Not a troll. I'm actually a RN, MNS. I was not trying to argue and I do know it was the 19, but 1-18 didn't cause the pandemic, and coronaviruses are hard to protect you from. They pick strains to knock out with vaccination yearly influenza, so who is to say that it now mutates and they've focused on antibody production for 19? As far as I've been taught for each variant thats another strain that isn't covered...idk, I'm not a troll, I'm a fairly educated person that doesn't believe the side efx and breakdown of our citizens into categories. Or vaccinate the whole world? It won't be eradicated bc of ppl like me, I know. But these ppl walking around pretending to be vaccinated not utilizing the one method that sure stops the spread.... Social distancing and efforts medical facilities and personel have taken to stop the spread is what has lowered the numbers
Cool nice to meet you.
of acquisition prior to releasing 3 different developed vaccines?
Im not sure what you mean here. Im guessing if you mean that the spread of the virus was decreasing before the vaccine came out, it would be easy to see, but not sure if that is the case.
Another way to split the population.
Politics, disease, racial divides, religious divides, gender influence that doesn't comply with someone's opinion...i just feel like all this above mentioned divided, that we are slowly becoming antisocial and over opinionated pot stirrers.
This is the exact problem. It is every website that is being trolled to divide us up on any and every topic that happens in the real world.
People are getting radicalized by this attack.
Apply enough stimulus over and over again and it is pretty amazing what we can convince humans to believe.
The militarized attack from trolls not only hit you, but then they attack your actual friends and family (thanks to social media like Facebook) with topics that data analysis shows them to be significantly different from your views on and when you actually talk to one another (or see the shit posts on FB) fights break out and real life connections get severed.
And I'm sorry if I came off like that...I simply saw a conversation where I liked the back n forth without nailing each other to crosses. Sorry if I came off as a troll. I didn't post googled stats, I only added or slightly challenged a too hot conversation I guess. This newbie will stick to growing and smoking. Sorry
You shouldn't worry. People like I mentioned earlier are under a constant attack online.
I am not saying that you came off like a troll. This attack that is currently dividing us all up makes it impossible to just believe that anyone you don't know in real life is not a troll cat fishing you until they are activated.'s ppl die from things that covid amplified. If someone had copd and gets it, probably going to get really ill. So if they take it, side efx are in my opinion a decent gamble than drowning in your own fluid, unable to breathe. I actually don't say anything to ppl received or scheduled to. They've did their research, or whatever reason that they choose. I am not taking it, but that's my choice.
If you have 1million people take a vaccine, and the next day on average about 9090 people from that group would have died. Same with people who have random illnesses on the VAERS, it might be that they were going to get sick anyways and just happened to get the vaccine. That is why the VAERS then gets checked and those cases are looked at very very closely.
It is why they stopped after what 6 people came down with the blood clots after taking the JJ vaccine. They caught it right away and figured out how to deal with what was being seen.
I am not taking it, but that's my choice. Wasn't stirring anything, but raw nerves here, and I'm sorry.
That is how it works with your taking the vaccine, totally up to yourself. And if you are a real person you have nothing to be sorry about, and you really shouldn't worry about raw nerves, my advise is to just assume everyone is a troll that you don't know in person if they are talking, and be pleasantly surprised when you run into a real person in the void of the internet.
Also the internet removes so much of human communication I find that mostly when I am seemingly attacking someone it is just communicating wrong on my part. And for that I apologize. If you ever think I am trolling you, just say something and let me know to consider the tone more about what I am typing. It is impossible not to get sucked into the hate cycle online, but I really try hard to not be.
Best of luck, and seriously my best advice to you is to double check the things you think you know about this on
AP news.