Does anyone else only water upon seeing drooping leaves?


Well-Known Member
Is this a common watering method?

I saw a couple other users here mention this method and wanted to start a bigger conversation about this. Pros/cons?
Fuuuck I thought I was on to something. I just overwatered my first grow and besides risking doing it again, I guess I'm just going to have to try harder. The top 1-2 inches of dry soil method did not work for me
Soil was dry 2 inches deep into the soil and you still think you over watered??
That is very true. But never an issue over here in 10 gallon grow bags.
Honest post for all to learn from. Been in the upper 80's or beyond for too long. Laid down before I laid them vertical. No water in 5 days at 80+% humidity. Avoid water if possible during high humidity stretches001.jpg.
You really don’t want them to droop that much there’s a fine line when it comes to that. I can look at my plant and tell it’s not as perked up as it should be but when it droops I let it go a little farther than I would personally like. I closely observe them every day and write the time and date in a journal along with how much water they were given and that allows me to dial in how often and how much.