Should you cut off fan leaves during flower( a simple poll just yea or no please)


Well-Known Member
This has to be @plutonium’s sock
I lurked for a long time, don't recall that plutonium sn but I do recall that Finshaggy guy. Likely because of the odd name and insane posts. This has to be somebody trolling, like you said somebody's sock puppet.


Well-Known Member
You survived because the people around you were vaccinated.
God you young folks don't have half the shit we had to worry about when I was a kid.
Most of my friends got measles, I did, there were still people with polio around, do you bother to go to a dentist? They're doctors too.

Sorry, I wasn't going to pile on this shit storm but I got sucked in.

No need to concern yourself.

Lots of people get "sucked in" when a moron is posting! :lol:
