What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Apparently Christians don’t realize that they are only reading half the original bible? The conclave in nicea called all religious leaders to it… I believe that Constantine was the surpreme ruler in those parts, and they whittled it down to what they read today. Books that didn’t show “God’s or Jesus’s” divinity were eliminated! That’s why it’s called the “holy” bible. How about the one where Jesus kills a man for touching him… it was in there at one time, somewhere between 18 and 33 yrs old he did this… just my 2 cents…

what the hell are you smoking?
Probably because you think its ok to rape children

I don't think raping anyone is a good idea. I've never understood your support of ideas that begin with forced associations.

Aren't you the guy that likely supports forcibly injecting people with an experimental "vaccine" and supports coercion based school funding where it's claimed kids are taught that "bullying is bad".
Gay people shouldn't fight so hard for "the right" to have the state bless their marriage. It's not a right in that case, it becomes a state granted privilege that makes gay people as equally subservient as straight people.

If you remove the state from marriages (licensure et al) then it's just a freedom of association thing. Christians can marry people willing to marry them. Gay people can marry people willing to marry them. Everyone can leave others who don't behave like them alone as long as they are leaving them alone. Problem solved. The state can go "build the roads" then. (smirk)

The idea that state sanctioning is what makes a marriage needs to go away. Consensual agreements can be defined by those within the relationship. It's quite possible if the state butted the fuck out of peoples lives, a free market would emerge with templates for marriage agreements that would satisfy the varying relationships people willingly enter into. Freedom is the solution.
Gays have had marriage rights here for the last 18 years.
Apparently Christians don’t realize that they are only reading half the original bible? The conclave in nicea called all religious leaders to it… I believe that Constantine was the surpreme ruler in those parts, and they whittled it down to what they read today. Books that didn’t show “God’s or Jesus’s” divinity were eliminated! That’s why it’s called the “holy” bible. How about the one where Jesus kills a man for touching him… it was in there at one time, somewhere between 18 and 33 yrs old he did this… just my 2 cents…
You're talking about Gnosticism, not Christianity. The Bible has no record of Jesus between age 12 and 30.
you described coercing children into rape with money as "a voluntary agreement"

No, I described a hypothetical circumstance where a child, you, had a tryst with the badman, when you ran away from an actual discussion about actual consent. I can see it scarred you for life.