poppys everything you need to know

u can also make a drink out of the seeds
put at least 180grams in a water bottle with warm water a inch above seeds shake it up tell water turns a dark tan color bout 20 30 min strain and drink it will fuck u up good luck 2 all
this is what i do when i dry out my pods

srry i worded that wrong..those little black specs turn into a plant..like mccormick poppy seeds??
Just started a crop outside today, here in the south it gets cool, not cold, so the plants should thrive. We will see!
things seem 2 grow better 4 me outside lolol

but i still have 10 that r growing in my flowering room they r doing ok but could b better
what in the hell do you do with it after its harvested?YOu can buy them dried over the net...or do they need to be fresh?
ahhhh poppies. Here are some Persian Whites.

My poppy took a shit





Notice how some poppies are very small but are already producing pods. Thats cause of the light cycle that they were on. Its the oppisite of weed. veg durng 12/12 and flower at 18/6 or longer. As far as harvesting you can just use the dried poppy pods for poppy tea. Or if you say "accidently" cut a pod and some latex seeps out I hear you can also do something with that stuff. Im not positive on that but its just what Ive heard.
nice to see this forum kept going.... those plants look great this is the first time i've seen someone grow them indoors..looking good... and for all the people on the first couple pages... ahhh it was just a comment don't turn it into more than what it is no disrespect brotha.. sending bad reps isnt that cool ethier to whoever did that lol...
How long do they take to germ? Have had mine outdoors, now indoors, in cool temps, and still nothing. Frustrated. Planted them 12/14.