Pandemic 2020

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he's also an EX congressional member which makes him exactly NOBODY. WTF cares what he writes; we won't be crying in our Wheaties.

another dead Trumper..keep 'em coming!:clap:

OMG! his oxygen is 89? i though maybe it was like 70..what a laugh fool that's 90 and no doctor would look at you twice. guess he needs to get some press see? i didn't even know he was running for anything.
The hammer comes down and the cockroaches get squashed. Welcome to loserville, believing bullshit because you want to has many prices, this is one of the cheaper ones.

Fired for refusing a Covid vaccine? You likely can’t get unemployment benefits
Getting fired by your 19yo boss to own the libs....

View attachment 5007168
Sounds like they landed a job with the Taliban, lot's of beards there. Replacing the uneducated and unskilled, who are supervised by a high school graduate on their first job, won't be too difficult, even in this labor market. I imagine this idiot isn't vaxxed either.

What site is this drivel from? I see they have a "deport" option and I assume "child comments" are actually ones from responsible adults that they don't wish to see. Denial of reality and blocking it out are big thing with this bunch exemplified by their narrow choice of biased news (propaganda) sources.
Sounds like they landed a job with the Taliban, lot's of beards there. Replacing the uneducated and unskilled, who are supervised by a high school graduate on their first job, won't be too difficult, even in this labor market. I imagine this idiot isn't vaxxed either.

What site is this drivel from? I see they have a "deport" option and I assume "child comments" are actually ones from responsible adults that they don't wish to see. Denial of reality and blocking it out are big thing with this bunch exemplified by their narrow choice of biased news (propaganda) sources.
I believe it was posted on Parler....I found it on r/ParlerWatch..
I believe it was posted on Parler....I found it on r/ParlerWatch..
I found it, it's like a tour of Bedlam in the 19th century, taking a look at the lunatics chained to the wall.
Just think, these people will probably be running America soon, or at least the house of representatives...

I think Canada should consider an independent nuclear deterrent.

I found it, it's like a tour of Bedlam in the 19th century, taking a look at the lunatics chained to the wall.
Just think, these people will probably be running America soon, or at least the house of representatives...

I think Canada should consider an independent nuclear deterrent.

that was originally posted on 'The Donald' and was reposted on r/ParlerWatch
I think Canada should consider an independent nuclear deterrent. Drop out of the treaty and get to work on our own nukes, a hundred should be enough, delivery systems are the key. We should start now, of course the targets will be in Russia, or anywhere we choose.
I think Canada should consider an independent nuclear deterrent. Drop out of the treaty and get to work on our own nukes, a hundred should be enough, delivery systems are the key. We should start now, of course the targets will be in Russia, or anywhere we choose.
We could just build from the 70 year old plans of the Arrow for delivery systems.
We could just build from the 70 year old plans of the Arrow for delivery systems.
They are increasingly a bunch of dangerous lunatics south of the border, you might have noticed that it was hands off for North Korea, as far as Trump was concerned. The possibility of the tyrant's own death and those who support him are the best deterrent. A thousand supersonic cruise missiles and a hundred real ones with nukes should suffice to keep us independent until sanity prevails in America. A decade of republican rule will finish America and we might survive it with a sufficient deterrent, but we will be hammered economically anyway. The bottom line is they've gone mad and can no longer be trusted as allies or even friends. The republicans could win and that would be the end of democracy and constitutional rule in America. The scum of the earth would rule them and anything goes when that happens.
We could just build from the 70 year old plans of the Arrow for delivery systems.
We are pretty good at the weapons of the mass destruction thing and could be producing our own in short order along with state of the art unstoppable missiles that can reach the American south. Actually one nuke configured correctly for an EMP fired over the center of the USA could take out their power grid for long enough so that 90% of the population dies over the next year from privation. Deterrence is the objective, make invasion too painful to contemplate.
We are pretty good at the weapons of the mass destruction thing and could be producing our own in short order along with state of the art unstoppable missiles that can reach the American south. Actually one nuke configured correctly for an EMP fired over the center of the USA could take out their power grid for long enough so that 90% of the population dies over the next year from privation. Deterrence is the objective, make invasion too painful to contemplate.
We could just build from the 70 year old plans of the Arrow for delivery systems.

War is Hell, but someone worse than Trump will arise in America if they keep on the present course. Invading Canada would mean exterminating Canadians, we couldn't be absorbed, too many liberals and would be feed to the furnaces along with the black and brown people.
I was meditating earlier for 40 minutes, then I watched some American news. This is a logical conclusion and a very likely scenario. Seriously, what do you think would happen if these people gained power in America? Do you think there would be another election? Do you think there would be a race to the bottom?
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