Well-Known Member
Hmm I knew you had hooked it back to the wall. I had assumed if that didn't straighten them up that the inner squares of the trellis must have torn and broke, thus my suggestion to re-tie them back together(not a suggestion to hang it back to the wall...). I must have misunderstood what actually broke. If you can't get at them from the top to support them, then maybe feed some stakes up from the bottom and secure them. Spread the canopy back out in the process so the weight leans on the stakes.
Or just do whatever you want and chop them if you are ready. I was just trying to offer some thoughts.
Ok I have a plan. I do have a spare one of those suppprt rods I’m going to set up in the back and pull the stretched out upper trellis towards it and zip tie it there. Then if I can get them upright again I will get done stakes in there, but I don’t think they will help as they are only 6’ stakes and the plants are 7’+ so when I sink them into the buckets they will only be 5’ tall. I’ll give it a try though