Help!! PICS* Yellow spotting leaves during flower


Everything seemed too perfect and I was afraid of this day to come. I have finally encountered my first every problem growing this batch.
Dark Yellow spotting on upper fan leaves on one main cola out of about 20+.
Strain: super silver haze x northern lights
8 weeks flower, 1800 watt cob led full spectrum, Trichrome check 0% amber, flower nutes only, w/ molasses. PPM last few feedings read 1898, 2000, 2228. (-)signs of over feeding(nute burn) Strain known to be heavy aggressive feeder. I feed twice a week with one spot water in between.
Could this possibly be septoria or a nute lockout of K? This is the highest cola of them all by about 3-4 inches.. possible light burn? Or is this something else? I have NO IDEA.
Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Could be salt buildup, you can flush with just water, and then add a light feed after the flush. Those ppm's are so high they are almost percent.
Also if you are 2 weeks or less from harvest then stop feeding now and ride it out with only water.


Could be salt buildup, you can flush with just water, and then add a light feed after the flush. Those ppm's are so high they are almost percent.
Also if you are 2 weeks or less from harvest then stop feeding now and ride it out with only water.
youre right. I never thought about that one. I should’ve, cause I do heavy feed and never done a full flush during her flower period yet. Yes these last last few weeks which would be this Sunday she would make 9. My plan was to switch to full water so she can just use the nutes she stored in the soil. But there isn’t even a sign of any amber trichromes yet. It’s still pretty milky. But I will switch to water anyways.
Would you cut the leaves off or just leave them be? Thank you again! Huge help!


Well-Known Member
Everything seemed too perfect and I was afraid of this day to come. I have finally encountered my first every problem growing this batch.
Dark Yellow spotting on upper fan leaves on one main cola out of about 20+.
Strain: super silver haze x northern lights
8 weeks flower, 1800 watt cob led full spectrum, Trichrome check 0% amber, flower nutes only, w/ molasses. PPM last few feedings read 1898, 2000, 2228. (-)signs of over feeding(nute burn) Strain known to be heavy aggressive feeder. I feed twice a week with one spot water in between.
Could this possibly be septoria or a nute lockout of K? This is the highest cola of them all by about 3-4 inches.. possible light burn? Or is this something else? I have NO IDEA.
Thanks guys
Why would you feed them nutrients at that high of ppm? That's 4.0EC and over.

Plants are showing signs of nitrogen toxicity as well with tips clawing down as well as the very dark green color.


Well-Known Member
Yeh that looks like a acumalation of salts, probably too much pk. Probably best to just ride it out with water now. Maybe a touch of some sort of stress reliever with the water for a couple of days, then straight water.


Why would you feed them nutrients at that high of ppm? That's 4.0EC and over.

Plants are showing signs of nitrogen toxicity as well with tips clawing down as well as the very dark green color.
I usually don’t but some growers mentioned certain strains can take it with some growers feeding up to 3000. This was a pretty aggressive strain. Constant pruning and training and she loved it. If not it would have been a bush. i guess their method is to test its limits and slowly see how far it can go without getting a nute burn? But so far It’s been doing fine in terms of not getting tip burns. But that was my last feeding of 2200. I don’t intend to go more than that. I started her off in the 200ppm and worked our way up slowly.


Why would you feed them nutrients at that high of ppm? That's 4.0EC and over.

Plants are showing signs of nitrogen toxicity as well with tips clawing down as well as the very dark green color.
Hmm that’s so weird too, because the flower nutes I have are low in Nitrogen. If not any. Possibly from my top soil feeding from a month or so ago? Molasses doesn’t have nitrogen in it right? Lol prob a stupid question. My bad if it is


Well-Known Member
I usually don’t but some growers mentioned certain strains can take it with some growers feeding up to 3000. This was a pretty aggressive strain. Constant pruning and training and she loved it. If not it would have been a bush. i guess their method is to test its limits and slowly see how far it can go without getting a nute burn? But so far It’s been doing fine in terms of not getting tip burns. But that was my last feeding of 2200. I don’t intend to go more than that. I started her off in the 200ppm and worked our way up slowly.
No cannabis plant needs 3000. I've never understood the belief in pushing your plants to the limit. Once you see signs of overfeeding the damage is already done. Overfeeding can lead to reduced yields and a lower quality final product.


No cannabis plant needs 3000. I've never understood the belief in pushing your plants to the limit. Once you see signs of overfeeding the damage is already done. Overfeeding can lead to reduced yields and a lower quality final product.
I believe that too, my intent was to never go above 2200. but I haven’t seen signs of over feeding just yet. I was very careful in making sure I don’t overfeed as I know it’s hard to recover from overfeed than underfeed. But are you saying these spots are possible from over feeding?


Well-Known Member
I believe that too, my intent was to never go above 2200. but I haven’t seen signs of over feeding just yet. I was very careful in making sure I don’t overfeed as I know it’s hard to recover from overfeed than underfeed. But are you saying these spots are possible from over feeding?
That's nute burn so stop thinking about septoria.

The thing with overfeeding is that you can actually lock out some nutrients and experience deficiencies even though there is plenty in your feed. It's called nutrient antagonism and it's a relatively common issue among cannabis growers that use excessive amounts of fertilizer.


The curling of the leaves are frost rail Build up of trichromes but as you can see below, she needs a lot more care than my other plants previously. I mean she had 13 finger leaves. I understand there are so many methods in growing... and others may have diffeeent ideas or suggestions. I took advice of others who grew similar agressive strains and it’s actually what’s working for me when dealing with her. She was a pretty healthy girl until these last few weeks of flowerFD57C189-EE2E-43AD-8B53-130C52083B9C.jpeg4E0BEE6C-C26F-45B4-B560-77610D58D97F.jpeg


That's nute burn so stop thinking about septoria.

The thing with overfeeding is that you can actually lock out some nutrients and experience deficiencies even though there is plenty in your feed. It's called nutrient antagonism and it's a relatively common issue among cannabis growers that use excessive amounts of fertilizer.
I feed the plant of the left the same amount of nutes/ppm although doesn’t have any spotting tho.. that’s what I just don’t understand. He’s a little bit smaller but no yellowing spots


Anyways I appreciate your guys help. Whatever it is, I’m going straight water from now on anyways lol. Water cures it all. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I feed the plant of the left the same amount of nutes/ppm although doesn’t have any spotting tho.. that’s what I just don’t understand. He’s a little bit smaller but no yellowing spots
I don't know what to tell you. But that one plant sure looks like overfeeding. Plain water is probably the best course of action. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeh that looks like a acumalation of salts, probably too much pk. Probably best to just ride it out with water now. Maybe a touch of some sort of stress reliever with the water for a couple of days, then straight water.
Stress reliever? Like roll a joint and throw it in the water? Should it be lit?