.As it gained power, the Christian religion turned to strong arm tactics.
Jesus birth and resurection has been predicted in the Old Testament. its easy to see why many religions follow the same story ;line. A lot of religions also have a variation on the story of Noahs Ark and the flood. It just proves that the Bible is still the Big Cheese on planet Earth.
Thou shalt not covet they neighbors goods.
Name one of the ten commandments that makes the world a worse place....


Well-Known Member
I am not a first language speaker, but I think covet has the same meaning of the modern day jealousy.. have you seen how jealous people act, how they hurt those around them etc...?

I'm not sure even if I'm a christian in the traditional sense of the word... i.e. I don't think I interpret the bible in the same way as the majority... for instance, god the son could have appeared in an acceptable form for local people all over the world... It makes no sense that an all knowing god whould expect me to accept a dress wearing middle eastern man as the incarnation of God.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Religion is just mind control, as far as I'm concerned.
I am not a first language speaker, but I think covet has the same meaning of the modern day jealousy.. have you seen how jealous people act, how they hurt those around them etc...?


Well-Known Member
I believe there are many false prophets and many people hwo would use religion in a very negative way to further their own goals.... That is why it has a become a personal matter for me... I no longer attend church yet find myself more religious than at any stage of my life before...

Also I do not expect to find ANY proof of God... I'd like you to think about this, not just read this... If God left clues all over the place there would be no belief left. We would have proven fact and only be left with the choice to go with what the big man wants or not. Yet the bible tells us to believe like a child... you know, the way you believed in santa when you were little...

So all the proof or counter proof we think we see in the world are just human constructs.

Ultimately noone can change your belief... I could not make you believe the sky is green for all the money in the world... I am only thankfull that I feel content and safe in my beliefs.


Well-Known Member
the zodiac thing is old news but I beleive close to the roots of religion.

It would be good if they investigated further and re-translated old texts.


Well-Known Member
the zodiac thing is old news but I beleive close to the roots of religion.

It would be good if they investigated further and re-translated old texts.
Miggzeh, one would imagine that because of the common ancestry of all of mankind, that our religions would all share the same basic threads. Thus stating that all religions are similar, or a lot of them share some aspect doesn't weaken one, but strengthens them all.

In different regions words obviously would arise that contain different local interpretation when speaking of the same thing. Here, we speak of big foot, in the Himalayan region they speak of the Abominable Snowman. Who is to say that they are not the same thing, or based on the same thing, and thus in reality are the same thing, just interpreted through different minds in different ways.

It's like the entire debate over pot, some people view it as something that doesn't have a negative impact while some people have the view that it does, and both sides regurgitate facts to state their proof.

To have a closed mind is to be a bigot. Though I did watch Zeitgeist and wasn't really impressed. It goes beyond its intro into other things, and thus weakens itself, like a strong wine weakened with water.

"Inequality of property will exist as long as liberty exists," which was said by Alexander Hamilton, specifies that the founders understood that with freedom some people will fail, and others will succeed, and thus will not be truly equal, despite being born equal.

Equality of opportunity, because with out that, Society will be poor. What is the point of creating something if one can not benefit from its contribution to society by reaping the profit? If an invention improves the lot of humanity should not the inventor, or the people responsible for enabling the inventor to invent it reap the rewards of their invention?

As far as the entire not coveting thing. Simple way to think about it, is that the reason why its a sin to covet (want) your neighbors things is because it gives you a reason to be a nosy uninvited asshole that is more concerned with what they have than where you are going personally, and thus like a vehicle with a drive that is asleep at the wheel you will end up leaving the road and crashing.

Of course, Stoney, being against religion is your prerogative, but I wish you would stop proselytizing about your beliefs as well, unless you want me to proselytize about mine.


Well-Known Member
Jesus birth and resurection has been predicted in the Old Testament. its easy to see why many religions follow the same story ;line. A lot of religions also have a variation on the story of Noahs Ark and the flood. It just proves that the Bible is still the Big Cheese on planet Earth.
It Proves nothing, there have been over 50 messiahs through history, all of which share the same things in common. They walked on water, they died as a result of crusifiction and they all were resercted 3 days later.

guitarman7311, if your going to spout off something as fact, do a little research first.

Remember in the 10 commandments, it says "thou shalt have no other Gods before me."

Amazon.com: 50 Jewish Messiahs: The Untold Life Stories of 50 Jewish Messiahs Since Jesus and How They Changed the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Worlds: Jerry Rabow: Books

Messiahs: Christian and Pagan - Google Book Search


Well-Known Member
It Proves nothing, there have been over 50 messiahs through history, all of which share the same things in common. They walked on water, they died as a result of crusifiction and they all were resercted 3 days later.

guitarman7311, if your going to spout off something as fact, do a little research first.

Remember in the 10 commandments, it says "thou shalt have no other Gods before me."

Amazon.com: 50 Jewish Messiahs: The Untold Life Stories of 50 Jewish Messiahs Since Jesus and How They Changed the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Worlds: Jerry Rabow: Books

Messiahs: Christian and Pagan - Google Book Search
fact or not, this is where faith comes in