Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
why do we need to shut the borders down? do you think for one minute that there are enough legal immigrants to hoe all the sugar beets in Mn.?
to pick all the peaches in Ga.?
read this, and think about it for at least an hour...don't just come back and tell me what you "like"...come back and tell me how we're supposed to feed ourselves without them....
To stop anyone from coming in illegally. I'm not against immigration, I am against illegals crossing and bringing drugs, human trafficking etc.


Well-Known Member
I'm not wrong. There are no long term studies and to date, previous infection is more effective for longer than a vaccine...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
To stop anyone from coming in illegally. I'm not against immigration, I am against illegals crossing and bringing drugs, human trafficking etc.
the people who bring drugs and practice human trafficing aren't crossing borders in the middle of the night, they're flying in on commercial flights, doing their business, and then flying home...the people crossing the borders in the night are the ones picking cucumbers and pecans...can you really be this ignorant and naive?...or are you just another racist isolationist whose afraid to meet anyone who doesn't look, act, smell, and think just like you?...¿


Well-Known Member
isn't it funny how you use that "there are no long term studies" argument to try to prove diametrically opposed view points?...shit don't work both ways
I saw this interview with a dying 31 years old male and when asked he said the reason he didn't get vaccinated was he "felt it was was too new & I thought I'd wait a year or two"
He wanted to wait & see while people are dropping dead now?
Oh well :(


Well-Known Member
isn't it funny how you use that "there are no long term studies" argument to try to prove diametrically opposed view points?...shit don't work both ways
No long term covid studies to support either side, plenty of studies that support long term immunities from other viruses. And the preliminary studies support that having covid is better than a vaccine in the short or intermediate term. That's not both ways, that's factual information.


Well-Known Member
the people who bring drugs and practice human trafficing aren't crossing borders in the middle of the night, they're flying in on commercial flights, doing their business, and then flying home...the people crossing the borders in the night are the ones picking cucumbers and pecans...can you really be this ignorant and naive?...or are you just another racist isolationist whose afraid to meet anyone who doesn't look, act, smell, and think just like you?...¿
PS the cartels that are putting fentanyl in percocets have found their way to FoCo..just talking to my primary she was renewing RXs and we got on the subject..she told me there have been deaths from it recently right here in my Rightie laden town :shock:

the moral of the story: don't buy what you think are Percocets on the street.


Well-Known Member
the people who bring drugs and practice human trafficing aren't crossing borders in the middle of the night, they're flying in on commercial flights, doing their business, and then flying home...the people crossing the borders in the night are the ones picking cucumbers and pecans...can you really be this ignorant and naive?...or are you just another racist isolationist whose afraid to meet anyone who doesn't look, act, smell, and think just like you?...¿
You know this how? Are you a drug smuggler? Ever heard of tunnels? You seem to know everything about everything when it comes to supporting your view point?


Well-Known Member
I'm not wrong. There are no long term studies and to date, previous infection is more effective for longer than a vaccine...
In an earlier post you definitively claimed the immunity you acquired through negligence was better than that gained through vaccination. You contradict yourself in this post. The thing about lying is you must keep track of them to keep from sounding like an over confident know-nothing.

Not to mention that the idea Trump's white nationalists are pushing -- it's better to run the risk of long haul Covid than to avoid the risk altogether by getting vaccinated -- on it's face is stupid. Not only is it stupid but evidence proves the assertion false.

So, maybe I'm being unfair in assuming you are an idiot. Maybe I just don't understand you and am unfairly thinking you are a raving lunatic. So, to better understand you, I'd appreciate if you could answer a question.

Were the perpetrators of the attack on Congress on Jan 6 patriots or violent white nationalist terrorists?


Well-Known Member
this would be a good time to be in the armed security industry..or get a off duty cop in just call your City Hall to arrange a detail for those of you with real businesses here. And he WAS a security guard. you need armed security now.

these Righties..jesus god almighty!

they're not going to stop until we beat them back under their rocks again.


Well-Known Member
No long term covid studies to support either side, plenty of studies that support long term immunities from other viruses. And the preliminary studies support that having covid is better than a vaccine in the short or intermediate term. That's not both ways, that's factual information.
Did you get vaccinated?
Or have you had it?
I had the virus & then I got a shot of the J&J just in case.
And I'll get the booster & if necessary I'll get another & another & another (I like drugs :) )
I ain't fucking around with this shit
Once is definitly enough


Well-Known Member
You seem to know everything about everything when it comes to supporting your view point?
Since when was knowledge a bad thing?

Rhetorical question, we know that Republicans departed from that a long time ago.

Say, as long as we are on the subject of knowlege, I'd appreciate some context for your posts to help me understand them.

Were the people who mobbed the Capitol Building on Jan 6 trying to save democracy or were they trying to overturn the results of a perfectly run election and kill Trump's political enemies?


Well-Known Member
I'm not debating what policies are. I'm saying you're better protected from having the virus vs the shot. So why risk side effects of a vaccine, when it's not needed at least for some time.
In other posts you claim there is not enough information from long term studies to make the claim you make here.

If you are going to lie to me, please try to be consistent.

Or maybe you are making sense and I need to understand you better. To help me better understand you, I'd like to know your opinion about what happened on Jan 6 in DC. On Jan 6, about a thousand people forced their way into the Capitol Building with zip ties, guns, knives and spears. One guy even beat a cop unto death with a fire extinguisher while an onlooker holding a blue lives matter flag was cheering him on. My question to you is:

Were those people patriots defending democracy or violent anti-democratic fascists?
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