Sorry I am only interested in your thoughts not fake propagandaList is insanely long so I won't flood this thread but check out the link:
Trump does not get credit for the Obama economy. Next.
Too many facts to comprehend? This is why we can't have nice things. I'll leave ya'll be...Sorry I am only interested in your thoughts not fake propaganda
So no replyToo many facts to comprehend? This is why we can't have nice things. I'll leave ya'll be...
Too many facts to comprehend? This is why we can't have nice things. I'll leave ya'll be...
Trump was doing a good job ? Your blind. He is the most egotistical evil self centered fucker on planet earth. He made made so many enemies throughout the world and kissed up to dictators . His policies were shit and he helped destroy our environment . It’s scary to think what he could have accomplished if he had the media in his pocket more than he already did like his bitch Rush and Fox. They did a lot of damage. Everything your saying is ludicrous. Biden has healed a lot of broken world ties and important world relationships . He is not a whore monger like Trump but a decent empathetic person unlike Trump. He has only been in office for 6 months for fucks sake and has to do a lot of work to clean the dark tar shit stains Trumps has left us with. What inflation ? And gas prices are not so bad. It’s Trumps pandemic that dropped the prices for a while. If Trump didn’t start his fucking tariff shit with China and Pissed them off so much things would be a lot different today. Get a grip kid.Honestly not here to troll. More trying to understand why most in here think all conservatives or anyone who didn't vote Biden is racist or absolutely worships Trump? Most of us just realize Trump was doing a good job even though he mean tweeted and was under attack (media) the whole time he was in office. Imagine what he could've accomplished if he had the media in his pocket like Biden does?
All of us in here on RIU have quite a bit in common, yet the media will tell you we are enemies. All I'm saying is, don't believe everything thing you hear on the news, and try(good luck) to see all sides before making a decision on what is true or not. Also, Please explain this "non-big lie news" station you speak of? Nearly impossible to find any non biased news these days.
Still curious to hear what good Biden has done for our country...? I'm already sick of inflation/gas prices.
Inflation and gas prices are a result of pandemic recovery and 6% economic growth under Biden, these are indicators of not just recovery, but growth. Joe is trying to get everybody vaxxed to the max and protect themselves and their kids from the delta variant with a mask. Everybody got a big check first thing and he's driving through infrastructure in two parts.Still curious to hear what good Biden has done for our country...? I'm already sick of inflation/gas prices.
Lol as Joe would say, "come on man." Everything on that list happened. I guess it's up to you to accept the fact or not.... Also, Congrats to Obama for getting the economy in a decent spot, and congrats to Trump on bettering that economy. See we can give everyone credit!They're not facts without some sort of study/reference to support it. That should have been a red flag for you.
Traitors don't deserve credit!Lol as Joe would say, "come on man." Everything on that list happened. I guess it's up to you to accept the fact or not.... Also, Congrats to Obama for getting the economy in a decent spot, and congrats to Trump on bettering that economy. See we can give everyone credit!
Lol as Joe would say, "come on man." Everything on that list happened. I guess it's up to you to accept the fact or not.... Also, Congrats to Obama for getting the economy in a decent spot, and congrats to Trump on bettering that economy. See we can give everyone credit!
And you are perfect in every single way. Someone get this guy a sticker. You are all proving how one sided your thinking is.You're delusional
He also helped to lift half the children in America out of poverty, a monumental achievement, appreciated by decent patriotic folks everywhere, but not by you.Too many facts to comprehend? This is why we can't have nice things. I'll leave ya'll be...
What's there to prove? EVERYTHING ON THAT LIST HAPPENED.Your confirmation bias is pretty gnarly. You see a list and like it, therefore it's "come on man" like it's over the top to question something you like.
For what it's worth, I didn't like Bush's bailout, nor Obama's continuation of it.
They deserve a rope, after a trial of course!Traitors don't deserve credit!![]()
Confused... is Biden or Trump the Traitor? Please explainTraitors don't deserve credit!![]()
Sorry to yell. I checked out your link. Congrats to the USA on continued improvement through 2018.Follow the link I posted at the top of the page.
Tip: All caps yelling does not create truth, usually it's an indicator of the opposite.