Tea time... (Yage with Chacruna and Chaliponga)Warm, astringent cat urine. Then a cup of liquid tar made in a dead animal over a tire fire. Want another cup of warm cat urine after that just to rinse. From failed attempts to waves of emanating vibrations that were strands of a web of energy connecting all of life. Had a small fire, saw something down the hill, got up and walked down there, listened to trees, turned to tell my buddies to come check it out, saw all three of us sitting at the fire.

it's not like trees don't know important stuff, but there is a lot of gossip.
Saliva...10x extract. Rolling inside a tube wave then a fuzzy vibe came over body right to left. Strange place with evil carnival vibe. Dark Dr suess meets juggalo character said "hurry, before it catches up with us." Opened window and went to another place like a dimensional portal. Took me around an office type place. Had me file some paperwork. (What did I do? It's official now.) This worlds reality would keep creeping back into the visual field and he would have to open a portal and we would escape to another place. He kept insisting that we hurry to keep ahead of "it." It was persistent. Unzip the ceiling, come out of mirror, slip under door... If I didn't follow him, I could be back with my buddy and tell him stuff, but then I would get sucked back into it. Like a vacuum.
The scenes I was shown and the actions I saw myself doing would later happen IRL. I was shown the mundane future. Then the scene changed and I dove into water head first into deep water. But I didn't go into the water, just touched the surface. Another me was under there. I drained consciousness into that body. I went down under the sea. See what's going down and I ran smack into a weird couple. Small beings in a cage/prison cell. They wanted me to try to release them. The lady wasn't impressed, and said "it won't work, he's not a priest." The guy wanted me to try and said no one had been there in so long. Later there were "flashbacks" when one of the scenes I saw would occur IRL. About piss myself thinking I was gonna go again. The flashes started coming faster, but then finally stopped. This seems more along the lines of sorcery type stuff. The tea is more like peyote. And the life cult around it being a sacrament. The Salvia isn't being respected in the usage here. Makes it and the poisons you listed more along death cult lines. Kratom...idk. Seems to be use/abuse lines are blurred. a lot of people I see using it are opiate/meth addicts currently or previously. So much pain and suffering in life. No wonder we would choose assuage it at our own expense. WTF have we created? Why do we choose to keep it going? Devouring people in the jaws of time.

keep your head up.