Chauvin Trial

I was asking what I was supposed to take away from CC's link, but OK...

Police killing people is filmed all the time these days. Lots of examples of them being put in the position of choosing to kill or be killed and making the only rational decision. Some examples of mistakes being made also.
Oh I’m sorry. The info you should be taking away from that is he was an asshole cop on a power trip that finally went to far and “murdered” someone. Get it now?
Happy to leave, you guys have fully validated my opinion. Enjoy your group think.
lol sure, don't use your ignore feature, just say it is everyone else fault. On a forum that your account has been open on for a few days must mean that you know enough to say that right?
I was asking what I was supposed to take away from CC's link, but OK...
It’s interesting what you took away from that link. Chauvin’s wife says he’s a gentleman.

You conveniently ignored his history of aggressive and violent behaviour. The fact that a racist system threw out 16 complaints against him doesn’t mean he was innocent, it just means the altercations weren’t videotaped.
It’s interesting what you took away from that link. Chauvin’s wife says he’s a gentleman.

You conveniently ignored his history of aggressive and violent behaviour. The fact that a racist system threw out 16 complaints against him doesn’t mean he was innocent, it just means the altercations weren’t videotaped.
Eh? I mentioned the complaints. What evidence was provided that any of them were racially motivated, or that they were unjustly thrown out?

Or did your brain just add those parts in?
lol sure, don't use your ignore feature, just say it is everyone else fault. On a forum that your account has been open on for a few days must mean that you know enough to say that right?
Actually, this account has been open for exactly one year, but you'd only have to be here 5 mins to see that the politics section of this board is a disaster.
Let me guess. You don’t believe systemic racism exists, right?

Didn’t you say you were leaving?
I don't believe systemic racism exists just because you say it does. When people talk about systemic racism without giving any evidence of it, it tells me they are more concerned with pointing fingers and virtue signaling than tackling the root causes which are not surprisingly much more difficult to address.

That's another subject altogether though, and as you said I'm done so if y'all stop responding, I'm done commenting on this story.
Some of these issues are a lawyer's wet dream, to have two completely opposing reasons which both explain the same result, because then the issue is no longer merit-based, it just becomes a medium to display their skill and gain personal notoriety. Certain data points, like crime data, are just that, and people can argue back and forth and they both walk away thinking they're right. Howeverrrr, the best metrics are the racial gerrymandering cases, because if one's perspective is that racial inequality exists, systemically, at least that position has the backing of state supreme court rulings, which usually ranks higher than some rando on the interwebs.
I don't believe systemic racism exists just because you say it does. When people talk about systemic racism without giving any evidence of it, it tells me they are more concerned with pointing fingers and virtue signaling than tackling the root causes which are not surprisingly much more difficult to address.

That's another subject altogether though, and as you said I'm done so if y'all stop responding, I'm done commenting on this story.

you're avi is giving me a migraine.