What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Powerful and wealthy Men in the South are widely respected and held in high esteem by the “Good Ol' Boy” crowd. Political Correctness on the Right is enforced with an Iron Fist on those that step out or speak out. Cancel Culture is all powerful and merciless on the fascist Right. Witness Collin Kapernick, Dixie Chicks, Liz Cheney and anyone who even whimpers against the current “Big Lie” or trump. Especially trump.
It's certainly hard to fathom that if you're at least maybe 40 yrs. old you can remember a time when if politicians were caught in outright lies that they were finished or at the least carrying a scarlet letter for the rest of they're diminished careers. To witness the outright lies and propagating of false information deliberately without the hint of a Pinnochio or a blush tells me these people are all in w/the devil and don't care. Cheetoman is on record as stating that he learned an important lesson from Roy Cohn, that if you never admit to wrongdoing and stick to the lies that eventually people come around to acceptance. Hearing Kelly Anne Conway explaining away the Inauguration crowd fiasco by stating she was using "alternative facts" struck me at the time that we were now entering a new sleezy and downright scary political narrative. Going down this road is like watching sand erode of the beach of political dignity. And to think that a New York Realty tycoon made w/daddy's money, a former Democratic supporter, 5 bankruptcies, college and charity scams, calling NY talk radio posing as someone else to pump himself up, would kickstart the tearing apart of the fabric of our Democracy and even being elected to occupy the oval office absolutely confoun ds me to this day and I have trouble coming to grips that this all actually happened,:wall::wall::wall: ccguns
It's certainly hard to fathom that if you're at least maybe 40 yrs. old you can remember a time when if politicians were caught in outright lies that they were finished or at the least carrying a scarlet letter for the rest of they're diminished careers. To witness the outright lies and propagating of false information deliberately without the hint of a Pinnochio or a blush tells me these people are all in w/the devil and don't care. Cheetoman is on record as stating that he learned an important lesson from Roy Cohn, that if you never admit to wrongdoing and stick to the lies that eventually people come around to acceptance. Hearing Kelly Anne Conway explaining away the Inauguration crowd fiasco by stating she was using "alternative facts" struck me at the time that we were now entering a new sleezy and downright scary political narrative. Going down this road is like watching sand erode of the beach of political dignity. And to think that a New York Realty tycoon made w/daddy's money, a former Democratic supporter, 5 bankruptcies, college and charity scams, calling NY talk radio posing as someone else to pump himself up, would kickstart the tearing apart of the fabric of our Democracy and even being elected to occupy the oval office absolutely confoun ds me to this day and I have trouble coming to grips that this all actually happened,:wall::wall::wall: ccguns

Roy Con didn't invent that technique and this shit is nothing new..the tools are.

Trump needs to be gone.
It's certainly hard to fathom that if you're at least maybe 40 yrs. old you can remember a time when if politicians were caught in outright lies that they were finished or at the least carrying a scarlet letter for the rest of they're diminished careers. To witness the outright lies and propagating of false information deliberately without the hint of a Pinnochio or a blush tells me these people are all in w/the devil and don't care. Cheetoman is on record as stating that he learned an important lesson from Roy Cohn, that if you never admit to wrongdoing and stick to the lies that eventually people come around to acceptance. Hearing Kelly Anne Conway explaining away the Inauguration crowd fiasco by stating she was using "alternative facts" struck me at the time that we were now entering a new sleezy and downright scary political narrative. Going down this road is like watching sand erode of the beach of political dignity. And to think that a New York Realty tycoon made w/daddy's money, a former Democratic supporter, 5 bankruptcies, college and charity scams, calling NY talk radio posing as someone else to pump himself up, would kickstart the tearing apart of the fabric of our Democracy and even being elected to occupy the oval office absolutely confoun ds me to this day and I have trouble coming to grips that this all actually happened,:wall::wall::wall: ccguns

your job is to talk state facts around your Rightie friends and i know you have them. kind of like when McCain corrected that lady in Town Hall shit talking Obama. just because you're on a different team..what did they teach you? Trump knows nothing about this, it doesn't even exist in his mind. can you imagine not doing the below?

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your job is to talk state facts around your Rightie friends and i know you have them. kind of like when McCain corrected that lady in Town Hall shit talking Obama. just because you're on a different team..what did they teach you? Trump knows nothing about this, it doesn't even exist in his mind. can you image not doing the below?

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Sorry, Mam as I've previously stated I live in true blue Mass., good luck finding a lot of righties here,not to mention I'm in SE Mass considered the bayou to the money around Boston, I live in a poverty stricken city of 86,000. thought you may have made peace w/me. I'm a center Dem though I don't resent people more to the left than me because they are good people. I believe Govt. exists to lend a helping hand and I also know much injustice does exist, however I also believe in some level of self responsibility and we all know people who game the system and take advantage of program's that are meant to assist people truly suffering. That said I'll sit down w/a far left liberal long before A far right person. At my job are a couple of small town righties who just can't stand seeing stimulus money given out because they are just mean-spirited, also some anti-vaxxers there, I don't go near them. If anything I do work for the rich,(a private golf course), and I certainly don't aspire or model myself after them.ccguns
Sorry, Mam as I've previously stated I live in true blue Mass., good luck finding a lot of righties here,not to mention I'm in SE Mass considered the bayou to the money around Boston, I live in a poverty stricken city of 86,000. thought you may have made peace w/me.
There all out in western Ma. with Covid is crushing them. Worcester and the surrounding area is booked solid in the ICUs. Dump territory. 15% vaccination rate.
I'm a south shore boy myself. Going for my booster today.
There all out in western Ma. with Covid is crushing them. Worcester and the surrounding area is booked solid in the ICUs. Dump territory. 15% vaccination rate.
I'm a south shore boy myself. Going for my booster today.

My daughter married a kid from Millis which is south and slightly west of Boston. She is in Providence, RI right now.

Aren't 'Cousin from Boston' commercials the best?..they're so spot-on!
My daughter married a kid from Millis which is south and slightly west of Boston. She is in Providence, RI right now.

Aren't 'Cousin from Boston' commercials the best?..they're so spot-on!

That town Millis was the location of the longest and worst job interview I have ever encountered. Responded to some vague job ad about "direct marketing" and showed up at some little office in the suburbs, but still in the metro area. Talked to the guy, loved my spirit or whatever and wanted to advance to round 2 immediately, he wouldn't really say what exactly it was I would be doing. Sure I say, let's do round 2...next thing I know I am in the car with a couple of guys in suits heading to Millis. They were selling the job hard, without saying what it was. We get there, and it's the middle of nowhere and this was before phones had internet, so no real way to figure out where I am. We get out and then I learn the awful truth....I showed up to an interview to sell coupon books door to door. I couldn't leave. Didn't have a way back to the city. So my interview was just walking around this hamlet wearing a suit trying to sell coupons to bored housewives for 9 hours. Worst interview ever.
That town Millis was the location of the longest and worst job interview I have ever encountered. Responded to some vague job ad about "direct marketing" and showed up at some little office in the suburbs, but still in the metro area. Talked to the guy, loved my spirit or whatever and wanted to advance to round 2 immediately, he wouldn't really say what exactly it was I would be doing. Sure I say, let's do round 2...next thing I know I am in the car with a couple of guys in suits heading to Millis. They were selling the job hard, without saying what it was. We get there, and it's the middle of nowhere and this was before phones had internet, so no real way to figure out where I am. We get out and then I learn the awful truth....I showed up to an interview to sell coupon books door to door. I couldn't leave. Didn't have a way back to the city. So my interview was just walking around this hamlet wearing a suit trying to sell coupons to bored housewives for 9 hours. Worst interview ever.

i'd never get in a car with people i don't know.
That town Millis was the location of the longest and worst job interview I have ever encountered. Responded to some vague job ad about "direct marketing" and showed up at some little office in the suburbs, but still in the metro area. Talked to the guy, loved my spirit or whatever and wanted to advance to round 2 immediately, he wouldn't really say what exactly it was I would be doing. Sure I say, let's do round 2...next thing I know I am in the car with a couple of guys in suits heading to Millis. They were selling the job hard, without saying what it was. We get there, and it's the middle of nowhere and this was before phones had internet, so no real way to figure out where I am. We get out and then I learn the awful truth....I showed up to an interview to sell coupon books door to door. I couldn't leave. Didn't have a way back to the city. So my interview was just walking around this hamlet wearing a suit trying to sell coupons to bored housewives for 9 hours. Worst interview ever.
“Direct marketing”: it means ‘don’t go, don’t co-operate, don’t agree to anything, leave as soon as possible’