Pandemic 2020

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You've posted fucking near the whole antivaxxer library, disinformation that has killed thousands of Americas and continues to kill and injure hundreds daily. I've posted the tragic news stories of your successes, people who die because they believe the same bullshit that you post here. Like Tucker you have an opinion and are only asking loaded questions, to sow doubt and mistrust in vaccines, in spite of a mountain of evidence that's growing daily of their safety and efficacy.

So what's your solution to the pandemic? Herd immunity through infection?

I wonder if Dr. Scott Atlas got vaccinated? He was a great believer in herd immunity, even when he knew that the vaccines were flying through clinical trials with great success.
What's up, out of loop 4weeks,worked 22 days in a row,busy w/grow also,old lady not making much progress from stroke but she is being cared for by daughter surrounded by loved ones,(rehab facilities can be nasty,stuff I brought for her goes missingWTF, otherwise no surprises,Reps acting like the fk heads they've become,newest variant Delta surging w/ more to come just as I've anticipated,US had a window in May and June to vaccinate and really put Covid down but misinfo and anti vaxxer's saw to it that that did'nt come to fruition.Now I'm 50/50 that we could be facing another severe fall and winter season w/some new crazy variant rampaging. I'm back to N95 mask around people after about a 6 week downgrade to a surgical mask,I never went maskless in spite of CDC,just felt it was to early and expected more surprises in a fast moving pandemic. A dude at work tested pos. last week and he was fully Phizered up, so we are back to craziness after maybe a 6 week period where things were looking up.ccguns
I think I'm pretty civil here compared to many. I don't speak for others, I only speak for myself. I post mostly factual information, perhaps peppered with a bit of my own opinion. If @rollitup wants to flex his mighty hammer and ban me, because I have a different opinion, then it is what it it. But I'll tell you what it isn't allowing for, and that is simple discourse.
Yes you are civil enough which is why I have treated you the same. But as DIY-HP-LED has said you say the same BS that other antivax people do, ignoring looking at information contradicting what your sources say. I was fine by it for a while and I chased down the information to refute some of what you say. But you know, you are only worth so many hours of my life. I am fed up with wasting the time while I can do some other things for myself.
He has his priorities all fucked up. He might want to work on the situation in Miami where the new Columbia variant is taking hold.

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – The Colombian variant may sound like the next concern in the COVID-19 crisis, but in South Florida, it’s already here.
Carlos Migoya, CEO of Jackson Health, revealed that now 10% of COVID-positive patients whose results are being sequenced at the University of Miami’s pathology lab have a strain that originated out of Colombia.
“And here’s a real shocking thing that’s spreading in Colombia quite a bit,” Migoya told Local 10 News. “And they haven’t seen it anywhere else outside of Colombia. Well, guess what? In the last week, 10% of our patients had the Colombian variant. Why? Because of the travel between Colombia and Miami.”
He has his priorities all fucked up. He might want to work on the situation in Miami where the new Columbia variant is taking hold.

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – The Colombian variant may sound like the next concern in the COVID-19 crisis, but in South Florida, it’s already here.
Carlos Migoya, CEO of Jackson Health, revealed that now 10% of COVID-positive patients whose results are being sequenced at the University of Miami’s pathology lab have a strain that originated out of Colombia.
“And here’s a real shocking thing that’s spreading in Colombia quite a bit,” Migoya told Local 10 News. “And they haven’t seen it anywhere else outside of Colombia. Well, guess what? In the last week, 10% of our patients had the Colombian variant. Why? Because of the travel between Colombia and Miami.”
I’m having my fully vaccinated son over this weekend. The first time we’ve been together since Christmas 2019.

I’m concerned with the prospect we won’t be getting together Christmas 2021.
I’m having my fully vaccinated son over this weekend. The first time we’ve been together since Christmas 2019.

I’m concerned with the prospect we won’t be getting together Christmas 2021.
It hard to really digest everything that we have been through and how bleak our future is. We had every opportunity to be the leaders to unite and save the world but it is failing terribly.

Unless we start getting the rest of the world vaccinated we are never getting rid of this. Some are saying no one should be getting a booster until the rest of the world is vaccinated with their first shots....because only the wealthy privileged societies will be staying on top of all the variants while the poorer countries suffer and die . These are truly horrible times. I believe life will be altered permanently .

I noticed yesterday when I had to run into a Walmart for a couple items I forgot to put on my curbside pickup there was only one cashier! The line to the self serve was like 30 people long. I left because most people were not wearing masks and no social distancing . It was a fucking nightmare. I then drove to the other Walmart and the exact same thing! Only one cashier and a long line in self serve . The other grocery store is so much better but is too fucking expensive and I can’t afford to shop there anymore if I want to save money.
It hard to really digest everything that we have been through and how bleak our future is. We had every opportunity to be the leaders to unite and save the world but it is failing terribly.

Unless we start getting the rest of the world vaccinated we are never getting rid of this. Some are saying no one should be getting a booster until the rest of the world is vaccinated with their first shots....because only the wealthy privileged societies will be staying on top of all the variants while the poorer countries suffer and die . These are truly horrible times. I believe life will be altered permanently .
I agree with you, 100%.
I think I'm pretty civil here compared to many. I don't speak for others, I only speak for myself. I post mostly factual information, perhaps peppered with a bit of my own opinion. If @rollitup wants to flex his mighty hammer and ban me, because I have a different opinion, then it is what it it. But I'll tell you what it isn't allowing for, and that is simple discourse.

I've noticed that "mostly factual information" is commonly presented in an effort to frame false narratives...
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I saw this from the start, at least when it got rolling equivalent to the countries going to war, and not a little skirmish. That it will do damage to the government coffers, to people's livelihoods, people's lives, the kids growing up. Along the way it showed how our infrastructure is not as robust as it could be, with the PPE shortage, all the other things that we normally buy, even the chip shortage for the cars made here. I do still have a lot of toilet paper though. Mind you I used to beforehand, I get it on sale when it comes up. If I do not use it that will mean I am dead and it won't bother me.

I said before that we all will probably get the Delta. The vaccinated will get milder cases, the unvax people will have a greater chance of ending up in the hospital. The fence sitters are getting off their asses for this one. The disbelievers, we can just suffer them. I hope that when some of the dust settles some of those will question some of the things they have been told and come back to reality. I hope they question the other things these 'leaders' have told them but I am guessing the 'leaders' (including news people in this) will just turn things around and tell them black is white and we were on your side in this. And the sheep will follow rather than look at the prospect that they were living a lie.

Ultimately this pandemic is exposing the failings of our world, all of them. I hope we take what we learned from this and fix a few of the deficits and not just sweep everything under the carpet for the next time. The next time we won't be able to say that we were not warned.
Florida children's hospitals see pediatric COVID-19 cases soar
On Tuesday, 46 pediatric patients were admitted to Florida hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 infections, bringing the total number of pediatric coronavirus patients in the state to 135, according to hospital capacity data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Florida follows only behind Texas in the current number of children hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 cases, with the Lone Star State recording a total of 142 as of Tuesday.

According to a Miami Herald analysis of weekly COVID-19 case data, the sharpest increase of Florida COVID-19 infections over the past month has been among kids under the age of 12, who are not yet eligible to receive any of the three vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S.

“In our previous iteration of the pandemic, it was more they’re positive but they’re not sick or minimally sick,” he explained. “This is different... There’s a much higher percentage of pediatric patients becoming infected and symptomatic.”

Despite the latest surge, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has pushed back against implementing a statewide mask mandate or vaccination requirements, and has even signed directives banning mask mandates in public schools and preventing businesses from requiring proof of vaccination.
Florida children's hospitals see pediatric COVID-19 cases soar
On Tuesday, 46 pediatric patients were admitted to Florida hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 infections, bringing the total number of pediatric coronavirus patients in the state to 135, according to hospital capacity data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Florida follows only behind Texas in the current number of children hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 cases, with the Lone Star State recording a total of 142 as of Tuesday.

According to a Miami Herald analysis of weekly COVID-19 case data, the sharpest increase of Florida COVID-19 infections over the past month has been among kids under the age of 12, who are not yet eligible to receive any of the three vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S.

“In our previous iteration of the pandemic, it was more they’re positive but they’re not sick or minimally sick,” he explained. “This is different... There’s a much higher percentage of pediatric patients becoming infected and symptomatic.”

Despite the latest surge, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has pushed back against implementing a statewide mask mandate or vaccination requirements, and has even signed directives banning mask mandates in public schools and preventing businesses from requiring proof of vaccination.
The hardest hit will be his biggest supporters, the anti maskers and anti vaxxers, in America the plague has become self selective for many and some are selecting for their older kids too. They can bring delta home to their kids, or more likely their kids will be bringing it home from school.
In Canada things are looking pretty good, we've got 81% with a single dose and 68.5% with a second. Here in NS we've got 85.3% of eligible people with a single dose and 73.1% fully vaccinated. We started later than the Americans and had supply issues, first doses have leveled off as we get to the hesitant, reluctant and antivaxxers. Like in America, Delta is causing an uptick in vaccinations, the hesitant are coming around and people are showing up for second shots, earlier than expected, since our supply issues are resolved.

The difference in the vaxx rates between Canada and America are purely political, we even get foxnews on cable here. There are just as many regular antivaxxers and other assorted loonies in Canada per capita as in the states, but stress levels are generally much lower here.

We've been leveling off on first doses too, though at a higher rate than in the states

The national single dose map, in the western provinces of Alberta and Sask the population tends to be younger, while in the Maritimes, it tends to be older, as many of the young migrated west for work.

The GOP cold civil war is turning out like the last civil war in the south, the old confederacy is lite up red hot with delta covid. Looks like a modern repeat of the battle of Gettysburg is coming for the south with mass casualties, only this time they are self inflicted by stupidity and ignorance. No masks, low vax rates and stupid Trumpers with delta will mean exponential infection and overwhelmed hospitals. Yep covid is about to march through the south to the sea, leaving death and destruction in it's wake.

Covid Back To School Storm': WH Pushes Vaccines Ahead Of School Year

Some epidemiologists are predicting a "perfect Covid back to school storm," with potential outbreaks in weeks,
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