Hey mate, I'm not sure if you're aware that our list prices are about 20% cheaper when ordering from outside Australia (no 10% sales tax) and when you apply the 10% RIU discount.
2x driverless 960mm double kits would be A$1113 plus $142 shipping = $1255. Get yourself a couple of HLG-320H-48A drivers from Digikey or Mouser for A$230-240 a pair and the total is A$1495.
That's C$1392.
Two 960mm boards have an identical footprint to the Diablo that you can then divide into two lights to hang higher or lower with more or less spread for an even bigger footprint or staggered plant heights.
Our spectrum is the best in the business. There is a waterproof option. You will end up with two Mean Well drivers that will put out 680-700W at the boards/740-750W at the wall (versus Inventronics max 600W at the boards/650W at the wall) and you can split them into two lights later if you wish.
Here's what you get. All you need to do is source your own drivers. We can send you drivers, but it makes more sense to buy them locally (cheaper, less warranty hassle etc). The Mean Wells still come with a seven year warranty. We've seen a couple of failures over the years, but they have either been 480 or 240 models. We haven't seen any 320 failures yet and we sell quite a few. Mean Wells are made in both China and Taiwan.
I hope I'm not spamming, but you did mention us first