Pandemic 2020

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And more coarsely known as, "weaponized retards".

you don't know how true this is..imagine if you will, you are talking to your neighbor and Afghanistan comes up. your neighbor goes from smiling and happy go lucky to dark. her face literally dropped into a grimace and she said 'i want the vets out'..i told her there aren't any vets there, i thought she was going to slap me across the face..i did explain to her with empathy that yes there are some Americans who were not ready to go but we were in contact with them to reschedule their flight out..changed the subject and excused myself.

this is way worse than we thought.
Ohio COVID Patient Dies, Wife Sued to Force Ivermectin Treatment
An Ohio man with COVID-19 whose wife sued to force a local hospital to treat him with ivermectin has died, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

Smith was diagnosed with COVID-19 in July and died in the intensive care unit at West Chester Hospital, the Enquirer reported.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that federal regulators and health officials have warned against for use in COVID patients. But people infected with the virus and their families have filed suits in eight other states with mixed results, according to Covering COVID-19, a daily newsletter from the Poynter Institute.

In August, Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard had ordered West Chester Hospital to treat Smith with ivermectin, the Enquirer reported. His wife, Julie, asked the court Aug. 20 for an emergency order to use the drug.

When the hospital pushed back, another judge, Michael Oster, ruled in September the hospital wasn’t required to give Smith the drug, noting the lack of evidence showing ivermectin was likely to succeed in treating COVID, court records show, the news outlet reported.

Smith tested positive for COVID-19 July 9, and was admitted to the intensive care unit July 15. He was put on the hospital's COVID protocol of the antiviral drug remdesivir along with plasma and steroids. On July 27, "after a period of relative stability," Smith's condition began to decline and he was placed on a ventilator Aug. 1, the news outlet reported.

"My husband is on death's doorstep; he has no other options," his wife wrote in her affidavit to the court, adding at another point that her husband's chances of survival had "dropped to less than 30%," the Enquirer reported.

Howard gave the go-ahead Aug. 23 for Smith to get 30 milligrams of ivermectin daily for three weeks, as requested by his wife and over the objections of the hospital. Fourteen days later Oster ruled the hospital couldn't be forced to continue the treatment.

"While this court is sympathetic to the Plaintiff and understands the idea of wanting to do anything to help her loved one, public policy should not and does not support allowing a physician to try ‘any’ type of treatment on human beings," Oster said in his court order, The Hill reported at the time.

Comments anyone?

What happened to right to try.
one month later is insanity. Do they not realize the damage to lung tissue in 30 days? how could anything save a guy at that point.. a month to late. shame on them. Up front before your lungs are destroyed would be the best time to give someone a weeks worth of that drug not weeks later when the guy is basically dead. Wow.
THEY MURDERED HER HUSBAND. I hope she OWNS them in the end! Simple, PROVEN theraputics given early clear the virus in 24-48 hours.
Please check out the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance website. Founded by highly credentialed and respected physicians
who testify to the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Get informed.
Yes, and their site also says "Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional".
And just how is it that Fauci's emails proving that he was weaponizing Covid through ( gain of function in Wuhan China), is scrubbed from the media?, And also, why did The CDC and The FDA, change the definition of a "vaccine"?
Why have these and other toxic facts been scrubbed from the media, even News Max?
Um, you’re supposed to use ivrmctn at the first symptoms, not wait for weeks until you’re too far gone. And they had already given him Remdsvr, which is what’s causing so many de@ths. Ivrmctn had nothing to do with his death. This is just a headline for pushing the jab.

if Ivermectin worked why didn't they stay home?
Do you trust the numbers under the Trump administration more than you do now?

I distrust many of the people that were around Trump. I distrust Biden directly, and most of the Democrat leadership. Do not trust people like Mitch McConnell either. Not a fan of career politicians
I distrust many of the people that were around Trump. I distrust Biden directly, and most of the Democrat leadership. Do not trust people like Mitch McConnell either. Not a fan of career politicians
So you think Biden is cooking the books on deaths?
So you think Biden is cooking the books on deaths?

I think Biden is as responsible as Trump for the deaths of Americans due to coronavirus. Meaning I do not think either of them are responsible.

I don’t think the Trump administration cooked the books on deaths. I do think Cuomo cooked the books on deaths in NY. I do not think Biden is cooking the books on covid deaths. Tell me this, is the medical community more likely to lie for Republicans or for Democrats? On a nationwide scale, how would either administration coerce hospitals to under count or under report numbers that are made widely available

If anything COVID deaths are probably over counted more than undercounted. Also it’s important to factor in the number of Americans who have had covid without knowing. It’s hard to imagine that number.
Individuals may lie, but "medical communities" probably don't lie. The scale becomes way too grand. The only way that an entire profession lying, becomes plausible to someone, is when a person subconsciously thinks, "because that's exactly what I would do". Many conspiracies convey a moral corruption.

Spot on. Blanket statements/opinions about republicans or democrats as a whole, typically manifest this way in my opinion.
I think there are some significant differences. I'd like to see an example of a smaller portion of the medical community doing something objectively wrong, then have significant support for that from the community. Because you can find that in political parties. Obligations of truth on the job versus a rando on the street are significantly different.
I think Biden is as responsible as Trump for the deaths of Americans due to coronavirus. Meaning I do not think either of them are responsible.
I disagree and would point to Trump's 'playing down' the dangers of the virus when he knew better.

And his using it as a radicalization tool that kicked off the stupid as shit protests that are still going on to this day.

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.12.04 PM.png

Not to mention Trump's killing of our national pandemic response team that would have been ontop of this virus from the start.

If you want a more complete understanding of Trump's utter failure at keeping our nation safe this is a good link.

I don’t think the Trump administration cooked the books on deaths.
Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 12.20.54 PM.png

I do think Cuomo cooked the books on deaths in NY.
From what I heard the numbers reported in NY were still correct, just were not listed under elderly care homes, am I missing something with that?

I don't think that is the same as a mile as the Trumplican governors like DeSantis/Abbot/etc. Did you see the states that are not even reporting information on Covid cases in kids? Do you not see a trend in who is actively hurting our ability to combat this dangerous virus?


Tell me this, is the medical community more likely to lie for Republicans or for Democrats?
No question that the Republican troll appointments that Trump and the Republicans nominated are far more likely to lie to the American public to help Dear Leader and the insurectionists snowball the public.

That is not on the medical community though as much as it is the political trolls.

On a nationwide scale, how would either administration coerce hospitals to under count or under report numbers that are made widely available
As you can see in the map above, that is how. Republicans who hold the purse strings stripping funding for hospitals that don't follow their rules to help Dear Leader have any hope at winning the election, which luckily he did not.

If anything COVID deaths are probably over counted more than undercounted. Also it’s important to factor in the number of Americans who have had covid without knowing. It’s hard to imagine that number.

Individuals may lie, but "medical communities" probably don't lie. The scale becomes way too grand. The only way that an entire profession lying, becomes plausible to someone, is when a person subconsciously thinks, "because that's exactly what I would do". Many conspiracies convey a moral corruption.
Im not saying that the medical community is lying. I am saying that the Republcians who have been proven time and again to be flat out relying on lies to maintain their power are the ones lying to the American public and keeping their citizens in their states (and Trump when he was POTUS) extremely unsafe when they do so.

Spot on. Blanket statements/opinions about republicans or democrats as a whole, typically manifest this way in my opinion.
Again naive man. There is a entire propaganda chain from Fox/OANN/Newsmax on tv, EpochTimes/Gnews/Breitbart/etc on the internet 'news-esque', hate radio shock jocks, and even the actual elected officials pushing the Republican lies.

There is not the same push to spread lies from the Democratic party that I have seen. Even though the Republicans train their cult to say project their own sins onto the Democrats, it doesn't make it true.
I think there are some significant differences. I'd like to see an example of a smaller portion of the medical community doing something objectively wrong, then have significant support for that from the community. Because you can find that in political parties. Obligations of truth on the job versus a rando on the street are significantly different.

though there are whole states that alter their numbers like Florida.

Aug 31, 2021 — COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations appear to be at record highs, but reports from the Florida Department of Health show 'artificially' few ...

paywall for the story:finger:

i wouldn't go back there if you paid me.
I think Biden is as responsible as Trump for the deaths of Americans due to coronavirus. Meaning I do not think either of them are responsible.

I don’t think the Trump administration cooked the books on deaths. I do think Cuomo cooked the books on deaths in NY. I do not think Biden is cooking the books on covid deaths. Tell me this, is the medical community more likely to lie for Republicans or for Democrats? On a nationwide scale, how would either administration coerce hospitals to under count or under report numbers that are made widely available

If anything COVID deaths are probably over counted more than undercounted. Also it’s important to factor in the number of Americans who have had covid without knowing. It’s hard to imagine that number.
I disagree. Previous administration attempted to sweep the pandemic under the rug as fake news while hundreds of thousands were dying of it.

Once Biden took over, our pandemic response firmed up considerably since all the fucking cockshit from that man’s unpolicies was suspended.
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though there are whole states that alter their numbers like Florida.

Aug 31, 2021 — COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations appear to be at record highs, but reports from the Florida Department of Health show 'artificially' few ...

paywall for the story:finger:

i wouldn't go back there if you paid me.

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