Pandemic 2020

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"It is not right to treat unvacinated people as sick individuals..."

I have no problem with un-vaccinated people as long as they do not keep the transmission of the virus going. We are in a boat, and where that boat goes depend on the people rowing in it. Some say, "We do not want to row but we want to sit in the boat with you." So the rest of us have to suffer with you holding your arms crossed.

As long as the virus is still passed around at a great rate then it has more chance to mutate into something even worse than the Delta variant. The Delta variant makes the originating strain look quaint, almost like there is nothing to worry. If we all pulled together way back then there would not be any Delta variant.
UK pre-print study showing people infected with the delta variant (B.1.617.2, first identified in India) were 64% more likely to transmit the virus to household members than those infected with alpha (B.1.1.7/UK).
Children were 46% more likely to transmit than young adults.
* sigh

As ”scientists/ virologists “ study and sequence the the hellish thing , variants will happen . Viruses mutate … adapt to survive .
We are only year in from first exposures and science is working around the clock to deal with an ever changing new covid - sars class.
Follow science not politicians or anti Vax fruitcakes …. Even with active vaccinations, covid is still killing people as we reach 600,000.

These are but just a few that have shown itself since the original strain …. More and possibly lethal variants will emerge as we witness its evolution as time moves on. One would think you would see the concern .

Yesterday's news release by out local government (Manitoba Canada, where are you from?)"

"Provincial health officials announced 169 new cases of COVID-19 and two more deaths Monday. There are 3,962 active cases in Manitoba, with 308 people in hospital, 66 of them in intensive care. Another 36 Manitobans are receiving ICU treatment outside the province.Monday's reported deaths included a man and woman, both in their 60s from the Winnipeg health region, and both linked to the B.1.1.7 variant."

More young Canadians getting severe COVID-19, being hospitalized: experts
Doctors across Canada are warning that they are seeing an increase in young Canadians being hospitalized with more severe complications from COVID-19.

Infectious disease specialist Dr. Abdu Sharkawy previously told CTV's Your Morning that the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is infecting those under the age of 40 more, largely due to increased circulation of more transmissible variants.

"We're seeing younger, healthier people develop this disease because they're unvaccinated and these variants are just likely to hit them," Sharkawy said on Wednesday.

"You don't know where you're going to end up on that dial and unfortunately, we're seeing some pretty tragic consequences of that," he added.

Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam said that as of Friday, over 7,100 variant cases have been reported across Canada, with the B.1.1.7 variant accounting for more than 90 per cent of those infections.

During a press conference, Tam said that coronavirus variants may be impacting younger Canadians more than older generations because many seniors and vulnerable groups have already been vaccinated.

Dr. Raywat Deonandan, an epidemiologist at the University of Ottawa, told CTV News Channel on Friday that the variants have almost created "a brand new pandemic."

"This is not the same disease we've been dealing with for the past year. The new variants are a dire threat, they're… more transmissible and lethal so our old mitigation strategies might not be sufficient," Deonandan explained.

However, he reiterated that COVID-19 vaccines will still work against most of these variants.

"Our best bet to get out of this quickly is to restrain ourselves from unnecessary exposure and to ramp up vaccination as much as we can," Deonandan said.

"…That circulation of COVID-19 in younger, more mobile and socially connected adults presents an ongoing risk for spread into high-risk populations and settings, and continuing transmission in the community," Tam said.

I just picked one of many reports. How do I know they are true and not just some mass media attempt to control the population? I retired from working in a major hospital and I a fair amount of my time was spent in isolating infection patients so others would not get sick. My buddy that took over my duties after I retired has said thing have gone nuts, they converted whole floors of hospital wings into isolation wards.

We did not need this level of care before. And because of it routine medical procedures that were scheduled have been put off so staff can take care of the covid patients. So that hernia you have? sit on it a while as we are busy. That knee replacement? Come back later. The longer this goes on the bigger bulge of patients that should have been treated is going to delay people's treatments for years.
July will be a deadly month for the world.
Don’t know about the rest of the world but in NL looks like July is going to be like last year, as in very few cases. It’s already gone in quite a few areas, except of course the bible belt and other christian areas.


As usual by now, rules are being relaxed, lockdown ended, so it might go up again soon. Good weather finally arrived, changing peoples’ behavior in a positive way, going more outside above all. From my point of view, July is looking like a month of baking in the sun and lots of cold beer, so like a typical July. Not much of the Indian variant here, at least not yet. Hopefully most people will have had their second shot by the time it does.

Perhaps interesting, based on extensive research and tracing over the past x months, it shows 75-80% of infections occur at home from visits. Bars and schools were closed so it’s kind iof obvious but it shows lockdowns don’t work when you still allow as little as 2 person visits.
Don’t know about the rest of the world but in NL looks like July is going to be like last year, as in very few cases. It’s already gone in quite a few areas, except of course the bible belt and other christian areas.

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As usual by now, rules are being relaxed, lockdown ended, so it might go up again soon. Good weather finally arrived, changing peoples’ behavior in a positive way, going more outside above all. From my point of view, July is looking like a month of baking in the sun and lots of cold beer, so like a typical July. Not much of the Indian variant here, at least not yet. Hopefully most people will have had their second shot by the time it does.

Perhaps interesting, based on extensive research and tracing over the past x months, it shows 75-80% of infections occur at home from visits. Bars and schools were closed so it’s kind iof obvious but it shows lockdowns don’t work when you still allow as little as 2 person visits.

The vast majority of the world is not vaccinated, the vaccinated are fairly safe for the time being.
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