that bitch is gonna love it!
Still getting used it. Just like what I’m doing isn’t “organic” I found out what I’m doing is NOT “no-till”. But whatever. I guess you’re supposed to have cover crops, worms, and a 30g pot. Just wanted to put that out there before the bashing startshey i meant to ask: how do you like the no-till?
that sounds about as hands-off as you can get! lol.All I do is just set them in the corner for a month or two and let the microbes take care of business. Every once in a while I throw them some water
I see tons of people with them. They’re good, cheap fans.oh yeah, and those honeywell turbo fans are the shit. i've got a few of them around the house. lol
i use 1 to blow hot air from the downstairs wood stove to the upstairs. they can move some air for sureI see tons of people with them. They’re good, cheap fans.