Anybody who voted for Trump in 2020, was more of a fear driven bigot than a patriot, vet or not. Most of them are not ashamed enough to change their minds and many supported the capitol hill insurrection. Trump and the Republicans formed an alliance with a hostile foreign power that has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at America FFS! They committed and support treason, sedition and insurrection, now they are attacking democracy, the constitution and the founding ethos of the nation. Not all veterans are patriots, some are just bigots and some are traitors. Benedict Arnold was a veteran and so was Michael Flynn, who publicly called for a coup against the government yesterday in order to install Trump as king.I'll bet lot of Vets who supported a draft dodging Trump are kinda laying low today..
I feel for you and grieve my recent loss of a long time friend because I just couldn't support his decision to not get "stuck like some test rat"I'm getting pretty damn tired of Trump supporters. I've spent the last 3 days in the hospital tending to my poor wife. I've learned a lot from nurses working with them over the last 3 months. I recognize good nurses and bad ones. The #1 factor of making a good nurse is compassion. It cannot be taught.
Today I met the first bad nurse in the lot. She was rough with my wife and less safe with her care, didn't listen, didn't communicate her actions, was too loud, & overtalked others. I witnessed all of that before I do what I normally do which is ask the nurse questions about himself or herself to get to know them or mention something simple such as gas prices to start a conversation. I chose gas prices & learned it was Biden's fault, the governors of CA & WI ruined their states and the citizens hate them & none of this will be straightend out until Trump is back in office.
Jesus titty fucking Christ I was happy to witness her shift end.
PS - She will not be on duty for my wife again.
I feel for you and grieve my recent loss of a long time friend because I just couldn't support his decision to not get "stuck like some test rat"
And how selfish and close minded I am about the issue
A new low for the constant victim kids
I swear to god he tried to guilt me for even getting a vaccine
I miss the days when men in America stood up for all Americans
Trump is just the current false god
More to come if character is no longer needed
Stay strong cause there are more of us than they realize
You remind me of when the instructor of a course at a college I worked wanted me to take over teaching it when he retired. I know I ain't that smart, I know a little about a lot, do know my field fairly well, but what makes him think I would be a good teacher? ""Patience." he said. I left the college as they decided to have other instructor teach the course but wanted me to hold their hands until they got up to speed. Yeah right, I left and worked for a large hospital the next ten years. Yes, there are good ones and, not as good ones. To see the great ones care for their patients humbles me. Hope your wife does not have to suffer the less desirable ones.I'm getting pretty damn tired of Trump supporters. I've spent the last 3 days in the hospital tending to my poor wife. I've learned a lot from nurses working with them over the last 3 months. I recognize good nurses and bad ones. The #1 factor of making a good nurse is compassion. It cannot be taught.
Today I met the first bad nurse in the lot. She was rough with my wife and less safe with her care, didn't listen, didn't communicate her actions, was too loud, & overtalked others. I witnessed all of that before I do what I normally do which is ask the nurse questions about himself or herself to get to know them or mention something simple such as gas prices to start a conversation. I chose gas prices & learned it was Biden's fault, the governors of CA & WI ruined their states and the citizens hate them & none of this will be straightend out until Trump is back in office.
Jesus titty fucking Christ I was happy to witness her shift end.
PS - She will not be on duty for my wife again.
While there is no constitutional or legal remedy to overturn the results of an election once the Electoral College votes have been certified by Congress, Trump appears to be betting that the findings from highly partisan audits might somehow convince enough people of his bogus claim that fraud cost him the election.Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August (no that isn’t how it works but simply sharing the information).
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) June 1, 2021
But he is not putting out statements about the “audits” in states just for the sake of it. He’s been laser focused on them, according to several people who’ve spoken with him (as well as WaPo reporting a few weeks ago).
Donald needs to run out the con on his base, he's still collecting money from his "stop the steal" scam. Trump is going to the big house, not the Whitehouse and he could be beginning his journey there by August.Despite his predictions, Trump won't simply be reinstated as president
Former President Donald Trump is reportedly setting his sights on a quick return to the White House. New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted Tuesday that Trump has been telling confidants that he expects to be reinstated as president by August as a result of ongoing election audits in states like Arizona and Georgia. While there is no constitutional or legal remedy to overturn the results of an election once the Electoral College votes have been certified by Congress, Trump appears to be betting that the findings from highly partisan audits might somehow convince enough people of his bogus claim that fraud cost him the election.
Former President Donald Trump is reportedly setting his sights on a quick return to the White House.
New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted Tuesday that Trump has been telling confidants that he expects to be reinstated as president by August as a result of ongoing election audits in states like Arizona and Georgia.
While there is no constitutional or legal remedy to overturn the results of an election once the Electoral College votes have been certified by Congress, Trump appears to be betting that the findings from highly partisan audits might somehow convince enough people of his bogus claim that fraud cost him the election.
Despite his predictions, Trump won't simply be reinstated as president
Former President Donald Trump is reportedly setting his sights on a quick return to the White
Donald needs to run out the con on his base, he's still collecting money from his "stop the steal" scam. Trump is going to the big house, not the Whitehouse and he could be beginning his journey there by August.
The longer he is running around lose the less time the republicans have to shift direction from "I was robbed" to something else. Trump will try to relitigate the 2020 election until he's put in the slammer and it's not a winning formula for the republicans among independents or people who still have a brain in their heads. They don't need to win in 2022, just come close, the fix is being put in to steal the rest. Facts or policy doesn't matter to republicans and it barely registers with over half of the independents who are really republicans. Most of the growth in independents are former republicans who were embarrassed by Trump, but they are still racist assholes who will flush their country down the toilet in a heartbeat. The republicans ran well ahead of Trump in many places in 2020 and they expect to take back the house in 2022 and probably will. If they do take the house, the first order of business will be to impeach Biden and Harris, no case or evidence will be required either.Something I wonder is, if he's trying to build up to another 1/6 in August, how far will authorities let the incitement language go now that we have well established history? With the Oath Keepers possibly having trials in August and if Trump sees charges in August, shit might get real.
And he has shutdown his personal grievance web siteThe longer he is running around lose the less time the republicans have to shift direction from "I was robbed" to something else. Trump will try to relitigate the 2020 election until he's put in the slammer and it's not a winning formula for the republicans among independents or people who still have a brain in their heads. They don't need to win in 2022, just come close, the fix is being put in to steal the rest. Facts or policy doesn't matter to republicans and it barely registers with over half of the independents who are really republicans. Most of the growth in independents are former republicans who were embarrassed by Trump, but they are still racist assholes who will flush their country down the toilet in a heartbeat. The republicans ran well ahead of Trump in many places in 2020 and they expect to take back the house in 2022 and probably will. If they do take the house, the first order of business will be to impeach Biden and Harris, no case or evidence will be required either.
The longer he is running around lose the less time the republicans have to shift direction from "I was robbed" to something else. Trump will try to relitigate the 2020 election until he's put in the slammer and it's not a winning formula for the republicans among independents or people who still have a brain in their heads. They don't need to win in 2022, just come close, the fix is being put in to steal the rest. Facts or policy doesn't matter to republicans and it barely registers with over half of the independents who are really republicans. Most of the growth in independents are former republicans who were embarrassed by Trump, but they are still racist assholes who will flush their country down the toilet in a heartbeat. The republicans ran well ahead of Trump in many places in 2020 and they expect to take back the house in 2022 and probably will. If they do take the house, the first order of business will be to impeach Biden and Harris, no case or evidence will be required either.
Hopefully with Trump not on the ballot many of his infrequent voters won't show up to vote, 2020 was a shock to most people including the republicans. Many of these assholes crawled out of the woodwork and made a real effort to put Trump over the top. With any luck, the voter suppression laws the republicans are putting in place might backfire on them with these low propensity voters that came out in 2020. You can only hope the new barriers to voting that the GOP are trying to put into place will motivate the people they are trying to suppress to vote, state as well as federal.Do you see a realistic path that doesn't lead to crazytown? I think history shows us that the longer we can go without chaos, the more people lose their desire to lay their life on the line. We just need to get some time under our belt and August worries me, because 1/6 is still so fresh.
Hopefully with Trump not on the ballot many of his infrequent voters won't show up to vote, 2020 was a shock to most people including the republicans. Many of these assholes crawled out of the woodwork and made a real effort to put Trump over the top. With any luck, the voter suppression laws the republicans are putting in place might backfire on them with these low propensity voters that came out in 2020. You can only hope the new barriers to voting that the GOP are trying to put into place will motivate the people they are trying to suppress to vote, state as well as federal.
If the democrats can drive HR1 and voters rights through, it might negate some of the damage to democracy and barriers to voting the republicans are erecting. If the democrats win the house and increase the senate in 2022, they will deliver the kill shot to the republicans with voting reforms and by destroying their domestic disinformation machine with new laws and FCC regulation. Exposing republican and Trump's wrong doing will do little good, everybody knows who and what they are by now. Only by getting rid of hate radio, regulating cable TV and providing free basic FCC regulated cable TV along with highspeed internet to rural America and putting FOX in a box, can they begin to deprogram their victims. A lot of what is driving their base and motivating them will fade away, if they are not constantly stirred up and bullshitted by the domestic disinformation machine.
There is much that can be done, but you need solid majorities in the house and senate to do it. Susan Rice is gonna be running much of the strategy for this stuff and is doing things and formulating policy from behind the scenes, she's a smart lady. You'll need to kill the rouge elephant, it can't be fixed or tamed, it has been poisoned by hate into a state of madness that will destroy you if it gains power again.
The base loved Trump because he was a desperate psychopath, he was the one who could and would give them what they really wanted, genocide, all he had to do was grab total power. If Trump had a brain he would be POTUS right now in spite of everything he did, didn't do, or said, you would be having the chain slipped around your neck by now. Donald was controlled by to worst elements of his base, whatever they wanted would happen. We've seen that the republican party is owned by Trump's base and the reason for this is stated above. Trump was the great white hope of the white tribe and to keep the black and brown people from "taking over", they would do anything. Trump's base are at civil war with America and it's been that way since Obama lite the fire under their asses and Trump stoked it. After Obama, they took one look at a psycho like Trump and it was love at first sight, one day he will have his own religion like the church of Elvis.I suppose you could say that is one positive to trump's [puke]charisma[/puke], is that it really is a tough act to follow. Gaetz will never be president, even excluding his impending prison time. Don Jr. could maybe stir up a little something, but that's about it. On the other hand, their party is about hate and perhaps you don't need to love someone in order to hate someone else..?
...because he is perfect....he would be POTUS right now in spite of everything he did, didn't do, or said...