Why do Republicans suck?

Sorry in advance, but I have to....
"Please support this claim with informative links to least-biased sources."
I asked first.

Make with your definitive links before you can exercise the privilege of asking that.

Let's give our new contestant some breathing room
I think DeSantis is doing as well as possible considering he's the next target for the Democrats and their media brigade. What I respect most is that he let's the people decide what is best for them. If you're scared, wear a mask, get vaccinated, and go out in public as much as you feel comfortable. Since the vaccine "works" anyone who's had it should be good to go. If it doesn't then why are they pushing so hard for it? And if it's so safe and effective, why can't the kids get it?

I also think you're trying really hard to put words in my mouth.

Covid is not the same as the typical flu. Anyone who looks at death rates should agree.

Well you're dodging it and trying to play both sides, wanting to support republicans dismissive attitude towards covid and preventive measures, while simultaneously supporting the impact of covid and the importance of preventive measures. I'm just trying to help you reduce hypocrisy.

Fear has nothing to do with the effectiveness of an air filter. Your car doesn't have one because it's feelings are hurt. Particle filtration serves a real purpose and has no connection to "deciding what's best", because what's best is already known. The only question is deciding whether or not you're willing to do what's best.
Well you're dodging it and trying to play both sides, wanting to support republicans dismissive attitude towards covid and preventive measures, while simultaneously supporting the impact of covid and the importance of preventive measures. I'm just trying to help you reduce hypocrisy.

Fear has nothing to do with the effectiveness of an air filter. Your car doesn't have one because it's feelings are hurt. Particle filtration serves a real purpose and has no connection to "deciding what's best", because what's best is already known. The only question is deciding whether or not you're willing to do what's best.
Tell me what's best? I'm truly curious. Obviously you know, yet failed to outright say it. Should we just bow down to our leaders and beg them for our freedoms?

Does anyone know what's best?
Tell me what's best? I'm truly curious. Obviously you know, yet failed to outright say it. Should we just bow down to our leaders and beg them for our freedoms?

Does anyone know what's best?

Of course I do and so do you. Air filters reduce particles and reduce likelihood of something bad happening from those particles. You know it, I know it, millions of people in various industries know it, on and on.

Everyone here agrees with the rights angle. Been over it a thousand times as people start with bs information and eventually move the goalpost to freedom, because it's the only argument they can "win".
Of course I do and so do you. Air filters reduce particles and reduce likelihood of something bad happening from those particles. You know it, I know it, millions of people in various industries know it, on and on.

Everyone here agrees with the rights angle. Been over it a thousand times as people start with bs information and eventually move the goalpost to freedom, because it's the only argument they can "win".
Incredibly naive. :roll:

Just advertising the poster's idiocy, a glance at their other posts shows we've got a live one here, hail the return of the Trumpers, they never went away really, but have gotten stupid enough to actually carry Trump's water lately. They are mostly all antivaxx and of course anti mask freedumbers.
Now answer my original question..... What good has our lord and savior biden done to help anything.

Says a lot about a lot of people's character when all they do is say someone's sources aren't credible, when not providing any factual information to back their claims.

For those that just joined. I'm not a Trump worshipper. Just came in here to see if anyone could tell me what's been so great since a Democrat has taken office.... one guy said something about a stimulus check and someone else said he's helped poor families but no links or facts like I've had to provide.

Continue to bash me, I could care less. Just fun to watch ya'll bob and weave around a simple question. Easier just to blame Trump, I suppose!
You pretend like I don't have an entire thread about the bullshit Republican scam and how the Democrats are once again coming in behind them having to clean up their mess. All full of actual links and even the information of those links.

Just because some random sock puppet says to jump is not the same as asking that new sock puppet for insight into what it is that they are seeing/believing.

There are things like helping poor children.


But I would point to things like de-politicizing every aspect of the Executive branch and putting competent people in charge as one of the most important things since under Dear Leader, the numbers we received were being screwed with by Trump's trolls.

We could go on and talk about specific things in the executive orders that Biden did to clean up the fires Trump allowed to continue to burn, or not having a scandal every news cycle, not allowing his press secretaries to lie and troll the American people, on and on.

If you decide to not just be indistinguishable from a right wing paid propaganda spam troll, I hope you stick around.

Best of luck.
Mary Trump: Donald Trump Would End American Experiment For His Empowerment

Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump calls the former president ‘much worse’ than a sociopath in her new book, ‘The Reckoning: America's trauma and finding a way to heal.’ She joins Joy Reid to discuss.

Trump encourages supporters to buy misspelled 'Trump Offical Card'

Former President Trump on Wednesday sent an email to supporters asking them to vote on designs for membership cards indicating their alliance with him, though one of the options misspelled the word “official.”

Insider first reported on the cards Wednesday, noting that Trump’s Save America PAC sent out two emails about the red-and-gold cards, with the first message reading, “The card you select will be carried by Patriots all around the Country.”

"They will be a sign of your dedicated support to our movement to SAVE AMERICA, and I'm putting my full trust in you,” the email added.

The second email said the “Official Trump Cards” would be “reserved for President Trump's STRONGEST supporters."

"We recently met with the President in his Florida office and showed him four designs," the email added. "Originally we were planning on releasing just one design, but when President Trump saw the cards on his desk, he said, 'These are BEAUTIFUL. We should let the American People decide - they ALWAYS know best!'"

The four designs include one with a gold bald eagle, another including the U.S. seal and a third with an American flag waving in the background.

The fourth option has a solid red background and, like two of the other designs, reads “Official Trump Card.”

However, the option with the flag has a spelling error reads, “Trump Offical Card.”

Each of the designs contain Trump’s signature, along with the logo for the Save America PAC and areas for the supporter’s name and ID number.

It was not immediately clear when the cards would be issued, though it appears to be just one of the latest fundraising tactics by the team months after Trump left the Oval Office.

Late last month, the Trump PAC announced in an email that it was selling signed photos of Trump for $45 each.

The Hill has reached out to Trump’s team for comment.

Several of the ex-president's critics, including anti-Trump GOP group The Lincoln Project, took to social media to poke fun at the cards, pointing out the spelling error.
Others criticized the cards, with many arguing that the design with the bald eagle resembled the Nazi Eagle symbol first developed in the 1920s in Germany.

The full picture of Trump's attempted coup is only starting to emerge

(CNN)President Donald Trump -- back in the final days of his presidency -- didn't exactly make a secret of his effort to overturn the election he'd just lost and so it's very easy to get tired of thinking about it, now that he's out of office and his official powers have been clipped.

But in addition to the lies he was spreading all along, we continue to learn new and disturbing details about his obstinate and pernicious efforts to poison the system from within, which included an "Apprentice"-style showdown between two top Justice Department officials at the White House and threats of resignation.

Timeline: What Georgia prosecutors are looking at as they investigate Trump's efforts to overturn the election

Woven together, they show that Trump's assault on democracy, which looks more and more like an attempted coup, was even more reckless and insistent than previously thought.

The recent news includes these items:
  • Trump pressured acting DOJ officials like acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen on December 27 to "Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen," according to the notes of acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue's notes, shared with House investigators.
  • A day later, on December 28, at least one acting DOJ official, Jeffrey Clark, who was in charge of the civil division, apparently bought into Trump's lies, or wanted to assuage him, and drafted a letter suggesting there were election irregularities in the election (there weren't), but it was rebuffed by other top acting officials.
  • Officials like Rosen's chief of staff Patrick Hovakimian drafted letters of resignation in case his boss was pushed out in favor of Clark.
CNN's Marshall Cohen, Jason Morris, Christopher Hickey and Will Mullery have put together an in-depth timeline of Trump's efforts to corrupt the US government and the Georgia government. It is exhaustive and shocking.

It's the threat of a block of DOJ resignations among the acting officials (these people, as acting officials, were supposed to be Trump loyalists) that may have stopped Trump from a last-minute firing of officials at Justice.

Bear in mind that Trump's pressure on Rosen and Donoghue came exactly one day after the final resignation of former Attorney General William Barr.

Barr left the administration in its final month, not long after he'd told a reporter the truth, that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the election.

Trump exploded at this perceived betrayal by Barr in a White House meeting documented by Jonathan Karl in a forthcoming book.

On Barr's last day, Trump was on the phone with officials in Georgia, encouraging them to "find" votes. They wouldn't do it.

These details will come out in a fuller narrative now that House investigators are interviewing former Trump officials.

That official record will supplement the details we already knew, like the "Apprentice"-style showdown, which went on for hours, where Rosen and Clark each presented arguments to Trump about how to proceed in his final days.

That occurred January 3. Three days later, Trump's supporters attacked the Capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes.

The strain of Trump's efforts to undermine the election were not isolated to the Justice Department. Earlier this year we learned from another book that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley was actively engaged in countering any effort by Trump to use the government to seize power.

It's good news that even officials once perceived as Trump loyalists would not help him overturn the election. But it all needs to be considered in context and with the knowledge that Trump could very well run for the White House again.

It's also worth considering whether he broke the law by exerting pressure to break the US democratic process.

"Forget about a crime. I see several federal crimes here," said the former federal prosecutor and CNN analyst Elie Honig, who has recently published a book that is an indictment of Barr's time in the Trump administration.

Here's more detail from Honig, who made these comments to CNN's Erin Burnett:

"I'll be specific. It is a federal crime to deprive a state of a fair election.

It is a federal crime to solicit false counting of ballots, false certification of an election.

It is a federal crime to conspire against the United States.