that would suck, and would burn the fuck outa your nose. And since when does an ounce of roughly 50-60% pure coke cost 2000, try 450. shit swim can get it 120 bucks a 1/4 of 40%, and trust me on the purity, cause I found a better way then freebasing to make it pure and you can figure out how pure it is when your done. swim's friend after takening a line of some pure stuff, and this guy was doing a germ of reg coke in a line and would do another ever 30-45min. And swim's x girlfriend and him did a little over a 1/4 between the two of them, she almost OD, after that swim hasn't really partyed on that shit anymore.Oh, and either your getting 5% coke, 95% flour, or your lying, but there is no chance in hell that anyone on this planet could do anywhere near 28g of coke in one night.
neva dealt wih meth heads, but i've seen the b4 after pics ughwhat about meth?
how bout you go ask a meth ho.
That shit leaves shell of you in less than a month... you physicaly look like you are dieing and make grunting sounds the whole time.
yeh it's propaganda 2 keep ppl frm trying it but the big threeI've tried meth. No, it doesn't do that if you control yourself.I didn't find it addictive, I did it on occasion for a couple of years.Certainly its not good for you, but don't believe ALL of the stuff you hear.Btw, in no way could I be considered a skinny, meth head ho, and I have all of my teeth and they're awesome.
yeh it's propaganda 2 keep ppl frm trying it but the big three
(heroin/fenatyl, coke/crack/base, adn meth/crystal meth) do have the properties that destroy lives while weed only enhances it!
Yeah right........Yup.Not everyone should do drugs.
2 days is even harsh.In my opinion coke isnt horrible on the body unless your doing it daily, weekly or even monthly, but personally i feel like crap after a 2 day binge, but those two days are fun.
theres a genius idea. replace pot with something the devil put on this earth to fuck people over.
whats with all this god talk? fuck god. Also fuck anyone who puts anything up their nose. If you put shit up your nose and OD thats your own dumb ass fault and you deserve it. Instead do what im about to do and go roll a fatty.
^ 100% agree with you man. all those drugs have the ability to wreck a life, ecstasy included. It's just how you control yourself on how much you do take. If you can do it and not get addicted, congrats its not possible for u to become a crack head. Just gotta learn not to fiend , smoke weedyeh it's propaganda 2 keep ppl frm trying it but the big three
(heroin/fenatyl, coke/crack/base, adn meth/crystal meth) do have the properties that destroy lives while weed only enhances it!