What did you accomplish today?

By now you should be under the knife if you're the first case on the schedule. You'll be back Tyler ;) BTW every man gets an erection under general and we pull the sheet to make sure your body is completely aligned (since you can't move) and to prep you. So think about all the nurses whose day you just made :) flying that freak flag proudly.
really? no wonder they're all so friendly after i wake up ;-)
Yes, good luck and a speedy as possible recovery!!

I don't think I told you guys what happened to me yesterday. On my e-bike ride, cruising along on a back road about 20 mph, nice and quiet, a black bear jumps out in front of me, no more than 15' ahead...and probably more like 10'. I lock the brakes, it looks at me and does a quick 180 back into the woods, and I get the hell out of there. I go up a mile to the end of the road and turn around, and on the way back, there it is again in the middle of the road. Now I'm 100' away, so I get out my phone for as pic...But he was shy and scooted back into the woods. It was a cub, but mama must have been near.

First time ever seeing one alive around here. One got hit in front of my house a decade ago, so I knew they were here...They must be really sly!

Happy Thursday...I didn't sleep well, thinking about my real estate meeting this afternoon...Ugh!
stay away from cubs...like a long way away. if you get between mamma and her cub, you're a threat.
@tyler.durden wakey, wakey. Put down the morphine pump and let us know you are ok. We need all the details...Any hot nurses? Catheter? Sponge bathes?

Hoping it went well and you are on your way to recovery....but I know it prolly hurts like heck right now! My knee is twinging thinking about it :(
you wanna know if they catheterized him....¿ and my ex thought i was kinky for..well nm what for, i never asked anyone if they enjoyed their catheter....
You forgot your wallet, didn't you?

the first time yes.. and they stay closed on the 3rd for some reason. Ended up getting some tall cans for some rando cause he got caught stealing or something. In exchange he gave me his story and advice while I waited for my uber. This time I was waiting in line and I just felt to ask this lady about driver abstracts and I guess thats a free ticket to the front.
stay away from cubs...like a long way away. if you get between mamma and her cub, you're a threat.
I was a little nervous riding through that same section yesterday. It's near an old abandoned gravel mine and no one around...I rang my bell several times to let them know I was coming!

I have such a weird bike route. I start out in the country, get into the city, ride through niec neighborhoods, then the projects, then back into the remote country and a bunch of run down houses that look like meth heads live there! I was thinking yesterday, time for a new route! I am such a creature of habit. But exploring can be fun too!!
I was a little nervous riding through that same section yesterday. It's near an old abandoned gravel mine and no one around...I rang my bell several times to let them know I was coming!

I have such a weird bike route. I start out in the country, get into the city, ride through niec neighborhoods, then the projects, then back into the remote country and a bunch of run down houses that look like meth heads live there! I was thinking yesterday, time for a new route! I am such a creature of habit. But exploring can be fun too!!
Download an app called “Komoot”, it’s the best one I’ve found so far for creating your own new routes, looking for routes in your area created by people around you, and the maps work better in offline mode than google or Apple Maps.

for instance, I just hiked the lost coast, so the almost zero cell service. But Komoot tracked me on the map the entire time, displaying landmarks around me the whole time.

it also tells you stuff like elevation gain and loss, distance, average speed, etc. a ton of cool stuff to track.

I have a hoot looking through the map and planning new routes. It takes a second to learn how to make it go exactly where you want it to go, but once you figure it out, it’s fantastic.

It’s a pretty kickass app, actually. I’m surprised more people don’t use it.

And I only use the free version.