Beware the poacher

Is it really that simple though? Buddy had a bag of tools. He came back the next day with more tools. Ok I whoop their ass with my Louisville but then what. They're mad and they come back with vengeance? My chick works from home 60% of the time and that worries me now
I put motion alarms all around now. My house has an active alarm system but it's still a fucked up situation. I have a feeling he's comming back tmrw while I'm at work
maybe a bad batch of dope laying out in the open and there addict personality could do the rest for you. Addicts and thieves are one in the same in my book. Scum ! Best of luck to you ! (Maybe a bear trap it two)
I literally overlook a state park, very hilly. I see what I believe is a gorilla grow going on b/c every third day there is a truck up on a hiking trail at 11PM. They make 4 stops in the same spots for about 20 min per each. Am I gonna go “inspect” or mess with his/her shit? Fuck no, one it’s wrong and two, bear traps. But I’m dyin to know if it’s park rangers or what I think….

thieves suck out loud.
Those fuckers can be fierce. I love em tho. So much attitude to be so small....


Tell me about it. I have an old rescue Chihuahua that's just vicious. She can be nice and she's decided that she has to sleep by my head. Unfortunately when I inadvertently get my hand near her while she's sleeping I get woken up to her gnawing on one of my fingers. And she bites to the bone. Talk about a rude awakening. She doesn't know any better and had a rough life being abused and living in a motorhome with a dozen other dogs. So I give her a pass. But it really does suck to wake up to blood spurting out of your finger in the middle of the night.
Oh. I’m I’m in the states. 2nd amendment all fucking day. And a mother fucker steps foot inside. It’s a wrap.
My point is. If you don’t do something to intimidate them. You might as well move. Nut up bro.

tools. What. I said whoop his ass. Not Duel with wrenches. Set bait. Catch em slippin.
Tweaks are easy to deal with Otherwise. He’s going to comeback because your a punk. I’m just saying. Not that you are. Tweakers think like that. You already let him slide. So he knows he can get over on you You need to put hands on him. What’s gonna happen. He’s gonna call the cops
I hear ya. If it came down to it and I was here I'd fuck him up. No doubt. I just meant the guy had a bag of tools, the other guy was a straight tweaker but this guy seemed somewhat intelligent. I dont want them comming back and breaking into my house. It's alarmed to the 9's but still. Anyways I took the cat off myself so even if they tried again. It's fucking gone! Plus there's a motion siren right at the car now.
I'm lucky enough to live way out in the sticks where my booby traps are called " bear deterrents" and totally legal. Crime and the scumbags commiting it was the number one reason I packed up my toys and headed to the mountains over twenty years ago. Sorry you had to deal with dirt like that but sounds like you are doing everything you can and have a good plan in place. Hopefully he runs into one of his kind willing to punch his ticket for stealing and they save you some trouble.
This is one of the things I use too, set above the height of my guard cats. I have a series of them with different sounds for each zone but the one on the deck is an alarm sound. Super simple and cheap. The ones in the woods, driveway and sidewalks get tripped by deer and bear but the deck has never sounded thankfully. It's nice to be able to add on slowly to it if you can't afford to buy expensive systems all at once. I also use a bunch of game cameras including one that has cell phone function to send pictures if it's tripped. It's a lot cheaper than a monthly alarm service and I get alerted as soon as it takes a pic by email.
Lmfao. Somebody has privileges.

let me guess. You wait to get robbed then call the cops.
More like somebody's "new".

That scenario is very unlikely. Sir Nap has some pretty sweet firearms.
These guys walking around with a car mirror on a pole scoping out backyards.
Fuck theives if you see some suspicious mother fuckers around call the cops! Had 2 crackheads come into my backyard and try to steal my plants so they're gone somewhere safe now. We really need to cull these individuals out of society. Free crack giveaways laced with fentynal. Bye bye

Motion sensors, cameras, and a good watch dog. Its that time of year again where most of the outdoor growers here sleep in shifts.

Rippers arent just thieves, they're fucking lazy. Its legal here. They just dont want to put the work in because its easier to steal from someone else that has.
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Oh. I’m I’m in the states. 2nd amendment all fucking day. And a mother fucker steps foot inside. It’s a wrap.
My point is. If you don’t do something to intimidate them. You might as well move. Nut up bro.

tools. What. I said whoop his ass. Not Duel with wrenches. Set bait. Catch em slippin.
Tweaks are easy to deal with Otherwise. He’s going to comeback because your a punk. I’m just saying. Not that you are. Tweakers think like that. You already let him slide. So he knows he can get over on you You need to put hands on him. What’s gonna happen. He’s gonna call the cops
More like somebody's "new".

That scenario is very unlikely. Sir Nap has some pretty sweet firearms.

Motion sensors, cameras, and a good watch dog. Its that time of year again where most of the outdoor growers here sleep in shifts.

Rippers arent just thieves, they're fucking lazy. Its legal here. They just dont want to put the work in because its easier to steal from someone else that has.
Calm down tiger. My point is people allow shit to happen when preventative actions can be made before hand. You don’t just watch and set cameras and wait for something to happen. Like waiting for someone to break in is not something my neighborhood practices. Calling the police just doesn’t work anymore. Not in my neighborhood. So yes. When I see local tweakers digging in my garbage cans on trash day or anything. I walk out with my tool.
My house is already ‘known’ not to fuck with.
Also. What does “someone’s new” mean I’m confused. Was that an insult? I’m lost. What was the point?
Calm down tiger. My point is people allow shit to happen when preventative actions can be made before hand. You don’t just watch and set cameras and wait for something to happen. Like waiting for someone to break in is not something my neighborhood practices. Calling the police just doesn’t work anymore. Not in my neighborhood. So yes. When I see local tweakers digging in my garbage cans on trash day or anything. I walk out with my tool.
My house is already ‘known’ not to fuck with.
Also. What does “someone’s new” mean I’m confused. Was that an insult? I’m lost. What was the point?
Because you been here what, six months? I still dont know why you think its necessary to make assumptions about others. I'm sure all that tough talk will garner you "likes" from the youngins but where I live, every home has at least one firearm, most have multiple as they're tools that help us harvest food.

And there's no need to strap up and show your cards. But if thats what works, have at er. Around here, that would embolden most thieves.
If my daddy ever taught me anything its, "if a mans gonna shoot you, you wont even see it coming." Those are the true "fuck around and find out" types.
And I've attended to enough GSWs on scene to know he was right for the most part. Other than DV or accidental shootings from idiots that dont know how to secure they're firearms'.

Now I'm outta this convo. Have a good day all and stay alert.
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Because you been here what, six months? I still dont know why you think its necessary to make assumptions about others. I'm sure all that tough talk will garner you "likes" from the youngins but where I live, every home has at least one firearm, most have multiple as they're tools that help us harvest food.

And there's no need to strap up and show your cards. But if thats what works, have at er. Around here, that would embolden most.
If my daddy ever taught me anything its, "if a mans gonna shoot you, you wont even see it coming." Those are the true "fuck around and find out" types.
And I've attended to enough GSWs on scene to know he was right for the most part. Other than DV or accidental shootings from idiots that dont know how to secure they're firearms'.

Now I'm outta this convo. Have a good day all and stay alert.
Lmfao. Wtf.