Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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It's been settled law for around a 100 years that employers can require vaccinations for employees, many retards will lose their jobs and have a hard time finding anti-vaccer employers.
Maybe Stinkys cult won't be so hard to deal with after all. They appear to be committing suicide by virus willingly in large numbers and their erratic behavior is making them lose their livelihoods. Maybe they will quietly go the way of the Dodo.
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No. Already had it, have the antibodies. Anyone with a highschool education should know you don't need a vaccination after this.
Also, with a 99.7% survivability rate for my age, I'll take my chances if I were to get it again.
I work with two people who have had it twice in the last nine months. What classes in high school taught you about immunity? It was shop class, wasn't it?
Not a chance.

They'll still be yelling complete nonsense at the top of their lungs in between coughs and wheezes as they die of covid.
Just ran a few errands, today in MA masking is no longer required, I seen maybe 10% of people maskless(seems strange after more than a yr.), I still wore mine (though not the N95 I've always worn in markets and such), work in RI outdoors mostly, a few antivaxers on my work crew not much is said but they are closet newsmax following Trumpsters, one of them a fat,lazy FK I'd like to crack in the head,otherwise everyone else I work with is vaccinated . Don't know if or when I will go maskless in crowded public areas, keep thinking something new is coming,am I paranoid?ccguns
Just ran a few errands, today in MA masking is no longer required, I seen maybe 10% of people maskless(seems strange after more than a yr.), I still wore mine (though not the N95 I've always worn in markets and such), work in RI outdoors mostly, a few antivaxers on my work crew not much is said but they are closet newsmax following Trumpsters, one of them a fat,lazy FK I'd like to crack in the head,otherwise everyone else I work with is vaccinated . Don't know if or when I will go maskless in crowded public areas, keep thinking something new is coming,am I paranoid?ccguns

Not paranoid at all. As we become more fluid with massive amounts of people flying everywhere picking up each other's random local sauces, we get a lot more potential exposure than ever before in human history.

Not paranoid at all. As we become more fluid with massive amounts of people flying everywhere picking up each other's random local sauces, we get a lot more potential exposure than ever before in human history.
I’ll be wearing one in public from here on out.

Plus, my wife and I both suffer from allergies to pollen. Wearing a mask has drastically reduced our discomfort level.
Impossible to get tired of seeing these
Soon newspapers will have a dead moron section in the obituary section for the unvaccinated. Imagine the uproar when the mRNA vaccines come out of emergency use statues and health insurance companies will no longer pay the bills of the unvaccinated who catch covid. Wait until stupidity becomes a preexisting condition! To get a healthcare premium reduction, employers who provide it might require employees to get vaccinated.

One thing is certain, healthcare insurance companies are not gonna foot the bill for mass stupidity, there are many billions of dollars at stake.
But she sure did trigger those libs.
It will be an expensive trigger, but hey, she can always blame it on the liberal media, it wasn't like it was her fault after all! Believing bullshit can cost them their lives, not to mention livelihoods. Now all that needs to happen is she catches covid and either dies, or is ruined by the hospital bill while being fucked for life.