***DAT's Art Cave***

Love to if and when I find them when I go...

No I haven't seen the movie yet, I have seen clips on YouTube though,hoping to get it on DVD, so I can really veg out to it. Watched the new Pacific rim last night and wick 3 again...

P.S Love the necklace btw, definitely a tribal thing working
That sounds like fun! There is a beach up north from me that is known for shark teeth washing up and has an annual Shark tooth festival , but it was canceled this year. I would like to go next year.
The photo I showed I'm not actually saw tbh, I just liked it.
I am pretty sure it’s this one in Yosemite National park. I haven’t been there but it looks like the correct terrain. Unusual perspective. . You should go and ask one of the forest rangers to show you to the correct location .
Hi there DAT is it? I used to want to be an artist...

Super cool work here. I get to be an artist again through you (if you don't mind.)
I clicked through a bit and it was pretty neat to see the style changing and develop.
A garden of artworks. Forever growing.

Do you sell the necklaces or do you wear them all at once so people know how many sharks you have defeated in this lifetime?
Hi AJ,
Thanks for the kind words and the lovely comments.
i just wear all my shark stuff myself currently. I have had a moment or 2 of thinkin of selling some but I dont really have time to take on that huge responsibility . but If someone requested one I would certainly make one for them but going out snd advertising my stuff isn’t appealing to me right now. The mouth of my shark is taking forever to heal! Hopefully I will be able to release it in the water this weekend if it feels better. I am so overprotective of my ink.
Hi AJ,
Thanks for the kind words and the lovely comments.
i just wear all my shark stuff myself currently. I have had a moment or 2 of thinkin of selling some but I dont really have time to take on that huge responsibility . but If someone requested one I would certainly make one for them but going out snd advertising my stuff isn’t appealing to me right now. The mouth of my shark is taking forever to heal! Hopefully I will be able to release it in the water this weekend if it feels better. I am so overprotective of my ink.

Hey DAT thanks for replying. I am not much of a necklace person myself although I do own a glass one. Have you tried to craft any bracelets?

I understand the advertising thing. Especially since everyone is falling back on Covid money it seems. Lots of new business and advertising will be short lived from these next quarters on... No knock to the hustle but the Covid Business Models have to stop eventually.

Maybe when the world slows down for a split second then you will feel it right. And when you do I want one!

When I was doing the art stuff it was always big about feeling right about the work and the timing... Both had to be lined up or nothing would happen for me. Maybe that explains a lot.

Anyways, I am about to get to work but really just wanted to respond and let you know that you made me laugh my brain out with the whole releasing your tattoo in the water thing. Protect the ink! I bet you're tatted up. Make sure to play the Jaws Theme song on the way :blsmoke:

(I always try to keep my replies short but they end up long. Sorry about that)
Hi AJ,
Thanks for the kind words and the lovely comments.
i just wear all my shark stuff myself currently. I have had a moment or 2 of thinkin of selling some but I dont really have time to take on that huge responsibility . but If someone requested one I would certainly make one for them but going out snd advertising my stuff isn’t appealing to me right now. The mouth of my shark is taking forever to heal! Hopefully I will be able to release it in the water this weekend if it feels better. I am so overprotective of my ink.
You using bepanthen (also used for nappy rash)

Rember its an open wound, hope it heals soon.
You using bepanthen (also used for nappy rash)

Rember its an open wound, hope it heals soon.
None of my tattoo artists ever mentioned that stuff before . I don’t feel like I need it at this point. It just needs moisturizer. Everything else is healed but she really coated the mouth with a shit load of black ink and it’s taking longer than the line work. Any day now . I also noticed that I respond differently to the ink than ever before. I have become very sensitive and got very bruised up this time. It’s not her fault . my body has been in shock the last several months from the Keto diet . I might be missing the sugar to help heal the tattoo quicker.
Hey DAT thanks for replying. I am not much of a necklace person myself although I do own a glass one. Have you tried to craft any bracelets?

I understand the advertising thing. Especially since everyone is falling back on Covid money it seems. Lots of new business and advertising will be short lived from these next quarters on... No knock to the hustle but the Covid Business Models have to stop eventually.

Maybe when the world slows down for a split second then you will feel it right. And when you do I want one!

When I was doing the art stuff it was always big about feeling right about the work and the timing... Both had to be lined up or nothing would happen for me. Maybe that explains a lot.

Anyways, I am about to get to work but really just wanted to respond and let you know that you made me laugh my brain out with the whole releasing your tattoo in the water thing. Protect the ink! I bet you're tatted up. Make sure to play the Jaws Theme song on the way :blsmoke:

(I always try to keep my replies short but they end up long. Sorry about that)
Yes, I will be doing bracelets next! Thanks. I love the silicone material because it’s so easy to work with. There are no annoying hooks or pliers that I need to use. It just snaps together and has a nice hold.ordered some of them and some ivory little skull beads as well. I love the movie Jaws. The cover was the inspiration for my tattoo . Have a nice day at work!
I keep screwing my keto up being over 55 doesn't help, 2 pieces of toast and my keto would be gone.
Right! NO BREAD! You can do it !! I haven’t eaten a piece of bread in 5 months. Lol. And beer is like liquid bread so that one is even tougher ! So now I drink low carb beer. The best one is Dogfish IPA Slightly Mighty. It’s so good it’s hard to find it on the shelves around here. And I am not just saying this because it has a shark on the label. Lol