1st time cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
it all depends on your strain you are growing; however do you have a secure grow site that offers absolutely no light in during the lights off phase cause this will send your plant into vegging again or at least halt its flowering.


Well-Known Member
you'l have them sexed 14days flowering tops. my guess anyway :)

keep checking them. one day on mine there ws nothing and the next there they were little lady legs shooting out :lol:


Well-Known Member
yeah i have them in my closet. Its a walkin closet with a regular door so during the off hours i keep the door shut with a towel under the door. Ive shut the door and put the towel under it while the lights were on and stodd outside the door and you cant see any light coming out so i really dont think any light is getting in.


Well-Known Member
Day 11 of 12/12.

Between 13 and 14 nches tall. Still no sign of sex. Havent used the schultz nutes i got yet. I will next water tho.

I have sort of a problem. I am moving here really soon, before the plant will be done. Im only moving across town a couple miles. I want to transport this plant to the new house but i dont want to fuck up its 12/12 and i dont want to get caught with it. I was thinking ill prolly move everything to the new house first and leave the plant for last till its dark outside. I have a huge upright suit case with wheels im sure the it will fit in. How bad do you think it might stress it if i put it in the suit case and brought it over to my new place. it will be kept dark the whole way.


Active Member
You should check out the 65w clfs there longer tubes and ya get more light. I have to agree about those wires, spend 50 cents or so and dont get electrocuted or worse start a fire,(thats embarassing) especially since your hanging grid looks like metal, could get electrified, and you'll get fried in a bad way, everything looks pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Day 12.

Im sure ill be able to tell the sex soon. It looks like a hair is starting to show but its too small and i dont have a magnifying glass.


Well-Known Member
rootin for you, the suspense is KILLIN me!

I hate to be impatient, what if he was to shoot 24 straight hours of darkness? I heard that sometimes kicks starts it. Like someone else said, 14 days after 12/12 is not totally uncommon before it shows sex.


Well-Known Member
rootin for you, the suspense is KILLIN me!

I hate to be impatient, what if he was to shoot 24 straight hours of darkness? I heard that sometimes kicks starts it. Like someone else said, 14 days after 12/12 is not totally uncommon before it shows sex.

not advisable, messing up with there light schedule so early could turn hermy or stunt its growth if nothing else.

i'l stand by my first guess a few days ago and say that you will see sex at 14 days :)

fingers crossed buddy


Well-Known Member
I prolly wont be awake at 6am today when the lights come on but will be shortly after. I gotta question. Some nights my plants grows a bit during the dark time. I had to open the closet door and check really really fast to make sure no leaves were too close to any lights so they dont burn when they come on, im usually up at 6 to make sure right as the lights come on but i wont be up at 6 today. Will opening the door for maybe 5 seconds max and having a little light on it screw it up? Also i forgot to close the door before 6 and didnt remember till about 6:20pm so for about the first 20 minutes of dark it had light coming in, not much tho.


Well-Known Member
no you dont need to worry bout that mate, they will be fine. :)

slight hickups wont affect it much, iv done it a few times lol


Well-Known Member
Day 13 of 12/12.

Ive been messin around with my plant and camera trying to get a good picture of what i hope is the start of a tiny hair comin out. Ive been trying to get good pics using macro mode but they still turn out shitty. Ill keep fuckin with it till i get a clear pic but heres a couple for now i just took. Its lookin pretty good, so i really hope its not a male. First 2 pics are just of the whole plant. The 2nd 2 pics are of the same spot just one taken from the front and one from the back. I wish i had a magnifying glass to see it really clearly.


T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
are you sure it isnt on a lower branch because that plant looks great and on each of the branches are forming small finger leaves which usally indicates bud site not ball sites


Well-Known Member
yeah i checked all over the plant. In between the big single leaf branch and the multi little leaf branch there are little things that look like a new tiny stipule, but right nex to the stipules.


Well-Known Member
I think its still too early to tell..give it a few more days and update us.
Usually 14 days or a little after (strain dependent) it will start to show.
Looking good though, branching out nicely :bigjoint: + rep man
Try to do a macro shot and then zoom in on it in a photo editing thing.


Well-Known Member
thats what i been doing, i been taking alot of macro shots then putting them on the computer and zooming in so its nice and big but its always too blurry at the spot im trying to look at, i need more practice with the macro i think lol.


Well-Known Member
thats what i been doing, i been taking alot of macro shots then putting them on the computer and zooming in so its nice and big but its always too blurry at the spot im trying to look at, i need more practice with the macro i think lol.
Are any fans blowing your plants around? If so turn them off while you
take the pic.