I’m sorry man, he did say .8 ppm. I asked if he knew the TDS or EC and told him I was getting advice on a reef tank about everything and asked if that was close to 800 PPM and he said he had no idea. Now, you have to understand, I live in a bum fuck nowhere town in upstate NY. We don’t have the most reliable / acknowledgeable supervisor here. I know the gentleman and he is pretty obvious to anything but they only use chlorine and got a reading of .8 ppm something (roll eyes). We have incredibly, and I mean incredibly hard, hard water. You have to scrub everything every couple months or you get a buildup in your tub and sinks. My folks live a couple miles away on a well and have a softener. It doesn’t really help that much. I feel like I need like two pre sediment and carbon filters on the cheap before I even let it get to the RO setup lol. I just think in my situation I’d be better starting out closer to zero and figuring out what needs to be added as I go.