Pandemic 2020

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i'm curious, how do you say that Biden is as culpable as trump for corona virus deaths? explain that one? it seems that it's been spelled out for you here, but i'm curious what thought process led you to make that statement to begin with? was it trump's sweep it all under the rug attitude, compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine? was it trump's promotion of untried, untested, dangerous "alternative treatments" compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine? was it trump's cover up of numbers that weren't flattering to his administration, compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine?....please, explain...
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i'm curious, how do you say that Biden is as culpable as trump for corona virus deaths? explain that one? it seems that it's been spelled out for you here, but i'm curious what thouht process led you to make that statement to begin with? was it trumps sweep it all under the rug attitude, compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine? was it trumps promotion of untried, untested, dangerous "alternative treatments" compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine? was it trump's cover up of numbers that weren't flattering to his administration, compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine?....please, explain...
Gonna horn in and suggest it is a new variant on the both sides troll.
Inorganic Artificial Intelligence DNA Synthetic Warfare
Warfare on Biology & Consciousness
Artificial Intelligence DNA Manipulation
cumming on your moms pussy
And in her BUTTOCKS
jar of peanut butter, small dog
plz stop
Inorganic Artificial Intelligence DNA Synthetic Warfare
Warfare on Biology & Consciousness
Artificial Intelligence DNA Manipulation
that sounds like someone in the donald j trump memorial library getting better stick to the coloring book section
i'm curious, how do you say that Biden is as culpable as trump for corona virus deaths? explain that one? it seems that it's been spelled out for you here, but i'm curious what thought process led you to make that statement to begin with? was it trump's sweep it all under the rug attitude, compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine? was it trump's promotion of untried, untested, dangerous "alternative treatments" compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine? was it trump's cover up of numbers that weren't flattering to his administration, compared to Biden's attempts to get people to act rationally and take the vaccine?....please, explain...

sweep it under the rug so that it may flow unencumbered to the minority populace where it's deadly..that's Crimes Against Humanity..keep it secret as long as you can so Democrats die. he accomplished exactly the opposite..whoops.
I think Biden is as responsible as Trump for the deaths of Americans due to coronavirus. Meaning I do not think either of them are responsible.

I don’t think the Trump administration cooked the books on deaths. I do think Cuomo cooked the books on deaths in NY. I do not think Biden is cooking the books on covid deaths. Tell me this, is the medical community more likely to lie for Republicans or for Democrats? On a nationwide scale, how would either administration coerce hospitals to under count or under report numbers that are made widely available

If anything COVID deaths are probably over counted more than undercounted. Also it’s important to factor in the number of Americans who have had covid without knowing. It’s hard to imagine that number.
The hole in your argument of the death count comes from other countries that have neither Trump or Biden as politicians. The numbers ending up in hospital is not much different in Canada than the US when you look at the infection rate. You are the reason I spent time trying to school Americans that they should stop their navel gazing and blaming their politics for lying to them. It is pathetic that you do not trust but do not spend the tuime to find out if your bias is true or not.
The hole in your argument of the death count comes from other countries that have neither Trump or Biden as politicians. The numbers ending up in hospital is not much different in Canada than the US when you look at the infection rate. You are the reason I spent time trying to school Americans that they should stop their navel gazing and blaming their politics for lying to them. It is pathetic that you do not trust but do not spend the tuime to find out if your bias is true or not.

To be fair, there's really not a lot going on outside of america, so the whole "america is the center of the universe" thing is well warranted.

The hole in your argument of the death count comes from other countries that have neither Trump or Biden as politicians. The numbers ending up in hospital is not much different in Canada than the US when you look at the infection rate. You are the reason I spent time trying to school Americans that they should stop their navel gazing and blaming their politics for lying to them. It is pathetic that you do not trust but do not spend the tuime to find out if your bias is true or not.
funny fucking thing...i was just going to say the same thing about you...:lol:
except i was going to spell it right..
funny fucking thing...i was just going to say the same thing about you...:lol:
except i was going to spell it right..
I really need to change this keyboard. It has softer buttons and half of the letters are partly gone and sometimes I do not hit the keys hard enough. I like the other one I have on the other computer that has mor of a 'thunk' sound to it letting you know you hit the key hard enough. The other one has the e,r,t,i,a,s,d,h,n letering missing. I am using it more so maybe it is time to get another keyboard for it.
Nurses are quitting in droves over this bullshit, when you go to the hospital and there's nobody there, it will be all the liberals fault then. If you can rewrite the present, then history is no problem. Remember, when facts don't matter, anything goes.
Montana Nurse: Dealing With Unvaccinated Covid Patients ‘Exhausting’
more of this is needed.

more of this is needed.

fuck her and her choices..wasting an organ on someone too stupid to get vaccinated would be a crime. maybe god will save her... :roll:
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